Eruption on cheek bones; scabby face; especially cheeks from ears; lips and eyelids swollen, sore about eyes.
Itching, smarting, moist eruption face, extensive and offensive.
An offensive smelling, crusty eruption on face for three months, had completely closed eyes.
Crusta lactea on face and scalp, especially over either ear and cheek, exfoliating numerous scabs or it cracks and discharges a yellow foetid humor.
Moist scab behind ears with dry tetter on back of head, on both cheeks extending upward to eyes and downward to corners of mouth, reddish, very closely packed, like millet-seed, itching, dry pimples with frequent loose stools; a child one and a half yarrows old.
Eruption on the face of a child, whole face covered with a crust; lips and eyelids swollen, aversion to light; large moist spots on head and behind ears.
Humid eruptions on face, whole face covered with humid scurfs, with swelling of lips and eyelids and humid scurfs behind ears.
Red small pimples on face, especially on nose, chin an middle cheeks; pimples on forehead, closely packed itching pimples on both cheeks from eyes to corners of mouth.
Eruption on face of innumerable kinds; eruptions of beard, and of roots of the hairs of the beard with itching; acne all forms, < during menses, from coffee, fats, sugar, meat; when best selected remedy fails or only palliates.
Face swollen (Kali chl. in a.m.; Lac d., Lycps., Manc., Merc. i. f. (right), Oenan., Samb., Tarent).
Facial erysipelas.
Coppery eruption on face, ulcers on face; tinea faciei.
Corners of mouth sore, often ulcerated, sycotic condylomata.
Lips painful, swollen, particularly upper; dry; burning; brown an black, dry; ulcerated swollen and covered with scurfs; eruption on lips; pale; the red of the lips is dry, scabby, peeling off; chapped; inside of lips lined with little sores or blisters.
Under the nose or on the upper lip, long lasting scales or itching pimples.
Painful tension and pressure, in right zygoma, toward ear; cheek bones pain as if ulcerated.
Pain as if lame in condyle of jaw, soreness of jaw, right side around ear, could not open wide enough to admit finger.
Painfulness of various spots on face, the cheek, the cheek bones, the lower jaw, etc., when touched, while chewing as if festering inwardly, also like stitches and jerks, especially on chewing there are jerks, stitches and a tension so that he could not eat.
Submaxillary and lingual glands swollen, sore to touch, sometimes suppurating pustules on some places. Glands of lower jaw swollen, often passing into chronic suppuration.
Enlargement of parotids and submaxillary glands, they become hard and tender to touch, swelling from taking cold.
Glandular swelling down sides of neck.
Stitching in teeth from one side to the other, radiating to head, with burning and swelling of right cheek.
Stinging in teeth while eating; soreness of teeth.
Toothache < at night, < from cold, > from warmth.
Toothache of innumerable varying causes. Cannot remain in bed at night owing to toothache.
Gnashing of teeth during sleep.
Looseness of teeth, they feel so loose fears they may fall out; < from touch especially from bringing teeth together. Looseness of teeth and many kinds of deterioration of teeth.
Gums blue, spongy, teeth fall out.
Gums ulcerated, bleeding; bleeding from slight touch; erosive itching; whitish swollen, painful on touch. Recession of gums, leaving the front teeth and their roots bare.
Gums painful as from wounds.
Teeth stick together as if glued, from tough foul mucus in mouth. (Teeth feel jammed together, Tuberc.).
Loss of taste with coryza.
Taste bitter, goes off when eating or drinking; foul, much mucus in mouth; > in fresh air; bitter with yellow coated tongue; flat sticky, dinner tastes oily; insipid, slimy taste; bitter taste, < in morning; filthy taste; putrid or foetid taste; sourish or sour taste, especially after eating, though the food tasted all right; intolerably sweet taste.
Tip of tongue as if burnt (Calc. p., Coloc., Kali c., Kali i.).
Tongue: dry, tip feels burnt as far as middle, he has hardly any taste, tip very dry as if burnt (Ign.), painful; white yellow; thickly coated with whitish yellow slime; ulcerated, painful blisters and sore places.
Tongue white, coated white or furred white; tongue pale, bluish white.
Tongue full of deep furrows, here and there as if torn above; ulcers about tongue and mouth.
Tongue dry or sensation of dryness, even when moist.
Stuttering or stammering, also at times sudden attacks of inability to speak.
Mapped tongue (, Nit. ac., Tarax.).
Foetid smell from mouth; bad smell in the mouth, sometimes mouldy, sometimes putrid like old cheese, or like foetid foot sweat, or like rotten sourkraut; so offensive can hardly talk to him.
Tough mucus in mouth of a foul, nauseous taste, teeth stick together as if glued.
Aphthae, thrush, ulcers; blisters on inner lips, burning and painful; painful blisters on inside of cheeks.
Mouth inflamed and sore; < from warm food, but annoyed by cold; tickling, burning.
Sensation of dryness of whole internal mouth, or merely in spots, or deep down in the throat.
Dryness of mouth, burning.
Flow of blood from the mouth, often severe.
Constant flow of saliva, especially while speaking and in morning.
Continual spitting of saliva.
Profuse offensive saliva, mouth always full of slimy saliva.
Thick, yellow waxy foetid saliva in morning.
Accumulation of mucus in mouth and throat; tough mucus in throat, hawking < from warm food with burning sensation always hawking and spitting.
Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior surface of soft palate, necessitating hawking; mucus deep down in throat which he has to hawk up in great exertion and expectorate frequently during the day, < morning.
Hawks up cheesy masses from throat (Kali m., Sil. ), hawks up foul cheesy masses (Mag. c., Tuberc.), of disgusting taste; hawks down foul lumps (Mag. c., Med., Sil.).
Sensation of a plug or lump in throat impeding hawking.
Dryness of throat with thirstlessness; dryness with scraping sensation.
Burning in throat, feels scalded.
Tension and swollen feeling in throat, difficult swallowing. Large tonsils, adenoids, nasal voice; pale, blinking, always fretty, tiring easily, no appetite, history of many colds and bilious vomiting. Cured in twelve weeks by Psor. 50M. (R. E. S. Hayes).
Quinsy, tonsils greatly swollen, difficult painful swallowing; burns, feels scalded, cutting tearing intense pain to ears on swallowing (painless, Bar. c.); profuse offensive saliva; tough mucus in throat, must hawk continually.
RECURRENT QUINSY – to not only relieve acute attack but to eradicate the tendency. (Chronic quinsy, Bar. c., Calc. c., Nat. m., Sil., Sulph.).
Chronic thickening and elongation of uvula.
Tonsils enlarged, tonsillitis, submaxillary glands swollen, foetid otorrhoea.
Pain when swallowing saliva, cutting, tearing pain in throat when swallowing.
Swallowing impeded by spasms; spasmodic involuntary swallowing.
Ulcerated sore throat, ulcers on right side, with deep seated pain and burning in fauces.
Steam rising from fat causes immediate constriction of throat and chest.
Pain in left throat (externally) on turning head to right (Arg. n., Chin. s., Tarent.). Stitches.
Hungry all the time, can eat all the time; gets up during night to eat.
Good appetite with daily attacks of anxiety, easily satisfied; great hunger even after a hearty meal; canine hunger preceding attacks (diarrhoea).
Hungry or unusually well before an attack.
Hungry in middle of night (CHIN., LYC., PHOS., Tuberc.), must have something to eat, ravenous hunger at midnight wakens from sleep.
Ravenous hunger yet grows thin (Calc. c., Iod., Nat. m., Sulph., Tuberc.).
Anorexia with great thirst; during convalescence; after typhoid.
Thirst; during dinner; with dryness of throat; especially for beer, mouth feels so dry, constant thirst; first thing in morning.
Craves whisky and it benefits him since it drives out the skin eruption, relieving the abdominal distress, but tobacco is poisonous to him. (S.J. Henderson).
Ravenous hunger < early morning, he has to eat at once or he grows faint, exhausted and shaky, or if he is in open air has to lie straight down; wants food continually or else gets cold and wet all over.
Ravenous hunger with rumbling and grumbling in abdomen.
Ravenous appetite preceding the attacks (Bry., Phos.), appetite increased before headache (Bry., Epiph., Nux v., Sep.); with headache (Nux v., Phos., Sep., Syph.); before attacks of sickness (Bry., Nux v., Phos., Sep.).
Appetite without hunger, he has a desire to swallow in haste various things without there being any craving.
A sort of hunger, but satiety and full feeling after eating ever so little.
Repugnance to cooked warm food, especially to boiled meat, and hardly any desire for anything but rye bread and butter and potatoes.
When she wants to eat she feels full in the chest and her throat feels as if full of mucus.
Want of appetite, only a sort of gnawing, turning and writing in stomach urges her to eat.