After suppressed gonorrhoea: Rheumatism, lameness, conjunctivitis with granulations, intense photophobia, pain darting around through head.
Chronic gonorrhoea (Alum., Sep., Sulph., MED.). Gleet of twelve years duration.
Chronic painless discharge urethra, leaving yellow stain upon linen.
Thin discharge from urethra (Nat. m.).
Seven large moist itching, occasionally burning, condylomata on prepuce, every night nocturnal enuresis, during day must urinate every half hour; urination scanty with burning in urethra and condylomata, lips ulcerated particularly in corners of mouth, in several places but especially in popliteal spaces, dry herpetic eruption, not itching.
Boy, age 7, suffering since birth, right-sided inguinal hernia, about three inches of intestine descending to testicle through widely opened inguinal canal, upon applying a bandage severe inflammation of tunica vaginalis occurred which yielded to Puls., but returned every time bandage was applied, child gradually grew miserable and thin and lost all appetite, fever set in and a large amount of water collected in tunica vaginalis; as the case improved a painful burning, itching excoriation with acrid discharge appeared upon inner surface of prepuce and upon corona glandis.
Painful twitches in muscles of penis.
Menses delayed and scanty; metrorrhagia; menses copious for weeks or return daily; menses of watery blood or of brown clots; menses of very foetid blood; intermittent; one day or only one hour or in imperceptibly small quantities; irregular, several days too early; every three weeks.
Menses accompanied with many ailments, faints, headaches (mostly stitching), or contractive spasmodic cutting pains in abdomen and in small of back; she is obliged to lie down, vomits.
All sorts of menstrual disorders, especially a prolonged menstruation, uterine haemorrhages.
Menstrual disorders during climaxis; dysmenorrhoea at climaxis.
First menstruation delayed until after the fifteenth year and later, or after appearing once or twice cease for several months or for years.
Amenorrhoea in psoric subjects with thick scurfs on body; with phthisis.
Leucorrhoea large lumps, unbearable odor, violent pains in sacrum and right loin, great debility; for a few days before or after menstruation; during entire intermenstrual period; or in place of menses; leucorrhoea like milk or yellow or white mucus; or acid foetid water.
Polypi in the vagina.
Left ovary indurated after a fall, followed by itching eruption on body and face.
Sore pain in right ovary (Apis, Bry., Iod., Murex., Pall., Sec. c.).
Cutting in left loin, cannot walk without assistance.
Knotty lump in right groin, even a bandage hurts.
Pinching in pubic region.
Pelvic tumor with extensive adhesions. Fibroid of uterus.
Psor. is usually needed at some time during treatment of fibroid (R.E.S. Hayes).
Fibroid tumor extending two fingers above umbilicus, menses every three weeks or oftener with bright red blood, and, at intervals, haemorrhages, – “the odor about me is disgusting” especially right after period, very offensive perspiration; < in thunder storm weather, craves salt, excessive thirst for cold water, < twilight, life not worth living, talks of drowning herself. Psor. much improved. (Elizabeth Wright Hubbard).
Pelvic tumor pronounced malignant by Dr. Macdonald, after opening abdomen refused to remove it on account of adhesions; urine loaded with pus, stool involuntary and horribly offensive, nurses could hardly endure it. Psor. 30 cured. (S.J. Moffat).
Mammary cancer.
Dwindling of breasts or excessive enlargement of same, with retroceding nipples.
A hard enlarging and indurating gland with lancinating pains in breast.
Growth in right breast following vaccination, which grew rapidly after a blow, four hard lumps in upper segment of right breast. (R.E.S. Hayes).
Tumor in left breast disappeared under Psor. (Hayes).
Mammae swollen, painful; redness of nipples and burning around them.
Itching, also moist and scaly eruptions around the nipples. Erysipelas during lactation.
Pimples itching violently about nipples, oozing a fluid, second month of pregnancy.
Leaky nipples (Bell., Borax, Bry., Cham., Lach.).
Symptoms attending pregnancy (MED., SYPH., TUBERC.). Obstinate eruption on abdomen during pregnancy.
Foetal motions painful (Ars., Arn., Crocus, Lyc., Nat. c., Op., Sep., Sil., Puls., Thuja).
During pregnancy foetus moves too violently, abdomen tympanitic; nausea, OBSTINATE CASES OF VOMITING. (Med. 50M. will stop pernicious vomiting of pregnancy oftener than all of our other remedies combined. (C.M. Boger.).
Nausea of pregnancy, nausea on waking, must leave table and vomit, can keep lemon juice down better than anything, craves acids, cant drink cold water, thirst but afraid to drink because it comes right up, < odors. Ars. palliated, Psor. 50M. cured.
Premature births.
Tendency to haemorrhages from the uterus.
When a woman has passed through an abortion and the placenta has come away, but every few days a little gush of blood and clots, or going days and weeks with a little oozing of bright red blood, every time she gets on her feet there is a new start of the flow, no tendency to permanent recovery (Sulph.), a marked state of relaxation, subinvolution, tendency to bleed, state of inertia (J.T. Kent).
Mrs. H.E.L., age 56, had an attack of acute peritonitis two years ago, involving especially the right lower abdomen; has never been well since, having persistent attacks of pain in right inguinal region, so severe that her attending physician always resorted to morphine. The concomitant symptoms were easily controlled, but on their disappearance the attacks of pain increased in frequency and violence. Physical examination revealed adhesive bands, which constricted the vagina and involved the right broad ligament and right ovary which was apparently bound down to the side of the pelvis. The pain was < by moving the limb, walking, standing erect, lying on painful side. After attempting for months to relieve the localized pain by careful selection of a remedy, with only temporary relief, certain to be followed by severe relapse, in desperation Psor. was given; the pains disappeared and have never returned, notwithstanding the pathological diagnosis. (H.C. Allen).
A lady, 32, had severe pain, temperature from 103 to 105, attended with headache, backache and cramps in muscles of limbs, with severe abdominal and pelvic pains, the result of instrumental abortion. As the acute symptoms passed off, there was great fear and mental depression and restlessness. Psor. cured after failure of Acon. (H.C. Allen).
Each evening at six oclock would become restless and break out in profuse icy cold sweat, continued all night, very exhausting, not > by external heat. As evening approached great fear of oncoming cold sweat and icy chilliness. With the cold copious sweat was a foul taste and very offensive odor.
Ulcers on labia; vulva ulcerates and is very offensive; eruption on genitals very offensive. Offensive genitals (Sars., Thuja).