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Yet everyone can avoid cancer who is prepared to keep internally clean by eating natural foods and drinking plenty of water. Every man and woman should realize the importance of this vital truth, and cease to be unduly impressed by reports about wonderful researches with radium, X-rays, coal tar, pitch, and so on.

(From Ideas).

CANCER is increasing rapidly. Many people are apt to regard this disease as a mystery, and to conclude that they can do nothing to prevent it, but most rely upon the doctors to save them if they fall victims.

Yet everyone can avoid cancer who is prepared to keep internally clean by eating natural foods and drinking plenty of water.

I have never yet operated for cancer upon a healthy person.

In every case the patient has been one who has flouted the simple rule of keeping clean inside.

Every man and woman should realize the importance of this vital truth, and cease to be unduly impressed by reports about wonderful researches with radium, X-rays, coal tar, pitch, and so on. People should be determined to prevent cancer arising in their bodies, and not rely upon so-called “Cures”.

Widespread efforts are being made by research workers all over the world to isolate the virus of influenza.

It has been found that the disease can be transmitted to ferrets, for example, and it is hopes that experiments with these animals may lead the way to the discovery of an anti-toxin.

But supposing that efforts in this direction prove successful, presumably those who wish to escape flu in future will have to submit to periodic inoculation.

Can we fight disease by loading ourselves with vaccines ?.

I am quite sure that we cannot.

We may succeed by this means in warding off one particular disease, but our bodily resistance will be lowered, and we shall be more susceptible to the attacks of other ailments.

The man who builds up vigorous health is much more likely to withstand the epidemics that sweep civilization than the man whose only safeguard is inoculation.

W. Arbuthnot Lane
Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, Bt, CB, FRCS, Legion of Honour (4 July 1856 – 16 January 1943), was a British surgeon and physician. He mastered orthopaedic, abdominal, and ear, nose and throat surgery, while designing new surgical instruments toward maximal asepsis. He thus introduced the "no-touch technique", and some of his designed instruments remain in use.
Lane pioneered internal fixation of displaced fractures, procedures on cleft palate, and colon resection and colectomy to treat "Lane's disease"—now otherwise termed colonic inertia, which he identified in 1908—which surgeries were controversial but advanced abdominal surgery.
In the early 1920s, as an early advocate of dietary prevention of cancer, Lane met medical opposition, resigned from British Medical Association, and founded the New Health Society, the first organisation practising social medicine. Through newspapers and lectures, sometimes drawing large crowds, Lane promoted whole foods, fruits and vegetables, sunshine and exercise: his plan to foster health and longevity via three bowel movements daily.