Pain beginning over left eye goes to right, < from hour to hour, then diarrhoea and nausea, finally bloody vomiting; dizziness obliges her to lie down; blur and blue stars before the eyes; veins of temples much dilated; day before headache inordinate appetite, also during first hours of pains; < and brought on by changes of weather, so that even in middle of night she is awakened by pain and always knows here has been a change in weather; stomach sore and sensitive to touch and pressure of clothes; catamenia regular.

Sensation as if head was separated from body: (Alum., Ant. t., Cannab. ? Daph., Nat.m., Nux m., Therid.).

Intense menstrual headaches (Tuberc.).

Headache, a dull pain in morning immediately on waking, or in afternoon when walking rapidly or speaking loudly.

Headache on one side with a certain periodicity < every 28, 14, or a less number of days, more frequently during full moon, or during the new moon, or after mental excitement, after a cold, etc., a pressure or other pain on top of the head or inside it, or a boring pain over one eye.

Periodic headaches associated with putrid stool; preceded by dim vision, or black or fiery spots before the eyes.

Headaches daily at certain hours, with stitching in the temples.

Headaches, shooting pains in the head coming out by the ears; < while walking, < taking exercise, after eating; sees everything black.

Stupefying, pressing morning headache, > by sweat at night.

Din in the brain, signing, humming noise, thunder, etc.; roaring noise in brain.

Feeling of cold pressure on head; cold pressure on vertex.

Headache as if skull would burst.

Headache, drawing pains, stitching pains passing out at ears.

Pain like hammers striking head from within outward; pain all through head as from a hammer.

Cramplike contractive headache. Sensation of a band around head (CARB. AC., GELS., NIT.AC., SULPH., Tuberc.). Pain from right to left, as if piece of wood were laid on back of head.

Pain in back of head as if sprained; pressure on right side of occiput as if luxated.

Headache alternating with other complaints; alternation of headache and cough (Lach.); or eruption in winter alternates with headache; headache form repelled eruption.

Brain feels large.

Pain in head extending to teeth (CHINA, Tuberc.); pain in head extending to throat; pain in head extending to ears.

Headache from mental excitement; from catching cold; from draft of air on head; if misses a meal.

Headache preceded by visual disturbances; hunger (Bry., Epiph., Nux v., Sep.); putrid stool.

Headache accompanied by hunger (Kali phos., Nux v., Phos., Sep., Syph.); empty eructations; putrid stool.

Headache < before a thunder storm; < change of weather; < draft of air; < light in general.

Headache > while eating; > wrapping up head (Hep., Nux v., Rhus t., Sil., Syph., Tuberc.); > nose bleed (Ham., Meli., Bufo, Petr.).


Hair: dry (Calc. c., Kali c., Sanic., THUJ.); lustreless (Kali n., Sanic., Tuberc.), tangles easily (Borax, Lyc., Nat.m.); sticks together (Lyc., Nat.m., MEZ., Sars., Sep., Sulph.); must comb hair continually.

Bad condition of hair and scalp; untidy and uncleanly appearance.

Hair as if parched; frequently falls, most in front, on the crown and top of the head; bald spots or beginning baldness of certain spots.

Hair falls as if it were dried; falling abundantly.

Sensation as if pulled by the hair (Acon., Alum., Canth., Indium, Iod., Mag.c., Mag.m., Nitrum, Rhus t., Selen.).

A man, age 28, dark complexion, dark brown hair, had a spot on left frontal region, commencing at edge of hair and extending upwards three-fourths of an inch, the skin covering spot was many shades whiter than the surrounding skin, and the lock of hair growing on it had turned perfectly white; after Psor. hair and spot became natural color.

Plica polonica (Sars., Tuberc.).

Dandruff (Med., Sanic.), with or without itching.

Moist, suppurating foetid, also dry eruptions on scalp.

Scurfy eruption of children; large yellow vesicles around and between scales.

Profusely suppurating FOETID eruption on head; rawness and soreness behind ears.

Large humid blotches on head, with scabby eruption on face.

Suppurating eruptions on scalp, oozing a sticky, offensive fluid (Graph., Mez.).

Humid scabby itching, offensive smelling eruption on scalp, full of lice, glandular swellings.

Head so covered with eruption that no part of scalp was visible; crusts cover the scalp; eczema of scalp and face; the hair falls; the oozing lifts up the crusts and exposes new vesicles; it looks like raw beef and it tingles so the child cannot keep its fingers off of it, < at night; < warmth of bed, < warm applications, < anything which would keep the air off of it; > by cool air and < from covering, (contrary to the usual Psor. state). (Kent).

Eruption on the head; tinea capitis, malignant tinea with crusts of greater or less thickness with sensitive stitches and violent itching when one of the places becomes moist; the whole crown of the head painfully sensitive to open air; hard swelling of cervical glands.

Eruption on head, particularly on occiput, completely hiding scalp from view, profuse exudation soiling pillow at night and causing excoriation of skin of nape of neck, OFFENSIVE smelling, innumerable lice.

Eruptions on scalp with swollen glands; with urticaria. Tinea capitis et faciei. Crusta serpiginosa.

Pustules and boils on head, containing large quantities of pus, severe itching, causing child to scratch so violently that blood flows; formation of thick dirty yellow scabs, which when removed show a raw surface from which a yellow lymph exudes, which stiffens the linen, after removal new scales form; eruption spreads on nape of neck, scalp and on most of the forehead; the eruption has a very OFFENSIVE odor; such a large quantity of lymph is exuded that head sticks to pillow; child very restless, scratches head violently, and if prevented becomes irritable and screams; large pustules on arms and body which show no tendency to heal.

DIRTY looking, OFFENSIVE boils on head and scalp.

Painful lumps under skin come and go, round tumors, in rare cases suppurate.

Sensitive spots about head (Borax, Naja).



Sensation of constriction in skin of head and face.

< from having hair cut (Bell., Glon., Sep.).

Whole head burns.

Viscid sweat about the head.

Following injury to head internal strabismus.

Child, age 3, had milk crusts since 3 months old, was emaciated with enlarged cervical glands and a sickly puny appearance, the whole scalp was involved and emitted an offensive odor. The hair matted, impossible to keep it clean, bowels never moved without artificial aid. Psor. 200, one dose, produced severe aggravation, then a permanent cure.


Aversion to light. The eyes are most sensitive to daylight, they are pained by it, it makes them smart and they close involuntarily.

Great PHOTOPHOBIA, walks with eyes bent upon ground, scurfy eruption on face.

PHOTOPHOBIA, when walking in open air, with inflammation of lids.

PHOTOPHOBIA, cannot open eyes, lies on face, inflammation of lids, internal surface much congested.

Eye lids, especially in morning, are as if closed, he cannot open them (for minutes, sometimes even for hours), eyelids are heavy as if paralyzed or convulsively closed.

Lids spasmodically closed, intense photophobia and profuse flow of hot tears; much pustular eruption on face; large brown scab on right eye, from beneath which pours pus abundantly when touched; constipated; appetite for dainties only. Pustular keratitis.

Acute ciliary blepharitis, internal surface of lid chiefly affected; photophobia, strumous diathesis with unhealthy offensive discharges.

Ciliary blepharitis, right to left, < morning and during day; chronic cases subject to acute exacerbations.

Eyelids; swollen; inflamed; child rubs eyes, greatly swollen, closely pressed together; thickened; tendency to styes; itching, especially in canthi; herpetic eruption; scrofulous inflammation, covered with thick crusts, whole body covered with bran-like tetter; granulation and induration of mucous membrane, so that the lids become like gristle, redness and ulceration.

Edges of lids full of dry mucus.

Everted lids with gummy discharge. Lids thickened and turned out like ectropion.

Turning out of lids with loss of lashes.

Recurrent pustular inflammation of cornea and conjunctiva, chronic form, scrofulous base.

Right eye red internally and externally, vesicles on cornea; eruption on head.

Scrofulous inflammation of eyes; ulceration of cornea; accumulation of foetid pus in eyes.

Eyes much inflamed, < left, supraorbital pain; profuse lachrymation; intolerance of light, must bury face in pillow; tear sac very sensitive.

Inflammation of eyes of various kinds.

Stitches in eyes.

“He looks frightful with his red eyes, redness of mucous membrane of nose, mouth and lips; eruption on face, red skin oozing a thick yellow discharge”.

Margaret Burgess Webster