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Cases of Tumors

THE two cases I will now narrate were both of non-malignant tumours in patients of cancerous heredity. Both were cured by the aid of cancer nosodes….


THE two cases I will now narrate were both of non-malignant tumours in patients of cancerous heredity. Both were cured by the aid of cancer nosodes, and thus, in a way, support the contention that there is a close relationship between the cancers and non-malignant growths.

CASE 1-Fatty Tumour.

Mrs. G., 45. had been under my treatment for some months for constipation, which had greatly improved under Nux and Thuja, when she showed me a large fatty tumour on her left side, under the shin covering the lower five ribs. This was on july 3rd,1906. Mrs. G., though delicate as a child, was now strong, and led a very active life. The chief point in her family history was that her mother had died of cancer of the breast. She also had a weak heart. In my patients, who had had five children, the breasts and nipples were normal.

Considering the family history, although there could be not doubt of the innocent nature of the tumour. I ordered Carcinos. 100, once in ten days.

July 24th-Tumour smaller.


August 16th-Tumour much smaller.


Oct. 24th-Tumour still decreasing.


The improvement steadily went on until, by April in the following year, the lump was so insignificant that the patient refused to take any more trouble about it.


A younger brother of Mrs. G., a city gentleman, Mr. T., aged 34, consulted me on May 18th, 1906, about some cardiac symptoms. He also showed me a cystic tumour on the right flank, which he had had for five or six years. He had been twice vaccinated, the second time when at school. I prescribed at first Thuja 30, and on june 15th the cyst showed signs of activity.

B. Scirrh. 100, once in ten days.

June 18th-Cyst suppurating well.

June 22nd-Cyst broke last night.

June 29th-Cyst completely emptied-discharging by little wound.

July 6thy-Healed-only a tiny scar left.

The next case is one of breast tumour, which was cured in a comparatively short time by a sequence of remedies.

CASE III-Tumour of Breast.

In May 1984 I received a letter from a lady, whom I had not seen before, in these terms-” I should be obliged if you would kindly let me know what days and hours you receive patients at your own house, as I am anxious to consult you about a lump I have in the breast.” My correspondent stated that she wished very much to avoid an operation if possible, but would abide by my decision on that matter.

On May 7th, Miss D.called upon me. She was approaching the menopause. For a year she had had pain in the breast, and for some time had noticed a lump in it.

I found a lump the size of a french bean in the inner side of the nipple. there was a gland in the left axilla. the pain she experienced was in the interior of the barest. In the first instance the pain was in the left axilla. The nature of the tumour was probably cystic.

The patient had never been very strong. She had been operated on eight years before for piles, and again three years after that. The patient’s mother was delicate, and had died when the patient was born. Her father was healthy, except for gout, and was living, except for gout, and was living, aged 76, at the time I refer to. The patient had been vaccinated two or three times. She had a good appetite. The bowels were confined and the motions light. She slept fairly, but was a long time in going off to sleep. She was a chilly subject-always chilly.

As I was not to see the patient again for several weeks, I gave her a course of remedies-each of the following, thrice daily for a week, in the order numbered-(1) Conium 30, (2) Phytolacca 30, (3) Lycopodium 30, (4) Silica 30.

June 20th.-She reported herself feeling very much better and stronger. Bowels acting better, and the motions were a better, colour. The lump was still felt, but was more movable. The pain had gone, and the gland in the axilla was barely noticeable. There was a great constitutional change for the better.

A new course was now prescribed in the same way as last time-(1) Conium 30, (2) Silica 30, (3) Thuja 30, (4) Phytolacca


July 19th.-Lump in breast smaller, can hardly be felt. Gland in axilla can be found only with difficulty. Otherwise very well. “She never had medicine which did her so much good as these powders.


That was the last I heard of this patient till the autumn of 1907-i.e., thirteen years later-when she wrote me about a friend. The postscript of this letter is the important part :- “Perhaps you will remember my name. I came to you about a lump which entirely disappeared after your treatment.”

My next case is another example of tumour of the breast.

CASE IV.-Pedunculated Wart of Nipple.

On February 12th, 1899, Mrs. B., in the eighth month of her first pregnancy consulted me about a tumour in her left breast. Before the pregnancy she had a small wart on the outer side of the left nipple. During pregnancy it developed very largely, and, when I saw it, was a large Pedunculated mushroom wart, which at times swelled up like a bladder and collapsed again.

This was rather an uncomfortable state of things, in view of the coming confinement and nursing possibilities, and I was not very certain that it could be cured in time. Il prescribed Thuja 30, every four hours, and a paint of Thuja 0.

On March 2nd, the tumour dropped off and the cure was complete. The painting caused much pain, and some days she dared not paint it at all.

The confinement took place on March 29th, and the patient had no trouble at all with her breasts.

I will now give two more cases treated and cured with Thuja.

CASE V.- Tumour of Right Breast in Male.

In 1889 I was consulted by Mr. A., 38, about a lump, or rather two lumps, in the right breast, which was like that of a girl approaching puberty, the left breast being quite flat and normal. there was a hard, not sharply defined lump to the right of the nipple, and a smaller one to the left of it, but freely movable, the larger some what tender and irritated by the pressure of the brace. The tumours had existed eighteen months, anxiety when his wife died of consumption. His paternal grandmother and two aunts had died of cancer. He had been twice vaccinated, but on the second occasion the arm did not “rise.”. As a small boy his hands were covered with warts. At eight he had shingles. On august 15th, Thuja 10m. F.C. was given.

October 21st-If anything, tumours a little less.

Thuja 10 m. continued at intervals.

February 4th, 1890-Tumours can only be felt with difficulty. No pain. The medicine was repeated, and when next seen some time later the patient was absolutely well.

CASE VI-Tumours of both Breasts A very much vaccinated lady developed at the climacteric indurations in both breasts, especially the right. Menses were accompanied by severe neuralgic pains. Thuja was given in 1 m., 10 m., and cm. F.C. potencies. The last set up attacks of angina pectoris of such intensity that I did not repeat it. The indurations disappeared, but in the course of the cure an eruption, closely resembling smallpox, developed over here breasts on more than one occasion.

CASE VII-Cancer (?) of the Womb simulating Sciatica.

In August of 1888 I was written to by a lady in the country, asking for something for her “Sciatica,” and I sent her down a supply of colocynth.

Shortly afterwards I had a letter asking for more of the medicine, as her pain had been much helped by it.

From this time I did not hear of her gain till the following December, when I was surprised to learn that she was suffering from “cancer of the womb in an advanced stage.” For the diagnosis I am not responsible, as I did not see the patient then, and months after, when I did see her, I made no examination. But I have little reason to doubt its accuracy. The diagnosis was made by a member of the old school, who was one of the ablest practitioners in his county. Besides, the symptoms corresponded. She was informed by this gentleman that she would probably not live more than four months.

When I heard this distressing news I thought she might yet be not beyond the reach of help, so I wrote and asked her to tell me as felt and experienced- all her symptoms, in fact. And here it will be seen is a great vantage ground of homoeopathy. The diagnosis of the old school physician gave me nothing to work upon; but the patient, without my seeing her, could give me the key to the situation. the patient, I may say, was a lady of seventy three, stout, short in stature, pale, and of very soft fibre.

The following is what she told me of herself:- Three or four months before, after a more than ordinary spell of “rheumatic” pain, she noticed pale red stains on her linen. She died not think much of this at first; but the pain and the discharge increased, and then, fearing it might by something serious, she took advice-with the result of the diagnosis above mentioned.

The pain she described as a “dull, heavy, depressing, dead pain, commencing at the inner part of the top of the right hip and extending to the knee.” At times it was so bad that it made her feel quite sick and faint. The discharge increased, became dark, and had a smell of decaying tissues. The last circumstance was reported top me by her sister. Great weakness and trembling accompanied the discharge, the urine was at times almost like blood, and had a sandy sediment.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica