
21b. 15th. – Took 10 drops of 2nd (cent.) dil. of acon. No symptoms. 16th. – 20 drops. Towards evening great weariness of feet. 17th. – 20 drops. M., on rising, acute lancinating stitches in cardiac region, and apparently in pleura costal is, preventing standing up straight and deep inspiration, with irritation to cough. After rubbing skin, and making occasional attempts to breathe deeply, this went off gradually, but corresponding parts of thorax remained sensitive to external pressure. All forenoon well. After dinner, heartburn, with some sore feeling in stomach. E., transient stitches here and there on ribs, in abdominal integuments and joints; great distension of sensitive abdomen. From 18th he increased the dose, and on 22nd and 23rd took 100 drops of 2nd dil. Scarcely a days passed that he did not have reminiscences of the former symptoms. Especially constant were drawing pains in whole body especially in joints of lower extremities, and frequently recurring chilliness. 23rd. – Came out of college with most violent headache Eyes as if with a veil before them. Pain was chiefly in upper frontal region, was pressing and contractive, head not hot; face puffy and pale; light and noise increased pain. He lay down in bed in a dark room, and the pain gradually went off in 1/4 hour. He slumbered a short time and awoke free from pain; the whole body cool. 25th. – No medicine. After a good night, at 7 a.m. pressive pain in region of left second rib, near sternum, confined to a spot the size of the palm, increased by deep inspiration. Drawing in tendinous expansions of lower extremities. The pressive pain recurred several times in forenoon, but soon went off. 26th. – 100 drops of 2nd dil. M., after rising, acute pain in right forearm along flexor tendons of little finger, increased by movement, going off in 1/2 hour. 27th and 28th. – Daily 100 drops. Occasional transient oppression of chest. 29th and 30th. – Daily 200 drops. 30th. – All forenoon pressive contractive headache spread over whose skull, especially left side and above left eye, relieved by application of cool hand. (Ibid.)

22.J. SCHNELLER proved extr acon. alcoh. aquos. Phar. Borax From 4.1/2 grains, only griping and increased warmth in abdomen. From 5 to 9.1/2 grains, first pressive pain in forehead and occiput, then increased heat of whole body, some palpitation of heart and full pulse that did not allow him to remain long at one occupation. After 7.1/2 grains, scraping and burning in oesophagus, anorexia, and yellow fur on tongue. After 9 grains, conjunctiva of both eyes much injected, especially in internal canthus. Doses of 22-24 grains caused severe abdominal heat and gripings, headache and dryness of fauces, slight stitches in lateral parts of chest, and especially in cardiac region and left hypochondrium. After 24.1/2 grains, a very violent drawing pain, increased by pressure, in dorsal and lumbar region, along sacrolumbalis and longissimus dorsi on both sides of spine, so that every movement of trunk was difficult; this went off in 5 hours, and the same pain came in recti abdominis muscles, which were stretched as hard as a board. After 8 hours only tension of abdomen. Three days later took 26.1/2 grains; this caused wandering stitches in left hypochondrium, back, and head, tension in lumbar region lasting three days, increased heat and redness of face. Great distraction, weakened memory with exalted mental tension; spirits cheerful, sleep quiet. (Wiener Zeitsch., 11th March, 1846.)

23. Drs. FLECHNER, FRANKEL and SCHNELLER report as results of their joint experiments, in which they commenced with gr. 1/2 of extr., and increased dose by gr. 1/2 daily:- After 1/2 to 5 grains, frequent eructation, diminished appetite, scanty stool; later dull pain in head, especially in frontal region, lasting some hour. After 5.1/2 to 10 grains, pressure in gastric region, distension of abdomen, slight griping round navel, loathing, white furred tongue, diminished appetite, dryness and scraping feeling in oesophagus, heaviness of head, especially in frontal region, prostration of limbs, increased heat of body, mental restlessness and disturbed sleep, quickened pulse and palpitation of heart. After 20 to 26 grains, pain in abdomen, great loathing, great development of flatulence and rumbling in bowels, the frontal pain increased and lasting longer, sleep restless, disturbed by dreams, transient stitches in cardiac region. In one prover there occurred swelling of tonsils and scanty stools only. (Ibid., iv, May, 1847, p. 106.)

24a. Dr. JABLONSKI, age. 26, on June 5th, 1869, took at 2 and 3 p.m., 3 drops, at 5, 6 drops of tinct. Pulse at 2 p.m. 68, temp. 36x (cent.). Temperature rose until at 6:30 it stool at 36.8o; pulse rather fell till after dinner at 7, when it rose to 80. At 4, 6:30, and 9:30 felt some pain in joints, especially shoulders; at 5:30 head was dull, with weight in forehead and orbits; at 5:45 pupils were dilated; at 6. 30 headache, lasting over an our redness of face, and neuralgic pains in right temple; at 9:30 itching of face, and shattered feeling in limbs.

24b. 8th, at 2:45 and at 4:45 p.m., took 6 drops. Temp. each time fell from 36.2 to 36; pulse from 70 to 64 at first, at first, then to 55. At 3:30 frontal headache set in, and lasted till he drove out at 5:30; at different times pains were experienced in ears, orbit, knees, and right shoulder.

24c. 30th, took 6 drops at noon, 2, and 3 p.m. Was suffering at time from headache and heartburn and earlier symptoms belong to subsidence of these; but at 4:30 we note, pulse fallen from 80 to 55, breathing slower, some constriction in pharynx. There was also pruritus of legs, which, with occasional pains in joints and right ear, lasted 1 hour longer.

24d. July 3rd, took 6 drops at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Effects obscured by those of indigestion after dejeuner, but, so far as truly medicinal, were those of 30th June, the pruritus being general.

24e. 10th, took 6 drops at 8 a.m. and 12 at 4:30 p.m. After first dose, nothing; after second, pulse rose from 70 to 80 in 30 morning, during next 2 hours falling to 60; temp. hardly affected; pruritus and pains as before; at 5, flushes of heat in face, with warm sweat there and in back.

24f. Same rise in pulse took place in afternoon on 5th, when only 6 drops at 8 a.m. were taken, and on 6th, with no medicine, which makes of dubious value its occurrence on 10th. Temp. rose with it to 36.6 o-37. o. No other symptoms noted.

24g. 11th, at 10:30 am., 12 drops. In 15 morning pulse fell from 60 to 50, whence it began to rise in 45 morning more. Some tension in orbits, heat and aching in head, and pruritus on face and back, coincided.

24h. 20th, pulse after dejeuner being 90, and temp. 36.8o, took 18 drops. Both fell; pruritus, pains and tension in orbits came on; respiration felt embarrassed, and working was difficult. (Bull de la Soc Medorrhinum Hom. de France, xiv, 259.)

25. I have made a certain number of experiments on myself (aet. 50), but pre-occupation has hindered me from making detailed records. I confine myself to stating the general results.

On three occasions, temp. rose 1/10 or 3/10; on one it fell 8/16, though but 7 drops were taken. The principal symptoms were – heartburn, eructations; burning on tongue and throat, as from pepper; heat in head, sometimes in flushes; heaviness of head, dazzling, giddiness, pain at occiput; mixture of dulness and excitement; burning pain in larynx, with choking; coughing and expectoration of viscid mucus; paralytic tinglings in left hand, 15 morning later same sensation in ulnar region of right hand; loss of equilibrium; pain in right thumb-joint. (Jousset, in Ibid.).

26a. HEINRICH took 0.1 gramme of extr. of whole plant of A. anthora. Pulse fell several beats within first 2 hours; sensation of warmth in stomach; frequent eructations; cool and dry skin; marked increase of saliva. Extr. from root produced similar symptoms, with addition of slight crawling in face and extremities; confusion of head; pressive ache from time to time along course longitudinal sinus and in right temporal region; slightly dilated pupil; decided sleepiness, which caused deep sleep whole night through. Next day entirely well. (Journ. f. Pharm., Tox. u. Theridion, i.) [“The root of A. anthora has, when chewed, no power of exciting numbness or tingling. I gave 3ss of its tincture to a man without any effect whatever. On another occasion, 3j was administered to the same individual, who, in the course of 1 h., experienced genial warmth, followed by sweating. No other symptom presented itself.” (FLEMING, On Aconite, p.86)]

26b. Took 0.1 gramme of extr. of root of A. cammarum. Pulse at first quicker. After 20 morning eructation, scraping in throat, heaviness and confusion of head, pupils dilated, vision dim. After 40 morning formication at first on tongue and lips, then on face, spreading all over body Along with formication, itching in skin, sometimes distortion of features; skin dry. After 1 hour head-and face-ache: former increased by bending body forwards, later accompanied by tinnitus aurium and vertigo; pulse slower (fell from 62 to 51 in two hours), and so small, weak, and intermitting it could scarcely be counted. Breathing oppressed, with feeling as if thorax were constricted, saliva increased. On walking great weariness, and on continuing to walk pain in elbows, knees, and hip joints, this pain was relieved by pressure, but not quite removed. After 4 hours headache and faceache became very violent, spreading all over body; stool was passed; formication increased; there was extreme restlessness, so that he walked about his room almost all night like a mad person. Skin became dry and cold, respiration oppressed but quicker, pulse very slow, 40. Very violent eructation, inclination to vomit, spasmodic contraction of stomach and contractions of abdominal mu; no vomiting. On walking about vertigo, roaring in ears, great sensitiveness to light. When formication went off epidermis scaled off on face. Towards morning he lay down again on account of great exhaustion, and soon fell asleep; when he woke he was very warm and perspiring. Several times after taking extr., but especially now, he experienced erections and pollutions without voluptuous dreams. Next morning he was quite well, but on standing was much exhausted, and the pains in joints returned. In another proving, on his lower extremities there rose small papules and vesicles filled with serious fluid, very painful. Memory was weakened; sense of touch diminished, so that he could not distinguish small objects by the touch; voice hoarse and rough. (Prager Vierteljahrsch., ii, 1854.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.