A dark brown very foul smelling stool which shoots out of the anus, such stools may be present in cholera infantum, the attack being preceded by nightly nervousness and waking from sleep frightened, just like Stram., the stools which are also dark and very offensive, but Stram. has a pronounced paleness around the mouth, a symptom lacking in Psor. Asclepias has a very similar stool, accompanied by a general tendency to sweat easily and profusely, but the stool feels like a stream of fire while being passed. (C.M. Boger).

Stool very pale, whitish (Merc., Pod.); gray; green; clay colored; putrid, sour smell, stool turns green on standing (Arg. n., Borax, Chin., Nat. s., Sanic.).

Stool watery, brown, gushing, may be bloody, offensive (Bapt. thick and clay-like permeating odor).


Horribly offensive, nearly painless, almost involuntary, dark and watery stool, only at night and most towards morning.

Involuntary stool during sleep.

Green bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus, soft voided with difficulty from weakness.

Stool offensive, sticking to patient (Pod., Sulph., Zinc. sulph.), carrion-like odor (Pyrog.).

Chronic diarrhoea, early morning (Aloe, Nat. s., Pod., Sulph.), urgent.

Chronic diarrhoea from suppression of exanthemata, (Graph.); offensive stools, frequent stools day and night.

Persistent diarrhoea with tenesmus and great weakness.

Diarrhoea after severe acute diseases; at night; early in morning; when rising in morning; in childbed; when weather changes < general condition; for weeks, months, years; from riding.

Infantile diarrhoea, semiliquid, brownish, indelible, insufferably nasty, passed during sleep at 1 and 4 a.m., with undigested food.

Frequent thin stool with eruption on head. Diarrhoea preceded by colic, griping pains around navel.

Cholera infantum, stool horribly offensive, slimy, undigested; vomiting and prolonged weakness; the whole child has an offensive odor, child dirty, nose sunken in (Ant. t.), sunken countenance.

There is no remedy that replaces Psor. in cholera infantum, the children are apt to be nervous and restless at night as a precursory symptom, they awaken as if frightened or they cry out during sleep, then two or three nights afterwards, they begin diarrhoea, the stools are profuse and watery, dark brown or even black in color, very offensive, almost putrid in order and are worse at night. (E.A. Farrington).

Boy, age 4 months; whitish bad smelling diarrhoea, constantly crying and pulling up knees as if in pain, rattling cough, cries all night, acts as if he had earache in left ear, with slight discharge from left ear; seldom urinates; after second dose of Psor. sixteen hours after first broke out all over his head and face with a small pimply eruption, a vesicle at the apex of each pimple which exuded lymph which dried in a thick brown scab, which gradually fell off, and in two weeks left the skin perfectly clean.

Cases which do not respond promptly to the apparently indicated remedy, the children having dirty yellow greasy skin with a partially developed eruption on forehead and chest, constant fretting and worrying; lienteria.

Cholera infantum, stools dark brown watery of an intolerably offensive odor, liquid mucus or bloody and excessively foetid.

Involuntary stool at night (China: black profuse watery stool at night and after meals).

Cholera infantum, obstinate, which seemed to defy the best selected remedy; stool very thing and watery, dirty greenish, carrion-like odor; child very fretful, no sleep for two days and nights. Psor. 4 CM., one dose. In two hours child went to sleep and in four hours was well. (W.A. Hawley).

Diarrhoea prostrating quickly, she cannot walk alone; after a soft copious evacuation great and sudden prostration. Frequently repeated diarrhoea with cutting pains in abdomen, lasting several days.

Obstinate constipation; with coryza and obstruction of nose; pain in small of back; blood from rectum; due to torpor of rectum; lasting three or four days due to inactivity of rectum, stool on third or fourth day was accompanied by severe pains which induced patient to withhold effort as much as possible; with repeated ineffectual urging to stool.

Stools hard as if burnt, in small knots like sheep dung, covered with mucus, sometimes also enveloped by veinlets of blood.

Stool at beginning very hard and troublesome, followed by diarrhoea.

Stools slips back (Pyrog., Sanic., Sil., Tuberc.).

Bleeding haemorrhoidal varices on anus or in rectum, especially during stools, after stool the haemorrhoids often pain violently for a long time; painless or painful haemorrhoids.

Bloody discharges from anus or rectum with ebullition of blood through body and shortness of breath.

Burning haemorrhoidal tumors, burning in rectum.

Prolapsus recti with burning.

Haemorrhage from rectum, in old woman large quantities of blood discharge at once with constipation and hypochondriasis.

Passage of round worms, also pieces of tape worm.

Formication and itching formication in rectum with or without discharge of ascarides.

Itching and erosion in anus and perineum.

Perspiration about anus and perineum (Hep., Pyrog.).

Polypi in rectum.

Cutting pains in rectum during stool; soreness in rectum and anus while riding.

Weak after stool, exhausted.


Psor. is more often indicated in enuresis, particularly at full moon, than any other remedy. (H.C. Allen.). Obstinate cases of nocturnal enuresis.

Involuntary urine, cannot hold it, vesicle paresis; typhus.

He cannot hold urine for any length of time, it presses on bladder and passes while he walks, sneezes, coughs, or laughs.

Frequent urination at night, must get up often to urinate.

Too copious discharge of urine, followed by great weariness.

Bladder is full of urine yet it passes slowly and he feels that some remains, can never finish urination or stool.

Scanty urination nearly every half hour, with burning in urethra and in condylomata.

Painful retention of urine with children and old people, cannot urinate owing to flatulence.

He cannot urinate when he is thoroughly chilled.

Pressure on bladder as if from urging to urinate immediately after drinking.

During urination: prostration; burning or lancinating pains in the urethra and neck of bladder.

After urination the urine continues to drip.

The urethra is constricted in parts especially in morning.

Diabetes with excessive amount of whitish urine, prostration, emaciation, inextinguishable thirst.

Urine dark brown with reddish sediment; loaded with pus; frequent scanty, thick whitish; turbid; red deposit; cuticle forms on surface; profuse; uric acid; penetrating sharp odor; quickly deposits a sediment; becomes turbid like whey as soon as it is discharged; red sand; dark yellow; blackish; blood particles; complete haematuria.

Pain backward along urethra.

Paralysis of bladder, man 7I; nervous, frequent urination, < winter, > summer, > lying on right side, left side cold (Kidney); cold feet; burning on urination.

Pulsation in bladder especially when bladder is full, shivering coldness although surface is warm to touch; bites lips in order to keep teeth from chattering, head hot, cold from hips to feet, cannot keep legs and feet still, least touch causing shivering, knees give way.


Excessive uncontrollable sexual desire, insatiable lasciviousness with a cachectic complexion and sickly body.

Aversion to coition, impotence, want of emission during coition, can perform act but there is no enjoyment. Lack of sexual desire in both sexes, either frequent or constant.

Sterility, impotence, without any original defect in the sexual organs. Absence of erections, parts flabby and torpid.

Erection very frequent, long continuing, very painful, without pollutions.

There is never a complete erection, even with the most voluptuous excitement.

Semen passes off almost involuntarily in daytime with little excitement, often even without erection.

The semen is not discharged even during a long continued coition and with a proper erection, but it passes off afterwards in nocturnal pollutions or with the urine.

Nocturnal passage of semen too frequent are immediately attended with evil consequences.

Discharge of prostatic fluid after urination, but especially after a difficult stool, or almost constant dripping of prostatic fluid.

Prostatic fluid discharged before urination.

Hydrocele causes by repeated inflammation, in consequence of pressure from truss.

Dwindling and disappearance of one or both testicles.

Griping in testes. Pain as from contusion in the testicle.

Induration and enlargement of prostate gland.

Drawing pain in testicles and in the spermatic cord.

One or both testicles chronically swollen, or showing a knotty induration (sarcocele). Itching of scrotum, pimples and scabs.

Inflamed ulcer on glands, with swelling and heaviness of testicles.

Sycotic excrescence on edges of prepuce with itching and burning.

Offensive state of genitals (Thuja: sweet odor in spite of washing).

Relaxed and cold genitals.

Margaret Burgess Webster