My system of prescribing is not a complete repertorization but rather a comparative and eliminative method. For example, what remedies are worse by motion? by touch? by pressure? by heat? by cold? by stormy weather? time of aggravation and amelioration? mental state? sleeping and disposition? part of body affected? Much of this cannot be remembered, but by using the universal remedy you have time to study it.

I was amazed recently to find a left foot rheumatism was greatly benefited by Arsenicum 200., Rhus tox., Ledum, Ruta had been tried with some benefit, but all failed to resolve the case. The one to two A.M. aggravation with chills, together with constipation and a mild chronic nephritis led to its use.

Doctors, homoeopathic prescribers are masters of curative medicine. They have dozens of remedies to meet the peculiar symptoms and overcome them. Whereas in the Old School there is just a routine: diagnosis, estimate of prognosis and perhaps diet. Then the patient must go to the hospital to receive the wonder drugs for germ infection; a coagulant for haemorrhage, including, cerebral and tubercular. Above all, the patient must be relieved of pain by some soporific, regardless of what else he gets. Doctors, your surety of the remedy indicated is its action in relieving pain. It will then meet other symptoms. Your ability to meet and cure chronic disease will make your reputations.

No homoeopath needs to join the A.M.A. It is pleasant to be patted on the back and told how nice it is to have you one of them. But, doctors, each one of us who joins has just put one more nail in the coffin lid of our school. I have two former patients, missionaries in Northern Thailand. They understand and use Homoeopathy. Their prescribing amazes all the other missionaries, some of whom are doctors or trained nurses. Frequently patients are sent to them because of their skill.

We must get an undergraduate college started again. Perhaps we cannot get such a college as Hahnemann, but even a class B or C college can teach good medicine and graduate splendid practitioners. I would rather have a defective diamond, than a smooth pebble. A second grade college has the opportunity of becoming a first class college, and in the meantime we are building up.

Post graduate work is fine; we need it, but how many of us are succeeding in sending students to one? I know seven sons of homoeopathic doctors who graduated from Old School colleges. During their course all expected to change to homoeopathic instruction; not one ever has. In fact, two of them are bitter against the system. One, a very able surgeon, even refused to attend his father’s funeral.

I maintain we have dug our own grave because we did not give our own system, our own societies, our complete support.

BOX 112


R C Bowie