
20b. From 17th to 22nd, at 9 a.m. and 5 p..m., each time 100 drops of 3rd cent. dil. 20th. – Feeling of warm fluid coming out of anus frequently during day. Afternoon, drawing here and there in joints, lasting a short time; aching in chest, sometimes right, sometimes left side; immediately after dinner obtuse stitches in brain, in right side of forehead, then in temporal region, lastly in occiput. 21st and 22nd. – Only occasionally the above sensation in anus. (Ibid.)

21a. Prof. von ZLATAROVICH, age. 37, robust constitution, dark complexion, sanguine choleric temperament, had suffered in childhood and youth frequently from ague. In 29th year had typhus, convalescence lasted 5 years; slight lymphatic and varicose swellings in right leg alone remain. Began with 5 drops of tinct., increased gradually to 10, 15, 20, 30 drops, always taken in morning before breakfast in a spoonful of water. The first day no symptoms. 8th day (10 drops), soon a peculiar headache in crown; felt as if he had a pitch cap on head which compressed it equally from all sides, lasted 2h hours and went off when moving in open air.. Next day slight recurrence of same feeling, more like a formication, never had anything of the sort before. On 1st and 2nd days 20 drops, soon scraping and contraction in uvula and soft palate, compelling frequent hawking and spitting, with occasional inclination to vomit, lasting some hour. February 20th. – 30 drops; forenoon, feeling as if a warm fluid like blood exuded from anus, though it was actually dry. (A dry cough for 2 days, probably effect of a chill.) All the time unusual cheerfulness and very active mental power. March 4th. – On waking, 50 drops. Warm feeling in stomach (from the alcohol?); forenoon, when lecturing, sensation as if head were compressed by screws from both sides, forehead quite free. Later, when walking, chilliness; tense distended abdomen; flow of water into mouth, feeling of general malaise. Relieved by drinking wine. Next day, after a similar dose, frequent violent sneezing, nothing more 13th. – 80 drops. Scraping and itching in soft palate, compelling frequent hawking and spitting, like commencing angina tonsillaris for some hour. Sexual desire increased, cheerfulness of disposition, the mental functions performed with unusual strength and endurance. (An itching of the anus, with haemorrhoidal tenesmus, from which he frequently suffered, has completely disappeared since proving the acon.) 14th. – 100 drops. From afternoon till evening, chilliness as if between skin and flesh, especially over back and abdomen, felt even while perspiring after quick walking. 15th. – 100 drops. In evening merely slight drawing in temporal muscles, for 1 hour. From 16th to 20th, daily 120 drops; nothing occurred except on 20th, after taking the drops, scraping in throat with hawking and inclination to vomit for 1 hour; crawling as from ants in head, especially temporal region; on turning head, tension in cervical muscles, especially sterno-cleido-mastoid, and at its insertion in mastoid process. All through body a peculiar sensation, as when in a vapour bath the steam falls rapidly down on the skin, and drops are felt on it. Frequent discharge of clear fluid from nose (without coryza). From 21st to 25th, daily 150 drops. On 22nd, soon after drops, chilliness coursing along spine, with goose skin, till noon and formication over the galea aponeurotica; hands and face blue; heat of stove grateful; he soon loses the feeling of stability, felt as if the feet would rise up. Whilst trying o stand on one foot or the other, he slumbers when standing for a moment, which suffices to spread a feeling of comfort over the whole body. Forenoon, feeling on breathing as it the air-passages were uncommonly wide, so that the air can pass with extraordinary facility in great streams out and in at each breath. 23rd. Only creeping and crawling over whole body. 24th. – Same sensations immediately after taking drops, accompanied by tiresome rather than severe shivering, here and there, especially in upper arms and legs; contraction of temporal muscles, seeping in scalp; involuntary pressing of lower against upper jaw, with flow of saliva into mouth; noon, after a short walk, vertigo, with commencing staggering. Drawing from temporal muscles to external meatus auditorius with feeling of tension there. Some painful jerks in occiput. 25th. – Only slight reminiscences of yesterday’s symptoms. 26th. – More than 150 drops. About 11 a.m., when walking in open air, chilliness all over body and goose skin; gait unsteady, sight rather misty. These symptoms aggravated on coming home and sitting. Head warm and feels small, like that of a child, when supporting the forehead in the open hands Drawing in whole head, especially in temporal muscles and behind ears. Creeping in the galea aponeurotica; crawling as from ants over back, upper arms, and thighs; tips of fingers and toes as if numb; abdomen distended and tense; disinclination to speak; lower jaw firmly pressed against upper; nose quite dry. Symptoms relieved by soup and by eructation with taste of medicine Pulse 72, contracted, hard. Noon, feels well, with frequent erections and greatly increased sexual desire almost to emission o semen, though coitus had been performed towards morning. Afternoon, while walking in open air after a moderate meal, headache for 1 hour 27th. – 170 drops. All forenoon, giddy, especially in open air. Creeping and crawling over whole body; feels the roots of his hair; towards noon, sleepy; head as if pressed together, as if the gala aponeurotica were too tight; transient itching and pressure in haemorrhoidal vessels. 28th. – 180 drops. Exactly the same symptoms as yesterday except the haemorrhoidal sufferings. Lower jaw drawn against upper; teeth sensitive to air; constant creeping and crawling, especially in right leg; occasional feeling as if epidermis were separated by a thin layer from skin; retraction of scrotum; evening, slight heartburn. 29th. – M., 200 drops. About 11 a.m. heat all over body, anxiety in cardiac region with quicker and stronger heart’s beats; flickering before eyes; tension and slight pain in right calf; sexual desire. About 1:30 chilliness, head rather giddy; thoughts very flighty even at the slightest cause. 7 p.m., quite well. 30th. – 120 drops, at 10 a. m Sometimes slight chilliness; evening pressure in haemorrhoidal vessels; abdomen less tense than yesterday; the skin, especially of hands, seems more smooth and elastic; next morning on waking in bed, loud rumbling and grumbling in bowels; after rising discharge of flatus with relief. From 31st March to 6th April, daily in morning 200 drops. 31st. – After 2 hours chilliness and formication, especially betwixt shoulders and down back, aggravated by movement, like commencement of ague fit, at the same time tips of fingers and toes cold; several violent dry coughs; scalp as if swollen and numb; uncommonly easy breathing; exhilaration alternating with depression. 1st April. – On waking in morning, very tiresome heart burn, almost preventing respiration, ameliorated after rising. About 11 a.m. chilliness, especially on back and upper arms; oppression of chest and palpitation of heart, lasting a short time only; towards noon head confused as after too free indulgence in spirituous drinks; heaviness and tension in calves, especially right; frequent micturition. About 1:30 p.m. right leg very heavy; painful pressure in hip-joint when walking; in left leg drawing pains here and there; chilliness between shoulders in warm room; fingers and nails cold and pale, like those of a corpse. 2nd. – Soon nausea and inclination to vomit. Breakfast not relished. Abdomen much distended, some chilliness, very cheerful. Towards noon crawling and creeping in whole cutaneous surface; retraction of scrotum; sexual desire; frequent sighing on account of distinctly felt accumulation of blood in lungs. 3rd. – Soon pressure and tension in soft palate and fauces, as from swelling of those parts, for but a short time. – After 1 hour transient stitches in lower part of chest, about false ribs; cough from irritation in larynx with expectoration of gelatinous, formed mucus; then sensitiveness of larynx to inspired air, as if it were deprived of its protective covering, lasting but a short time, at same time feeling of tension in lumbar region, causing him to bend backwards. About 10:30 a.m. coldness in hands and feet; shiver over whole back, whilst head and abdomen are warm. 1 hour later, coldness all over body, face pale and fallen in; tension in right groin; pressure on root of nose; praecordial anxiety; heart’s beats felt. The cold gradually spread all over lower extremities; fingers feel like a corpse. All afternoon cheerfulness and feeling well. 4th. – Immediately inclination to vomit for 10 morning, could with difficulty refrain from vomiting. Soon after this had gone off rumbling and shooting contractive pain here and there in bowels. During and after early coffee, frequent violent cough without expectoration, though one a little fluid came into mouth, having a peculiar sweetish salt taste, felt most at root of tongue; thought it was blood, but it was not. After 3 hours feeling of coldness in hairy scalp, which passed gradually into the former contraction of the galea aponeurotica; pressive pain in right hip; itching in haemorrhoidal vessels; pressure in occiput; violent cough, during which the anus contracts spasmodically. Forenoon, when walking, often giddy as if intoxicated when he comes into house the vertigo changes into stupefied feeling. When walking single transient stitches in urethra; occasional pain in hip; when sitting after violent exercise oppression of chest and praecordial anxiety with contracted pulse. 5th. – After 1 hour single transient stitches in urethra, momentary colicky pains, burning pains in right foot. After 3 hours coldness all over body, especially back; at same time very easy breathing with wide free chest. Afternoon for several hour drawing pain in border of left ilium, which sometimes spreads to hip-joint. E., when sitting and writing the pain leaves this part and wanders about body, going into nape at one time, at another into loins, then into bowels, then into groin, then into another joints, always changing with great rapidity, so that it is never longer than at most a few morning in one place. 6th. – After a good sleep rose quite cheerful and feeling quite well. Though he took 200 drops to-day without repugnance, later the idea of the medicine excited loathing and inclination to vomit, and then came on such a disagreeable feeling in stomach, and discomfort through the whole body, that he resolved to cease taking the medicine. The same forenoon when walking, rigor all over body, with paleness of face and fallen-in features; itching and burning in eyes and lids, inviting rubbing; eyes very sensitive to air, not to light, eyeballs felt enlarged as if protruding from orbits and stretching the eyelids. When walking drawing pain in lumbar region, relieved by bending small of back. After 4 hours gnawing pains in right clavicle for 1/2 hour. E., crawling and biting all over skin, here and there, as from fleas, most persistent in hairy parts, with exception of scalp, compelling him to scratch. 7th. – No medicine; forenoon, when walking (though well clad and in the sun) great coldness all over body, with slight drawing in lumbar region and about ankle. 8th. – Quite well all day. 9th. – On coming from lecture at 11 a.m. he experienced very disagreeable restlessness. He felt extreme hurry; anything that prevented him walking quickly was highly obnoxious, so that he rudely pushed against those who did not get quickly enough out of his way, and ran breathlessly upstairs. Even when he got home this great hurry in all movements continued until 1 p.m., when his usual calm returned. He must then breathe deeply; without exactly sighing, he felt as if he must give his circulation through the lungs an impulse. About 1:30 p.m. he felt weak, chilly, and drowsy; after dinner (2 p.m.), he felt quite well. 11th. – On waking in morning, a violent headache on small spot over the left eye born. After 1/2 hour he fell asleep again for a short time, and when he awoke headache was gone; forenoon, quite well. After dinner general discomfort; coolness, especially in hands; prostration and weakness in all limbs; frequent stretching; head warm and confused; wishes to be alone; drawing pain here and there, but only very transient. At 6 p.m., when working, he got so cold that he must go out to warm himself by exercise. Chest oppressed, with sore pain under sternum on breathing deeply.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.