
Serous choroiditis, some ciliary congestion and great haziness of vitreous, so that optic nerve was only discerned with great difficulty and then was found decidedly hyperaemic as was the whole fundus; headache especially in morning; constant profuse sweating of palms of hands.

Heat, redness and pressure in eyes, tendency to catarrhal inflammation, lids agglutinated in morning; inflammation with burning; burning pressing pains in eyes, < late evening, must close them.

Eyes water, inflamed, hurt so she can hardly open them; pains over eyebrows, down nose, also back of head; eyes become gummy, yellow green discharge from eyes and nose.

Right eye inflamed, pressure as from foreign body when lids are closed; as of sand in eyes.


Soreness of eyes and burning, must close them.

Eyes feel tired in evening.

Sensation of cold in eyes.

Yellowness around the eyes; yellowness of white of eyes.

Dim opaque spots on cornea.

Iritis, vision threatened, but under Psor, brought to normal.

Dropsy of the eye.

Obscuration of crystalline lens, cataract, squinting.

Internal strabismus following injury to head, iris touching inner canthus.

The right eye feels as if moulding away.

He cannot look long at anything else everything flickers before the eye; objects seem to move; objects seem to tremble for a few moments and get dark.

Confusedness before eyes after anxiety.

Darkness before eyes and ringing in ears.

Amaurosis; with scabby eruption on occiput and ears; increasing to blindness.

Far-sightedness; short-sightedness.

False vision, he sees objects double, or manifold, or only half of them.

Illusion of vision, sees faces before falling asleep (Calc. c.), beautiful, ugly, diabolical, distorted, black, white, upper half, lower half.

Night blindness, sees well in day but in twilight cannot see at all.

Dazzling in evening when walking in street.

Blindness by day, can only see well in twilight.

Blurred vision before headache (IRIS, Kali bi., Lac can., Lac def., Phos., Tuberc.); seems to look through veil or mist. Colors before eyes preceding headache, black or fiery spots.

Black points or dark streaks before eyes, floating as if flies; net works especially when looking into bright light.


Various sounds and noises in ears, signing, cracking, humming, buzzing, ringing with hardness of hearing.

The hearing is excessively irritated and sensitive, she can not hear a bell ring without trembling; is thrown into convulsions by the beating of a drum, etc., many sounds cause pain in the ear.

Sensation as of wind passing out of ear (Aeth., Calc. c., Mill.). Sensation as of something flowing or crawling out of ears. Sensation in left ear as if breath came out of it instead of from respiratory organs.

Crawling sensation and itching in ear, child can hardly be kept from boring or picking in meatus.

Deafness of various degrees even up to total deafness, with or without noise in ear, < according to weather.

Sensation as if he heard with ears not his own, evening.

Coldness in right ear followed by sticking. Stitches in ear outwardly.

Feeling as if stuffed with cotton, forenoons.

Sensation as if something burst suddenly, when eating or swallowing saliva.

Severe pain in ear confined him to bed for four days, ear swollen, thought pain would drive him crazy.

Pain extending from ear to vertex (, Sars.).

Soreness in jaw around right ear, could not use his mouth because of contraction and pain, could scarcely crowd his fingers between his teeth.

Pulsations in the ear.

External ear much swollen; swelling of parotid glands.

Meatus externus scabby, humid scurfs behind ears (Lyc.). Soreness behind ears with discharge of gluey, sticky substance (Graph., Sanic.).

External ears raw, red, oozing, scabby, sore pain behind ears; ears itch internally and externally.

Scabby eczema behind right ear came out, curing childs deafness.

Soreness of whole external ear, with abundant yellow, offensive smelling discharge; severe itching, < evening and lasting until midnight, preventing sleep and nearly driving him crazy; loss of appetite and great despondency.

Right ear a mass of crusts and pus, the crusts extended behind auricle to occiput upward upon parietal bone nearly to vertex, forward to right ear and over cheek; upon edge of region involved small vesicles filled with clear fluid, which become yellow, then crusted, and pus flowed from beneath crusts.

Herpes from temples over ears to cheeks, at times innumerable scales, at other times painful rhagades with yellow discharge, forming scurfs, foetid, itching intolerable.

Dryness in ear, dry scabs within, without any wax.

Discharge of reddish earwax, or foetid pus.

For many years discharge of reddish cerumen from left ear, < at night. Sensation of valve opening and closing in left ear, < afternoon. Buzzing in ear which stopped suddenly and was followed by violent itching. Dull heavy pain in base of brain in afternoon, with sensation as though skin of abdomen was greatly relaxed and drawn down. Face sallow and greasy. Many pustules on skin and neck, which itch intensely, and bleed easily when scratched. (G.A. Whippy).

Eruption: pustules on and behind ears, behind left ear.

Thick yellow discharge; parts sore and sensitive to touch, ears itching internally and externally.

Putrid otorrhoea (Kali phos., Tuberc.). Chronic otorrhoea with continuous discharge.

Otorrhoea, with headache; thin ichorous and horribly offensive, like rotten meat; very offensive purulent, associated with watery stinking diarrhoea; brown offensive; from left ear for almost four years; chronic cases following scarlet fever; thick purulent, offensive, yellow; thin offensive pus; putrid chronic otorrhoea in dirty cold subjects.

Ulceration of membrana tympani.


Loss of smell with coryza; sense of smell weak; sense of smell perverted, smell of blood.

Too acute sense of smell, sensitiveness for even imperceptible odors.

Soreness of nose, nose sensitive when inhaling air.

Boring, stinging in right nostril, followed by excessive sneezing; burning followed by thin nasal discharge, which relieves.

Fluent coryza on taking least cold, mostly in wet inclement weather; fluent or dry coryza very often or almost continuously, < on going into open air, nose stuffed in room.

Always taking cold. Severe acute coryza.

In coryza the nose dries up part of the time and runs part of the time, must use handkerchief constantly, must blow nose all the time. In early stages of coryza he must blow nose all the time but there is no discharge or relief (Kali bi., Lach., Sticta), seems like a continuous hay fever which runs all the year, and ripens up in the fall; stuffing up nose in the fall. (Kent).

Psor. has cured more cases of hay fever in my practice than any other single remedy. (J.H. Clarke).

Hay fever recurring in August, often on 17th or 20th.

Nostrils stopped up; tough plugs in nose; discharge of pus and hardened clots of mucus; dry coryza with stoppage of nose; nose obstructed from least draft of air.

Foetid smell in nose. Horribly OFFENSIVE discharge from nose (Calc. p., Hep., Merc., Sil.).

Yellow-green discharge from nose and eyes.

Gluey discharge from nose, tough mucus in nose, feels like a plug there; nauseates him, > when stooping. Bloody purulent discharge from nose, thick yellow discharge, yellow-green discharge; gluey discharge; horribly offensive discharge.

Sensation of dryness in nose, troublesome even when air passes freely.

Blows nose without relief (Kali br., Lach., Mar. v., Naja, Sticta).

Chronic catarrh; dropping from posterior nares, so as to waken him at night; hawking quantities of lumpy mucus gave temporary relief from feeling of fulness, mucus of nose would dry like white of egg, needed to be forcibly removed.

Epistaxis, more or less profuse; more or less frequently; blood dark.

Polypi of nose (Marum v., Sang.), usually with loss of smell, may extend through nasal passages to fauces.

Sensation as of a rough, blunt plug in nose (Kali br., Nat. c., Ruta).

Nostrils frequently ulcerated, surrounded with pimples and scabs, septum inflamed with white suppurating pustules.

Swelling and redness of nose or tip of nose, frequent or continual; acne rosacea; eruptions on nose and wings of nose.

Sneezing, < pain in liver.

Catarrh with cough and expectoration of yellow-green mucus.

Pain extending from nose to ear.


Countenance sunken, nose sunken in (Ant.t.).

Face pale yellow, sickly (Nit. ac., Phos., Phos. ac., Phyt., Staph.); paleness of face during first sleep with blue rings around eyes; bluish appearance; burning heat and redness; frequent redness of face; grey, yellow color of face; sallow yellowish complexion; dusky (Carb. v., Gels., Tuberc.).

Greasy skin.

Face, as well as entire body, looks dirty even after washing; dirty, dingy, foul look, cannot wash it clean; rough and scaly; puffy (Acet. ac., Apoc., Merc. d.).

Increased growth of hair on face, a fuzz (Calc. c., Nat. m., Syph.).

Much roughness of skin of face; eruption on forehead between eyes; stools very offensive, eczema, scrofulous ophthalmia.

Margaret Burgess Webster