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I have never had a case of poliomyelitis go to paralysis. And there has never been but one child that has come down with it when they were given this when first exposed or before there were any signs of the trouble. This was a case of poliomyelitis all right as the child did not recover as quickly as they generally do when they have the treatment on the start.

Pacific Coast Journal of Hom., Nov., 1932.

FOR years I have been using Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x and Kali muriaticum 3x in all contagious diseases. Lately I have had the two combined in one table and call it 92 which I use in contagious diseases only. I also use the combination in 6x, 12x and 30x potencies.

I have never had a case of poliomyelitis go to paralysis. And there has never been but one child that has come down with it when they were given this when first exposed or before there were any signs of the trouble. And this child, five years old, was all right within three days afterwards.

Several children who have been sent home from school with signs of infantile paralysis, and I was called, were all right within two or three days. One child was sent home from school and a doctor in the neighbourhood called in his diagnosis was infantile paralysis. He has the child quarantined. The parents then called me and I put the child on the tablets and in three days another inspector examined the child and removed the quarantine.

This was a case of poliomyelitis all right as the child did not recover as quickly as they generally do when they have the treatment on the start. The child is now O.K. two years later. The tablets were given to the other children in the house and none of them came down with it or had any trouble. I have never had a quarantine sign u on a case of mine. Whenever I am called in to see a child and there are signs of poliomyelitis I put the rest of the family on the tablets as well.

One young man seventeen years old was taken with the trouble and was doctored by other doctors until his entire right side was paralysed. He was already under quarantine. I put him on the tablets one every hour, and Gelsemium 3x, one every hour for pain in the back of the head, alternating the tablets. This, besides a tonic later, was all the medicine I prescribed. That was about a year ago and to-day he is completely well. All signs of the paralysis cleared up in a few months time.

I have never had but one case of small pox break out on a person to whom I had given these tablets in a home where there was a case of small pox, and they all continued to live there. This woman cared for her husband and would not take the tablets as she should her case was very mild.

This is all the medicine I give in a case of small pox and would prefer to take a chance of infection from small pox with these tablets than from a vaccination.

In a kindergarten school where I was called there was a case of scarlet fever broke out with one of two sisters sleeping in the same bed. There were about fifty children in the house and they were all given the tablets as well as the sisters. There wasnt another case of scarlet fever broke out. The one that came down recovered without any trouble.

I have been giving them now for some time to all cases of infection boils, etc. The higher potencies I use in stomach, bowel and bladder troubles.

J.Byron Sloane