Ammonium Muriaticum

Beating in the chest after dinner; the beating extends to the pharynx, with heat of the face and uneasy mood.

Pressure in middle of the chest, with stitches, as if a morsel which had been swallowed had stuck there; afternoons (sixth day).

Oppression at the chest, with inclination to eructations, which came on in the open air, and relieved the pressure; early, after rising (after nineteen days).

Oppression of chest, when moving the arms with force and when stooping. It becomes so heavy in the chest when walking in the open air that she cannot take breath in sufficient quantity, and is therefore obliged frequently to stand still (second day).

Heaviness on the chest, nights, in bed, which wakes him, with restlessness, which does not allow him to go to sleep again.

At 3 A.M., this heaviness wakes him again; he was kept in a kind of half sleep, in which he was partly conscious, and thought, or rather dreamed, that he had been hanged, and the chest had been hard pressed (fifth day).

Pressure in the forepart of the chest, with dyspnoea, for half an hour, evenings (first day).

Stitches in the forepart of the chest, and pressure for two minutes; afternoons, and the following morning (third day).

Stitches in the forepart of the chest, in every position, though, apparently, relieved by sitting; afternoons (first day).

Red spots, as large as a penny, on the left side of the chest, with a sensation as of burning itching, and turning pale when pressed upon with the finger (tenth day).

Painful tension under the right mamma, in any position, frequently intermittent (after dinner), (fifteenth and sixteenth days).

Pain, as from a bruise, in a spot of a hand’s breadth under the right mamma, both when touched and left alone, frequently intermittent, and often with shortness of breadth (twelfth to sixteenth day).

Fine stitches below the right female breast, without affecting respiration; on sitting bent, afternoons (fifteenth day).

Frequently, a transient but sharp stitch behind the right ribs, on motion (seventh day).

Sharp pointed stitches below the right breast during menstruation (seventeenth day).

Sharp stitches below the left female breast, while standing (first day).

Stitches in the middle of the left side (rib region).

Sudden fine stitches come out of the left chest; they frequently recur, and are unchanged by breathing; forenoons (thirteenth day).

With every inspiration, a stitch, as with an awl, shoots upward in the left chest; afternoons (first and thirteenth days).

Rhythmical stitches in the left chest; evenings, while sitting (fifteenth day).

Tearing at a small spot in the left clavicle, with pain, as from a bruise, when pressing upon it (second day).

Tearing sticking in the left clavicle, at a small spot, with pain, as from a bruise, when touching that spot with the finger (second day).

Pressure upon the left mamma when taking exercise in the open air; also in the left side of the chest, upon leaving the warm room, and going into the open air, (third and nineteenth days).

Sensation of sticking crawling in the left side of the chest, when sitting.

Beating, like a pulse, at a small place in the left cavity of the chest, only when standing, not when sitting; early in the morning (fourth day).

Sensation of fleabites at several places of the left mamma, which passes off by scratching; in the evening (eleventh day).

Tearing in the praecordial region, which suddenly extended thence into the left forearm (fifteenth day).

Heart and Pulse.

Pulse weak, irregular, rapid.

Small, soft, quick pulse.

Intermittent pulse.

Neck and Back.

Tension and stiffness in the nape of the neck, so that she was unable to move; in the evening; it passes off after lying down (eighteenth day).

Drawing in the nape of the neck; this drawing seems to be in the tendons (third day).

Itching of the nape of the neck, in the evening, when undressing; after lying down, the itching passes off (eighteenth day).

Stiff neck, with pain when turning it, reaching from the nape of the neck as far as between the shoulders; for six days (after six days).

Frequent intermitting tearing in the cords of the right side of the neck, during menses (seventeenth day).

Tearing in cords of left side of neck (one hour after taking).

Tearing, now in both sides of the neck, now in the cheeks; lasts five minutes; frequently at evening (fourth day).

Tearing stitches in the neck and left clavicle, on moving the head.

Icy coldness in the back and between the shoulders, at the spot of a previously existing pain, only internal; neither feathers nor wool can warm that spot; after half a day, the coldness terminates in itching (after twelve days).

When sitting, tension in the back, and as if the back were compressed with a vice; disappears by motion (fifteenth day).

Tension in back, preceded by painless itching of the left scapula (fifteenth day).

Pain, as if bruised, in the back, so that she was unable to rest upon it; at night (after three days).

When she had fallen asleep, an hour after lying down in the evening, she was awakened by a fearful backache; she frequently fell asleep again, but the pain always woke her again (sixteenth day).

Terrific backache wakes her at night at 1, and lasts till 4, with paralytic pain in both hips, and in external surface of thigh, above the knee; these parts are still painful to touch the next forenoon (eighteenth day).

Backache, forenoons at 10; afterwards, weakness of the thighs during menstruation (seventeenth day).

Bruised backache, nights (second day).

Backache, as if bruised, afternoons, while spinning; disappears after motion (second day).

Bruised pain in the back, at night, so that she can hardly lie (thirteenth day).

Pain, as if bruised, in the back, so that she was unable to lie upon it at night (after three days).

At night, between 11 and 12, extremely violent backache, as if it were wholly beaten and shattered; it wakes her from sleep, and she can neither lie on the back nor on the side, but must constantly turn about; the pain lasts till 1 o’clock the next afternoon.

Frightful backache, as if shattered, on rest and motion, for an hour and a half (eighteenth day).

Pain between the scapulae, as from a wrench and a bruise, or as if the muscles of the back were stretched asunder.

Pinching in the flesh of the right scapula (fifteenth day).

Stitches in the left scapula, especially on lowering the shoulder and turning the trunk to the left side.

Stitches in the left scapula when at rest (fourth and ninth days).

Drawing and pressing, from without inwards, in the middle lumbar vertebrae, which forces him to stretch the abdomen forward.

Pain in the small of the back, with incarceration of flatulence.

Pain in small of back, when walking, so that she was unable to walk straight.

Pain in the small of back, when raising the body after stooping.

After yawning, a sensation in small of back as if something elastic, like air, were pressing out there (sixth day).

Painful stiffness in small of back, even when sitting; mostly, however, when raising the body erect.

Pain of the coccyx, as from a bruise, when sitting quietly, especially when slumbering.

Extremities in General.

Fatigue and weakness of the limbs.

Painful tearing here and there, (as, for example,), on the inner surface of the left wrist, right and left upper arm, both hands, of the knee, only not on trunk and head; evenings, on sitting; disappears after lying (third day).

Stinging, jerking and crawling in tips of fingers and toes; afternoons, 1 to 2 (seventeenth day).

A burning crawling, not in the tips of fingers, now in tips of toes, as if they would go to sleep; on standing (third and fourth days and fifth night).

Stinging in tips of fingers and toes, when walking in open air; afternoons (twenty-second day).

In the evening, a shooting and tearing in the tips of the fingers and toes; then in the right upper arm, where the tearing is of an erratic nature; it is attended with anxiety, and passes off after lying down; evenings, 6 to 10 (sixteenth day).

Tearing, apparently in the bone of the left upper arm, and afterwards of the right thigh, from the hip downwards, when sitting (tenth day).

Tearing in left arm and foot (first day).

Wakened, at 11 at night, by tearing pains in the middle of the right upper arm, and on the back of both lower legs, from the heels upwards, in the bones (twenty-fourth day).

The limbs of the right side appear to be more affected than those of the left.

Tearing in fingers and toes, evenings, at 8, on spinning, so that she must lie down; after awhile, in bed, it disappears (fourth day).

Frequent crawling in tips of fingers and toes; afternoons (nineteenth day).

Upper Extremities.

Blisters, of the size of peas, upon the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a kind of scurf, after three days (after two days).

Tearing in both shoulders, on awaking, before midnight (twenty-first day).

Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joints, when moving them, first to the right, then to the left.

Burning and pressure in the right shoulder (second day).

Throbbing in the right shoulder, as with a finger, mornings, in bed, and also frequently by day (nineteenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.