
6b. On 5th April took in morning fasting and about noon, each time a tablespoonful of 3rd dil. [The German dilutions are (unless otherwise specified) on the decimal scale, the mother tincture being the zero.-EDS] Immediately pressive pain in frontal region, especially above right eyebrow, with dread of being shaken while driving. The same after two like doses next day. 7th and 8th. – In morning, fasting, and at noon a tablespoonful of 2nd dil., and on 9th and 10th as much of 1st dil. Nights very restless, dreamt of things that had occurred long ago, but of which he had not though for years, so vividly, that after waking they were still before his eyes. Next morning always confusion of head and blowing bright red blood from nose. On 10th some confusion of head. He took nothing more, and felt thenceforth quite well.

6c. On 20th took, fasting, 50 drops of tinct. No symptoms. 21st. – 60 drops tinct. Blowing of blood from nose, pressive pain in head. 23rd. – 80 drops. Eruption of vesicles on both temples, restless night 23rd. -100 drops. Blowing blood from nose, violent twitching of extremities on going to sleep, which woke him up; restless night. Yesterday and to-day, immediately after the dose, violent inclination to vomit, which was allayed after breakfast. 24th. – 130 drops. Immediately violent inclination to vomit, lasting till after dinner (4 p.m.), and great confusion of head. After this no more medicine and no more symptoms. (Oest. Ztsch. f. Hom., vol. i.)

7a. Dr. BOHM had suffered some years previously from haemoptysis, and after great exertion still occasionally sees traces of blood in the sputa. a. He took on 3rd February 5 drops of tinct. on sugar. immediately burning, acrid, dry feeling on soft palate and fauces, not going off after breakfast, and causing frequent empty swallowing. After 1 hour frequent empty eructation with sourish taste; tickling in larynx causing cough. At noon want of appetite, empty eructation; after eating, discomfort and pressive feeling in scrobiculus cordis and upper abdomen. Towards evening hunger; frequent stitches in middle of sternum, with very cheerful humour. Sleep at night, though uninterrupted, appeared so light and superficial that in the morning, though he did not feel tired, he thought he had not slept at all. All symptoms, except those of digestion, lasted on 4th, and at night felt as if he slept in the air and had no firm support. 7th. – At 4:30 p.m. 10 drops in water. Immediately empty eructation, slight pressure in stomach. After 3 hours dry feeling in fauces, it touched. Feeling of weariness and exhaustion in chest, coughing hawked up mucus streaked with blood; on posterior surface of sternum constant feeling of soreness all day, as though he had been struck; in evening greatly increased warmth of palms and cheeks. Went early to bed, and could with difficulty fall asleep on account of great excitement, which he sought to allay by drinking much. Next morning after light sleep, not rested; all day burning in eyes. The sensitiveness of chest lasted, with gradually diminishing intensity, during the evening and night fever till 12th February. By 13th he was quite well.

7b. 22nd. – At 6 p.m. took 4 drops, without symptoms. 27th. – In morning, fasting, took 30 drops on sugar. Soon afterwards burning on both sides of tongue, as from aphthae; dryness on soft palate and constriction in gullet, not going off on drinking cold water. This lasted till afternoon and interfered with speech. Constant flow of saliva into mouth, and frequent risings from scrobiculus cordis; he feared nausea or and frequent risings from scrobiculus cordis; he feared nausea or vomiting. Distaste for wheaten bread. Frequent attacks of giddiness when walking and driving. Walking and speaking tire him, he feels very exhausted. At noon anorexia, tongue like leather, prostration in evening increased heat of skin, flying stitches along sternum and between ribs; he must go early to bed; sleep restless, broken, not refreshing. Though he had drunk much did not urinate at night. In morning urine red, and when passed burning in orifice or urethra. 28th. – Better after breakfast, but at 11 a.m. violent rigor spreading over back and chest, also recurring very disagreeably on least movement during subsequent great heat (with frontal headache). A violent cough with sharp stitches in various parts of thorax compelled him to lie always on his back, as lying on either side aggravated it. In evening as if stupefied and very cross; at night restless, sweat after midnight with relief; urine as yesterday. 29th. – Though still exhausted and looking ill, went about his business. At 3 p.m. a repetition of febrile attack, but chill is weaker than yesterday, heat more moderate, pulse quick, 96, frequent cough, with shaking pain of whole chest, expectoration occasionally brownish red, rust coloured; sleep better, perspiration profuse, towards morning great relief. 1st April. – After constipation for 3 days a normal stool; more frequent micturition, cough rarer, less painful, appetite normal. In afternoon attack of chill and heat, not lasting long; night good. From this time the fever disappeared. For some days pressive pain in forehead and drawing pain in right upper arm. (Ibid.)

8. a DR. GERSTEL took, 5th January, in morning, fasting, 6 drop of tinct. in water without effect. 6th. – 8th drops. Soon giddy confusion of head in right side of forehead when walking in open air, bruised pain in nape on moving it, as if confined to certain muscles, especially in evening and at night when lying down. The coryza, previously fluent, became dry. At night in sleep feeling of dryness in mouth and fauces, compelling him to drink on waking. Soon afterwards profuse but transient sweat all over body, and continued unusual transpiration, and again in morning profuse transient sweat. 7th. – In morning 10 drops. Soon transient weariness of legs on commencing to walk. The pain in nape continues. 8th, morning 16 drops. For an hour cooling burning in fauces, afterwards in tongue as from pepper or saltpetre. Pain in nape continues. 10th, noon, 20 drops. Immediately hot feeling in chest, and disagreeable feeling about heart. The taste of pepper in fauces came later. 11th. – At 10:30 p.m., 20 drops. Slept restlessly or woke often with pepper taste in mouth. 12th, morning, 27 drops. Some headache, pressive stupefying pain in frontal region, getting worse about 6 p.m. A pressing out in temple, with fulness in forehead and prickling and smarting in eyelids as in commencing catarrh; at same time flush of heat. Scraping in throat, and palpitation of heart. The pain in nape, which had ceased for three days, troubled him all day. 13th and 14th. – No symptoms. l 15th. Of 40 drops in a glass of water, with 100 drops of alcohol, took in morning fasting, a fourth part. Continued pepper taste on tongue, flow of water into mouth, hot feeling in and over chest; pain in forehead and temples; eructation of air and nausea from stomach, going off after breakfast; violent palpitation of heart with disagreeable feeling in cardiac region; tickling itching on inner side of left upper arm; burning and agreeable warm feeling along back of left index; cold spreading over inside of lower limbs from middle of thighs downwards, especially on knees and feet, then pressing pain in left temple, and pressure and giving in chin. After 1 hours bruised pain in middle of thighs, and unusual coldness of feet even in room and when walking. About noon took same dose. Immediately recurrence of the pain in left temple, first a pressing, then a slight soreness, at same time feeling as if forehead and face, especially left side, swelled. This feeling of swelling gradually spreads almost all over body, especially left side, and is accompanied by many painful sensations, as bruised pain of muscles, bruised feeling or pressure in bones, sometimes in one or other rib, sometimes in left arm. The left side of forehead, face, arms, and upper part of chest is longest affected; at same time crampy feeling at heart. Whilst left cheek feels swollen and hot it is cool to touch; formication in right cheek and right forearm. From left side of face sensation spreads to ear, as if something lay before it, but pain seems to be in bone around auricle. Painful feeling in thigh and arms passes gradually into a numb sensation. About 4 p.m. a constant chilliness or even coldness over whole body, especially in feet and knees; occasionally when swallowing aching in right. Eustachian tube; soreness and itching in tarsal edges, and bruised pain in various parts of body. Pulse at 3:30 67, small, easily compressible; about 4 p.m. 74, beats stronger. About 5 p.m. pulse 102, full, and hard. Whilst feeling of coolness is predominant in lower limbs an agreeable warmth spreads over rest of body, with transient anxiety and warm feeling about heart. Bursting out of sweet over forehead and praecordium. Later sweat broke out all over body, especially on head, nape, chest, and abdomen, while feet remained always as if a cool wind blew on them. At same time a pressure on upper eyelids of both eyes alternately, and occasional sensation as if whole eyeball were pressed into orbit, so that eye pained as if contused. The heat of body especially face (with red cheeks), and the tiresome pains in forehead, temples, eyes, and nape lasted all evening, with very accelerated and strong heart’s beats. About 6 p.m. moderate thirst. In evening, good appetite, slept well, and in morning more sweat. 16th and 17th. – Took remainder of solution. On 16th felt slight sense of coldness, and on both days come lassitude and pain in nape, eyes, and head.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.