
15. Dr. J. STERZ, age. 27, sanguine temperament. a. 1st February, 10 a.m., 3 drops of tinct. Afternoon, contused pain in right testicle; evening weakness of knees; night many dreams. 3rd. – 5 drops; same symptoms of knees and sleep. 4th. – 7 drops; same symptoms; after midnight, burning about navel, lasting 1 hour; abdomen tense and distended; great discharge of flatus. 5th. – 10 drops; eruption of red pimples on flexor side of thumb, index and middle finger, painful when pressed; evening, weakness of knees; night, many dreams, oppression of chest, compelling frequent inspirations. 6th. – 15 drops; afternoon, abdomen distended with flatulence and tense; great discharge of flatus; evening, weakness of knees, with frequent stitches in left knee, frequent yawning, scraping in throat, feeling as if something were sticking in fauces, causing frequent swallowing; confusion in forehead; jerking pain in nape, with feeling of stiffness; aching pain in sacrum; very perceptible heart’s beats when sitting still and lying; night, many dreams, with oppression of chest and frequent deep inspiration. 7th. – 20 drops; after 1 hour redness and heat of face, lasting 1/2 hour; coryza with flow of thin mucus feeling as if larynx were compressed from both sides. The evening weakness of knees extends over right thigh and leg; contused pain in right testicle; tightness and pressive feeling in chest, especially in right thoracic cavity posteriorly and interiorly (in lower lobe of lung); frequent deep breathing; bruised pain in right elbow-joint; abdomen tense, and distended by flatulence; heart’s beats distinctly felt when sitting still; chilliness between 7 and 8 p.m.; at night many dreams and oppression of chest. 8th. – No medicine; forenoon, contused pain of left testicle; afternoon, flatulent sufferings; between 6 and 7 p.m. chilliness; night tightness of chest, with many dreams; pimples on fingers unaltered. 9th, night troubled with frightful dreams that remain long in the memory. The pimples went off on 10th. 16th, at 10 a.m., 10 drops; afternoon, troubled with flatulence; dull shooting pain in navicular depression of urethra, lasting 3 hours; night, many dreams. 17th. – 15 drops; afternoon, weakness in right knee and left elbow-joint; single stitches in abdomen and cardiac region; evening, contused pain in right testicle; night, many drams and oppression of chest, with frequent deep breathing. 18th. – No medicine; forenoon, hard stool and pressive pain in sacrum, increased by stooping; oppression of chest; afternoon, troubled with flatulence, pain in right heel, especially on treading; night, many dreams. 19th. – 20 drops; after 1 hour, scraping in throat, with slightly reddened soft palate; burning on tip of tongue for 1 hour; afternoon, flatulence; sensation as if throat were constricted; prostration, chiefly felt in knees; contused pain in right testicle; oppression of chest and frequent deep breathing; warm feeling in abdomen. Between 8 and 9 p.m. slight chilliness; night, pressure in chest and many dreams. 20th. – No medicine; roughness of throat that spreads down trachea and excites to frequent coughing; pressure in pit of stomach; a painful furuncle forms on tip of nose; slight oppression of chest; sleep disturbed by many drams. 21st. – No special symptoms; dreams much at night. The nasal furuncle disappeared on 23rd. 2nd March. – At 10 a.m., 40 drops; after 1 hour burning on tip of tongue and roughness in fauces with red soft palate; noon, frequent yawning and drowsiness; afternoon, flatulence; dry feeling and scraping in fauces, compelling frequent hawking, with expectoration of tenacious saliva; stiffness of nape; stitches in right temporal muscle; feeling in root of tongue as if it were spasmodically drawn down at both sides; single stitches in legs and arms; aching pain in sacrum; evening weakness of knees and right shoulder joint; drowsiness and frequent yawning; contused pain in left testicle; on lying down, chilliness; soon falls asleep. At midnight general perspiration; many dreams. Next day in morning prostration as after a fever; slight headache in left side of crown, aggravated by stooping and moving head, lasting till 9 a.m. 3rd – 60 drops at 10 a.m. After 1/2 hour burning and scraping in soft palate that gradually spread to hard palate and tip of tongue and lasted two hours; soft palate somewhat reddened; pain in right calf as after severe cramp all forenoon; contused pain of left testicle; afternoon, burning on lips, with feeling that they were swollen; sensitiveness of scalp, especially on crown; on touching hair a peculiar painful tickling; evening, abdomen distended by flatulence; voluptuous itching on glans penis; night, when falling asleep twice starting in affright; sleep pretty good in spite of many dreams. 4th, 5th, 6th. – No medicine. 4th, after a meal violent pricking bowels and liver, a with needles, for 10 morning; sleep disturbed by drams. 7th. – 80 drops in two doses, first half at 10 a.m., second at 4 p.m.; after 1 hour scraping in throat; towards noon oppression of chest with frequent deep breathing; afternoon, pressure in pit of stomach and renal region; pain in calf as after cramp. 5:30 p.m. Several times stitches in both sides of chest, sometimes deep, sometimes superficial, especially in cardiac region, not aggravated by deep breathing; confusion in right side of forehead; painful feeling in both calves; frequent yawning; feeling of constriction of pharynx; prostration 10:30 p.m. Peculiar painful feeling in anus, a burning and scraping lasting 10 morning; starting when falling asleep; night, inward heat; many dreams; oppression of chest with frequent sighing; pulse normal; urine darker coloured and scanty. During next day frequent deep breathing on account of heaviness and tightness of chest; evening, burning under sternum for 10 morning; slept well with dreams. After this quite well with exception of dreamful night.

15b. 31st. March, 10:30 a.m., 100 drops of 1st dil.; afternoon, feeling of pressure in pit of stomach and right lumbar region; evening, frequent yawning and hot feeling in upper part of body, especially in face, as if sweat were about to break out, which it did not; frontal region confused; night, sleep disturbed by dreams. 1st April, 10:30 a.m., 100 drops of 2nd dil., taking after this daily 1 dil. higher, so that on 5th he took 100 drops of 6th dil. No marked symptoms except dreams at night. 12th, 13th, 14th, 11 a.m., 100 drops of 1st dil. 12th. – After 2 hours, roaring in left ear, recurring four times in afternoon, lasting less than 1 morning. 13th. – Many dreams. After rising face hot and red; this went off in open air. 14th. – Afternoon, frequent deep breathing on account of feeling of pressure under sternum; night many dreams. 15th. – No symptoms. For several nights vivid dreams of a more agreeable character. (Ibid.).

16a. Dr. WACHTL began his proving on 7th February by smelling for 5 or 6 minutes at a bottle filled with tinct. After 1/2 hour felt head confused; when standing a long drawn out violent stitch in left heel, which spread up in direction of tendo Achillis to hough, recurred 10 to 12 times, and at last became so violent that he must sit down, when it went off. The following night was restless.

16b. 12th, forenoon, 8 drops. Confusion of head, with hot feeling; night restless; woke next morning with same confusion of head, but notwithstanding took 12 drops. Confusion of head as before an outbreak of coryza lasted all day, together with feeling of warmth in cardiac region; four loose stools during day; night restless. Next day head symptoms abated; forenoon, pricking formication on glans penis, and 5 or 6 violent stitches at orifice of urethra; noon, whilst at dinner, great pressure in stomach as from something indigestible; the sensitiveness and warm feeling in stomach lasted till evening. 15th. – Recurrence of pricking formication in glans, and also similar sensation at symphysis of sacrum and ilium, changing gradually into a paralytic pressive pain lasting nearly all day. At night sudden waking as from a frightful dream, with burning pain proceeding from stomach through the whole oesophagus to the mouth, lasting 1/2 hour, and leaving feeling of dryness. 16th, forenoon, dry heat, with anxious pressure in stomach, and sensitiveness of renal region. Urine seemed thicker and hotter, and was passed with slight burning in urethra. In bowels a loud gurgling and splashing as after a purgative; night quiet. All these symptoms lasted on 17th in equal degree. Recurrence of paralytic pressure in sacral region, relieved by moving and bending backwards. In forearm pricks as with fine needles. Afternoon, extraordinary drowsiness and exhaustion; not refreshed by 3 hours sleep. After waking head much confused and dazed; evening nausea and sweet taste in mouth, relieved by hawking up mucus. At 7 p.m. pressure in stomach, alternating with splashing in bowels, followed by urging to stool. Stool insufficient, with no relief to symptoms. Three attacks at short intervals of chilliness, beginning at middle of spine, and reading to lumbar muscles, and in spite of warmth of room, feeling as after taking cold, with transient heat on head, followed by fine flying stitches in left hand and left shoulder-joint; night, constant starting up out of sleep, with trembling of heart, and hot feeling in pit of stomach; between whiles light slumber, but no quiet sleep. 18th. – Very exhausted; abdomen sensitive to touch, as if peritoneum were slightly inflamed; noon, shooting pressure under sternum, and similar feeling between scapulae. Many of these symptoms persisted during next day., some only momentary Thus the flying stitches in shoulder-and elbow-joints were only for instants more persistent was the confusion of head, the chilly feeling, the pressure in stomach, splashing in bowels, sensation of dry heat in whole body, with occasional chilliness over back. Constant were the pressive pain in lumbar region, burning on urinating, with thick urine, drowsiness with exhaustion, restless night and variable humour.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.