Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Persons constitution or medicines which shows maximum of their symptoms in a particular group of persons have been presented byJohn.H.clarke in grand characteristic of Materia Medica….



Anaemic persons, Ferrum

Chlorotic women, Ferrum

Coarse feeders, swinish, gourmands,Bryonia

Fleshy people, K.ca.

Persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, Caus.

Persons whose faces flush on least excitement, Fer Stout, plethoric, Aco.

Tall slender persons Pho.

-with inclination to stoop, sul.

Woman with earthy complexions, Ferrum

Women, windy colic in, Cast.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica