Hpathy Needs Your Help!


CAN HOMOEOPATHY COME BACK. There are men of wealth who are interested in Homoeopathy. Some of them have other interests; but if these men are cultivated and our desire kept before them, they can be made of see that helping us will advance their own interests. If you study the history of our colleges, and indeed, many of the old school also, you will find the idea for a college originated in the minds of one or two men. From there it spread to the group and the college resulted.

Yes, Homoeopathy can be reinstated if we take advantage of certain conditions existing in the country today.

I have read statements made by some doctors deploring the fact that some irregulars are taking up Homoeopathy, and endeavoring to use it in a crude way without much training. That does not disturb me, nor does it discourage me as much as it might. Why? Because the simple attempts to absorb anothers methods and to put them into heal the sick is simply a groping for something which they believe to be better than they now possess. To absorb anothers methods does not constitute an illegal act, so longs as full credit is given to the originator; in fact when one becomes more proficient in its use one may greatly improve it.

Indeed, we now advocate that our doctors first study and graduate from the institutions of some other system of medicine before studying our own, so we cannot legitimately deny our system to others who see merit in it. By abandoning our colleges we have served notice we no longer recommend the method and it is now open to any group who wish to absorb it.

We are being ridiculed by members of other systems because, they say, the homoeopaths have not a college left in the country. Only to-day, in taking up the matter of staff appointments in the hospital, the lawyer said: “Why, the homoeopaths have no standing at all. They do not have one single teaching college, and it will only be a short time until their system is obsolete”.

That statement made me pause because I knew it was true. We are now advocating post graduate study only. How long can we expect our system of medicine to stay popular enough to draw classes in post graduate study, when we are not interested enough ourselves to keep up undergraduate colleges?.

In at least in one instance I know that one of the so called “irregular colleges” has been looking for doctors of standing who will teach in the new institution. They were rebuffed by our own A.I.H. because we have adopted post graduate study only. Let some of our eminent physicians staff that college and make it into one worthy of any students desire, instead of protesting to the Board of Medical Education of our A.I.H. This would be much more constructive.

Now let us consider some of the steps necessary to check the down trend and urn it in the opposite direction.

Let us abandon the false premise that P.G. study only will reinstate Homoeopathy. We know that it is not working out, and that our classes are not increasing in numbers.

Why waste time denouncing a group of earnest men who are groping for the re – establishment of Homoeopathy. They do not desire to destroy Homoeopathy; at least in the case of one college they hope to save us from complete oblivion by rehabilitating it as much as they can. I received a latter from its president so stating. Instead of ridiculing their efforts, let us encourage them; let us given them every possible aid with the full sanction of our national society. This method will bring out the best in its founders, and will raise the standard of the college.

There are men of wealth who are interested in Homoeopathy. Some of them have other interests; but if these men are cultivated and our desire kept before them, they can be made of see that helping us will advance their own interests.

If you study the history of our colleges, and indeed, many of the old school also, you will find the idea for a college originated in the minds of one or two men. From there it spread to the group and the college resulted.

I find that among the many friends and patients with whom I am in contact there is much dissatisfaction with the present trend in medicine and hospital. There is a wish for a change. Many are completely disgusted with the present control of medicine by the large manufacturing drug house. They would be glad to see some other system of medicine get control. This feeling is growing, and people of wealth and influence would support the change.

One of the reasons we have gone down is because our doctor have joined the societies of other systems, hoping to gain prestige by so doing. A few have had recognition; but the majority did not benefit themselves and in addition lost interest in their own school.

If the A.I.H. would set up a committee of determined doctors, who are entirely independent of A.M.A. influences. to study the situation and solicit impound funds for the establishment of an undergraduate college, the college could be established. The very fact that such a committee is in existence and is actively engaged in promoting an undergraduate college fund raising campaign, would lead may former adherents and many new ones to support and contribute.

Let us get over this weak-kneed, passive ideology, and once more strike out for liberty and independence in medicine.

I may add that, if we fail to meet this demand, we are going to see same, and perhaps many, of these irregular colleges spring up-colleges which are thirsting for help and official recognition, but receive only scorn and accusation. Let us help them to become corner stones of a solid edifice.

Fort Morgan, Colorado.

R C Bowie