Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The spirit of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, the spirit of homeopathy that is, is the spirit of Liberty, the Spirit of Truth, the spirit of Self-sacrifice. Absolute allegiance is the smallest homage it can demand. No trouble, no suffering must be counted in its service, or in the cause of its advancement.

Hippocrates and Hahnemann

Hahnemann is philosopher as well as artist; no less practical than Hippocrates, he goes down into the reasons of things in a way it was not possible for Hippocrates to do….

Analysis of the Organon

From this rapid sketch of the contents of the Organon, you will be able to see that for scope, profundity, originality, and and practicability, the world has never seen the like. There is absolutely nothing to compare with it. The little systems of other men have had their day, and ceased to be: Hahnemann;’s is built on eternal foundations….


A few passages from the Introduction of Organon which will show you Hahnemann estimate of certain doctrines and methods which are not by any means extinct to-day, and also his his estimate of the Vis medicatrix nature….


A fourth mode of employing medicines in diseases has been attempted to be created by means of Isopathy, as it is called- that is to say, a method of curing a given disease by the same contagious principle that produces it. …


A detailed note on the work of Dr. Hahnemann done to establish the Homeopathy system of medicine. Dr. Hahnemann’s dissatisfaction towards the venesection….


Revolution that took place by the efforts of Dr. Hahnemann and his fearless opposition of the harmful method treatment….

Darkness & Dawn

Homeopathy system of medicine – Dwan after darkness….


Discussion on how the revolution in medical field is necessary to continue for the well being of the patients….

Intro to Constitutional Medicine

Introduction to The Constitutional Medicine by J.H.Clarke. In this work he took reference and incorporated the work from The Three Constitutions of Dr.Van Grauvogl. Presented the logic of Dr.Van Grauvogl’s constitutions to dis-intertwined the practical conclusions….

Morbid Constitutions

Morbid Constitutions- Hahnemann described that most similar medicine proved to be insufficient until underlying constitutional dyscrasiae were not being tracked that is” miasm”- syphilis, sycosis and psora. Bazin also described three morbid constitution as Scrofula, Gout, and Syphilis responsible of all other diseases….

Three Constitutions

J.H.Clarke described here the Grauvogl’s own arrangement of the morbid constitutions according to excess or deficiency of certain elements in the tissues and blood. These are Hydrogenoid constitution, Oxygenoid and Carbo-nitrogenoid….

Hydrogenoid Constitution

Hydrogenoid Constitution- Grauvogl’s this morbid constitution distinguished by a too great proportion of water, or by hygroscopic blood and Medicines which suits this more have also been given….


Examples of many cases of Hydrogenoid constitution of Grouvagl has been presented by J.H.Clarke along with medicines effective for such constitutions….

Bojanus Examples

A series of cases treated by Dr. Bojanus of Moscow with special remarks on three constitutions of Grauvogl have been presented by J.H.Clarke….

Oxygenoid Constitution

Characteristics and illustrative cases of Oxygenoid Constitution by Grauvogl, Hahnemann and Bojanus have been presented by J.H.Clarke in his book The Constitutional Medicine….

Conclusion to Constitutional Medicine

In the Conclusion of the book on Constitutional medicine, J.H.Clarke had given remarks from various author like Grauvogl, J.C.Burnett, William Blake on this subject….

Carbo Nitrogenoid Constitution

Carbo Nitrogenoid Constitution- disease this constitution produces are called diseases of retarded nutrition. Homeopathic medicines suited best for Carbo nitrogenoid constitution have also been listed….

Examples of Carbo Nitrogenoid Constitution

Examples of cases of various disease conditions predominated by Carbo nitrogenoid constitution have been illustrated here for better understanding by J.H.Clarke in his book Constitutional Medicine….

Homeopathy Treatment of Cancers and Tumors

Dr. Burnett maintained that in majority of cases of tumour, the finer symptoms available for basing a homoeopathic prescription upon were often lacking. There were two sources from which he obtained his tumour-curing remedies, and of these one was the class of remedies known as organ-remedies….

Cases of Tumors

THE two cases I will now narrate were both of non-malignant tumours in patients of cancerous heredity. Both were cured by the aid of cancer nosodes….

Surgery & Medicines in the Treatment of Tumors

With homoeopathy doctors it is imperative that medicinal treatment should be utilised from first to last in cases of cancer. The treatment should begin as soon as there is diagnosis and should continue even if there is surgery….

Breast Tumours

I will now relate two cases of cancer of the breast, in both of which the breast had been removed before I saw the patient. In both of then there was recurrence of the disease and were then treated with homeopathy….

Tumors of Breast Cured Without Operation

The cure of the tumour-state and the removal of the tumour-state and the removal of the breast tumour is, as a rule, much more easily brought about when no operation has been performed…..

The Relation of Cancer to Other Diseases

Numerous poisons have been known to set up cancer, especially arsenic and its compounds.; It is for this reason that arsenical preparations have been used successfully, especially by homoeopathists in the cure of cancer. …

The Cancer Nosodes

Dr Burnett obtained his nosodes from different source, and gave them different names. Those which I know most about are the following:- 1. Scirrhinum. 2. Carcinosin. 3. Durum. 4. Karkinosin….

Diet & Exercise in Cancer

Diet in cancer: So long as the disease is kept well in check by remedies, no strict rules need be laid down; but when it is advancing, everything which restricts normal tissue change should be carefully avoided…


Clinical Repertory by J H Clarke based on the common indication and remedies from his clinical practice….


Nosodes-an introduction by j.H. clark in his book Whooping cough….

Cases of Whooping Cough

Cases of Whooping cough cured with homeopathic medicines have been presented by J.H.Clarke in his book Whooping cough….


List of remedies by John.H.Clarke included in his book Grand characteristics of Materia Medica….


Some Homeopathic medicines with their Grand characteristic symptoms which are useful for clinical point of view have been presented by John.H.Clarke in his book Grand characteristics of Materia Medica….


John.H.Clarke had given a Schematic arrangement of medicines he included in in his book Grand characteristics of Materia Medica….


Conditions which aggravates the state of particular medicine have been listed with their specific condition by John.H.clarke in grand characteristic of materia medica….


Factors and conditions which give relief or amelioration to the suffering have been listed with their specific conditions by John.H.clarke in grand characteristic of Materia Medica….


Causation or ailments from type of rubrics and medicines comes under them heave been rpresented by John.H.clarke in grand characteristic of materia medica….


Persons constitution or medicines which shows maximum of their symptoms in a particular group of persons have been presented byJohn.H.clarke in grand characteristic of Materia Medica….


John.H.Clarke shared his experience about the efficacy of constitutional remedy over surgery in the cases of Haemorrhoides. He was so convinced that he wrote if medical men realised that haemorrhoids are based on a constitutional state that is remediable, they would not so readily condemn patients to the surgeon’s knife….


John.H.Clarke was so convinced that Piles are not by any means difficult to cure by constitutional means, and when cured thus the patient is cured, and no dangerous after-effects are to be feared. he presented many case of piles treated with Homeopathy….


Fissure of the anus is often found associated with piles It is generally found in patients of a sycotic temperament, who are liable to similar ulcerations near other orifices. J.H.Clarke presented many cases cured with Homeopathy in his book Haemorrhoides and Habitual constipation….


Fistula has often been cured by homoeopathic means, but it is much more easily dealt with if it can be taken in the abscess stage. The medicine that has the widest range in these cases is Silica. J.H.Clarke shred his cured cases in his book Haemorrhoides and habitual constipation….


Irritablity of the skin accompanied with piles and approach of homeopathy in such cases have been presented by J.H.Clarke in his book Haemorrhoids and habitual constipation….


J.H.Clarke clearly mentioned that Constipation is the habitual retention of the feces beyond the time proper to the individual; or, difficulty or pain in the passage of motions, whether unduly retained and one should not try to remedify the slight alteration in time of evacuation. …

Constipation cases

Constipation cases have been narrated for illustrating the power of homoeopathy to cure constipation as well as piles by j.H.Clarke in his book Haemorrhoides and habitual consitpation….


J.H.Clarke presented some difficult cases of Constipation in Children and suggested few homeopathic medicines in his book Haemorrhoids and habitual constipation….


Management like diet, exercise, massage, hydrotherapy etc that are needed along with homeopathic treatment….


Indications of Medicines specific for haemorrhoids and constipation had been narrated by J.H.Clarke….


Homoeopathy provides a method of approach, and a method of dealing with cancer which no other system known to me does provide. And I have not found any other system which gives proportionate results….


Homeopathy proved that a rapidly advancing Cancer or tumor mass could be changed into an equally rapidly receding one by the exhibition of an internal remedy, at the same time greatly prolonging life, removing all pain, and changing the patient’s despair into happiness and renewed hope….


The author suggests that it is not easy to treat cancer with homeopathy, in the classical way. You need isopathic remedies and nosodes too to deal with the cancer problem….


Opponents of the parasitic theory invariably content that tumours produced experimentally by the introduction of parasites obtained in pure culture from cancerous blood or tumours, in most cases do not conform of the conditions recognized by pathologists….


One factor is now fairly generally recognized, viz., the factor of local irritation. Evidence of this is found in chimney sweep’s cancer, cancer of the lip in clay-pipe smokers (probably due to heat), cancer of the tongue starting at the site of tooth irritation, cancer arising from continued exposure to X-rays….

First Lesson in Non Surgical Treatment of Glands

Matter can be absorbed, and its absorption can be promoted, by homoeopathic medicines. When matter can be thus dealt with, by putting the organism into a more wholesome condition, it is infinitely better for the patient to avoid any operative interference….

Anatomy and Physiology

The lymphatics, therefore, not only deal with the waste of the body, they attack the products of diseased action, and, so far as they can, destroy the virus of disease….

Armpit Glands

I WILL now relate several cases of abscess in the armpit : the first, consequent on an injury to the finger; the others arising from constitutional causes. In each cases a cure was effected by constitutional remedies, and without operative interference….

Diseases of the Bones

By common consent diseases of the bones are classed as surgical. This I maintain is a very grave error. In many cases diseases of the bones are perfectly amenable to medical treatment, and only when medicine fails should surgery be allowed to step in….


It is not always possible to trace the remote results of surgical interference. After the operation the patient is often temporarily relieved, and is to all appearance quite well; and when the disease comes back again it is in such a different form that its connection is easily over looked….

Struma or Scrofula

Scrofula or Struma constitution is generally inherited, but it is remediable, either completely or to a very large extent. The underlying cause of it all is the presence of the psoric “miasm” as described by Hahnemann in his “Chronic Diseases.”…

Hodgkin’s disease

The cases I am now about to relate were really, I believe, scrofulous in their nature, but they presented many points of resemblance to Hodgkin’s disease, treated with homeopathy….


In this paper a case is recorded by Mr. Smith which illustrates so pointedly my contention that the boundary line between surgery and medicine is in urgent need of reconsideration, that I cannot forbear to quote it in full. …


Pathophysiology of Palpitation and homeopathic approach of it discussed by J.H. Clarke in his book diseases of heart and arteries….


Effets of Alcohol and tobacco in the cases of heart diseases and homeopathic medicines for that by J.H. Clarke….


List and description of homeopathic medicines having counteracting action for the diseases of heart. Aconite, Ammonium carb., Cactus, Baryta Mur., Digitalis, Lycopus etc….


Angina pectoris symptoms and homeopathic approach towardds it….


Aneurism: pathophysiology and homeopathic case management by J.H. Clarke….


Important instructions for the Diet and regime in diseases of heart and arteries by J.H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Ague from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Ague-cake from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Alcoholism from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Posology from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Anaemia from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Anger from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Abortion from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Ankles from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Abscess from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Accident from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Acne from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Adenoid from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Apoplexy from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Bites from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….

Death apparent

Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Death apparent from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….


Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Eyeblack from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….