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Oxygenoid Constitution

Characteristics and illustrative cases of Oxygenoid Constitution by Grauvogl, Hahnemann and Bojanus have been presented by J.H.Clarke in his book The Constitutional Medicine….

Concerning this “Constitution” Grauvogl has more to say than on either of the other two, but he gives no illustrative cases since he considers this unnecessary. Bojanus says he has only seen one typical case of the kind.

As the Hydrogenoid constitution hinders the proper oxygenation of the blood and tissues by a predominant water- logged or hydrogenous condition, so the oxygenoid tends to an excess of oxygen and consequently exaggerates breaking down of hydro-carbons, nitrogenoids and albuminous tissues and bones. We see this in syphilis and its analogue in medicine – Mercury. Thus the oxygenoid constitution corresponds to Hahnemann’s Syphilis and also to Bazin’s.

This constitution, whether inherited or acquired is of a grave character, says Grauvogl. The blood is a product of the organism and its elaboration is handed down from parents to children for generations. Immunity may also be inherited. A weakened power of resistance against the destructive energy of oxygen may be acquired by attacks of acute epidemic diseases and by syphilitic infection. The incubation periods required by these diseases between the original infection and the out break of symptoms is the period required for the increase of the poison up to the degree necessary to make it efficient. These poisons must therefore be living organism, which induce the most intense processes of reduction, so changing the constitution of the body as to render it unable to resist an immediate influx of oxygen.

It will thus be seen that Grauvogl included under the term ” Oxygenoid ” much more than is included in Hahnemann’s and Bazin’s ” Syphilis,” just as ” Hydrogenoids ” included more than the results of Gonorrhoea. As for Syphilis itself, Grauvogl believed it quite possible that this poison should arise de novo from ferments generated in impure vaginae and that it depended on the constitution of the individual in question which disease followed from one and the same exposure. ” From the same woman on the same day, and indeed in the very same hour, one may get a syphilitic ulcer, one a sycotic ulcer and one escape without any infection.” Somewhat parallel with this I have seen a distinct case of syphilis develop in a woman when her partner for months past never had and never developed syphilis; and I have seen a very inveterate urethritis in a man whose wife suffered from leucorrhoea and with whom there was no question of other intercourse. Burnett held much the same view that Grauvogl did, that poisons were generated by the contents of vaginae of women who had connection with numbers of different men.

It all depends on the constitution of the recipient, says Grauvogl; which disease is communicated. “Only within and in connection with the Hydrogenoid constitution dose the vaginal poison become the cause of the sycotic secretion of the so-called gonorrhoea. It can produce gonorrhoea as well as ulcers; but these are not cured or benefited by Mercury, but aggravated.” The sycotic, hydrogenoid dyscrasia follows the suppression of these diseases by injections or by local measures.

On the other hand, the so-called Chancre dyscrasia is produced from the Oxygenoid constitution. “Chronic diseases which result from these conditions from the begetting of the Chancre- poison” will be cured by Mercury, while Thuja or Nat. sulph, the hydrogenoid remedies, will aggravate.

Speaking generally on the remedies for the Oxygenoid constitution, Grauvogl says, that on account of too active an influence of Oxygen on the body this seeks its remedies mainly prevent the oxidation of tissues. “Rademacher places Iron in the first rank, but I put first Hydriodate of Potash-Kali iodatum- because it absorbs all the ozone. Here the carbon and alkalis rich in carbon have a different effect, as Graphites, Petroleum, Kreosote, Benzoic acid, Citric acid, Hydrocyanic acid, Laurocerasus, and, chiefly for inductive reasons, Antozone water, corresponding indeed to iodosmone water. Furthermore, Nitric acid; also many so-called narcotics, especially Aconite. Moreover, China, Quinine and Arsenic (given alone and not in alternation with Nux.); and also the metals which are capable of suspending the process of decomposition, hence Chromium and Kali bichromicum.”

It will thus be seen that remedies for the Oxygenoid constitution are largely anti-syphilitic remedies as recognised in homoeopathy. And Grauvogl expressly states : ” The law of similars must always decide the special indications.”

Dr. Pascal, in an article contributed to the Bulletin de l ‘Homoeopathie on Grauvogl’s Constitutions, gives the following summary of the Oxygenoid which may be usefully appended, although it may appear to involve repetition :

In this oxygen predominates, or rather the proteid matters are struck with instability with proteid matters are struck with instability with a morbid facility of division.

Oxidations are rapid though often incomplete. Consumption of tissue arrives more rapidly than in normal conditions of life. Hydrocarbons and albuminoids being rapidly the burning power of oxygen. Oxygenoids are thin and weigh less than carbo- nitrogenoids of equal volume. This provokes the using up of proteid materials and the cellular framework. Scrofula, rickets, infantile atrophy and various stated called ” anaemia ” result from this.

Oxygenoids feel better in an atmosphere saturated with nitrogen and carbon, in the midst of resinous, fatty or empyreumatic vapours.

They refuse easily oxidisable, animal foods, and seek for fats and hydrocarbons which oxidise slowly.

They are worse when dryness is changing to humidity, before storms, before and during tempestuous winds and better when it begins to rain or snow and the electric equilibrium is restored.

They are worse in foggy weather, and when, with a temperate air, mists rise from the forests. This is the opposite of what obtains in the carbo-nitrogenoids with whom fogs, like those of England, provoke melancholy and tendency of suicide.

Nevertheless there is certain rainy time which relieves hydrogenoids and aggravates oxygenoids. This is when the air is charged with ozone and the highest points of the mountains are not covered with mists.

In brief, electric disturbances aggravate, and electric equilibrium relieves oxygenoids.

In the last analysis the phenomena can be traced to a plus or a minus of atmospheric ozone. Electric attractions polarise atmospheric oxygen and transform it into ozone (oxygen polarised negatively) and Antozone (oxygen polarised positively); it is after under-going this modification that it becomes an effective and energetic oxidiser. Electric disturbances then act as hyperoxidants and this accounts for their aggravations.

However, watery excess enables hydrogenoids to bear hyper- oxidation better, for it demands a still greater storage of heat. This is why rainy weather, charged with ozone, relieves hydrogenoids under certain circumstances whilst it aggravates oxygenoids.

Other symptoms constantly found in oxygenoids are :

Excessive elimination of urea and phosphates;

Plethora – great quantity of blood;

Much oxygen fixed on the haemoglobin;

Excessive thinness.

Animal heat, strong after meals and feeble in the intervals.

Vigorous appetite which persists astonishingly during illness.

Abstinence, on the contrary, is badly tolerated.

(>) by Rest and Food.

(<) by Cold, Sea-air, Low altitudes.

Oxygenoids are what are commonly called nervous individuals characterised by great physical and mental activity. TREATMENT.

Grauvogl puts in the first rank Kali iod. since it absorbs all the ozone. Rademacher gives the first place to Ferrum.

Among remedies having a direct action on oxygenoids are the Carbons and compounds rich in carbon, Graphites, Petrol., Benzin., Citric ac., Hydrastis ac., Laurocerasus, and also, by inference, Antozonised water, which is probably equal to Iodosmised water (l’eau iodosmee); Nitr. ac. and a great number of bodies capable of checking the destructive process : Arsenicum, Chi., Chi. sul., Chrom., Kali. bichr.

The law of similars always decides special indications.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica