The concomitant symptoms were easily controlled, but on their disappearance the attacks of pain increased in frequency and violence. Physical examination revealed adhesive bands, which constricted the vagina and involved the right broad ligament and right ovary which was apparently bound down to the side of the pelvis.


ANXIOUS; full of fear; evil forebodings.

ANXIETY; anxiety of conscience as though guilty of a crime (Alum., Ars., Aur., Dig.); anxiety with oppression of chest; anxious oppression early on waking; anxious oppression in evening after going to bed.

ANXIETY, several times a day (with or without pains), or at certain hours of the day or night; usually the patient finds no rest, but has to run hither and thither, often perspires.

Feels the greatest anguish in head, with whirling before eyes every day from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. since two years ago; walks up and down the room wringing his hands and moaning continually, “Oh, such anguish! Oh, such anguish!” Only when he eats his meals he ceases moaning; appetite good.

Anxiety when riding, with trembling of hands and restlessness.

Full of fear, evil forebodings, fear of death; fears he will fail in business, although he is prospering; wishes to die in spite of best hopes.

ATTACKS OF FEAR; fear of fire; of being alone; of apoplexy, of becoming insane; of going to the poor-house; of disaster (Puls.). Great fear of death; anxiety about heart and dyspnoea, with attacks of pain in chest.


DESPAIR, depressed in spirits and hopeless; despairs of recovery (Ars., Calc. c.), thinks he will die; hopeless, especially after typhus or typhoid, > from nosebleed; driven to despair by excessive itching.

Overwhelming sadness; his ideas are sad and joyless, no joy or realization of benefit in anything. Great despondency, making his own life and that of his family intolerable, suicidal thoughts.

Great depression of mind during climaxis, with chronic abdominal disorders.

Melancholy, with or without insanity; also at times alternating with frenzy and hours of rationality. Melancholy, palpitation and anxiousness cause her at night to waken, < just before menses.

Religious melancholy (Meli.). Thinks he has sinned away his day of grace, it is a fixed idea during the day and he dreams about it at night.

Mania of self-destruction.

Weeping, weeps for hours without knowing cause.

Melancholy after suppressed eruption; emaciated, pale, earthy complexion, weakness of limbs, flushes of heat and palpitation prevent sleep, sleep comes toward morning, would like to stay in bed until midday; aversion to work; indifference, weeping, seeks solitude, despairs of recovery; irritable, forgetful.

SLIGHT EMOTIONS CAUSE SEVERE AILMENTS, every moral emotion causes severe trembling; wrings hands (Kali brom., Phos., Puls., Stram., Sulph., Therid.). Fright caused by merest trifles. Complaints from fright (Lecithin, Tuberc.), often causes perspiration and trembling.

Ailments from grief (LECITHIN, TUBERC.).

Aversion to work; disinclination to work in persons who are generally most industrious; no impulse to occupy himself; most decided repugnance to work.

Disinclination to ride, then desire to ride all the time, even in bad weather.

Averse to bathing, can hardly be induced to take a bath. (SULPH.).

Wants to wash parts (Syph.).

Excitable, vexed with everything, excitable before sleep. Cross when hungry, scolds when dinner is not ready. Attacks of passion resembling frenzy, irritability from weakness.

Excessive sensitiveness, vacillating, fearful, mania, quick change of moods, often very merry and exuberantly so, often again very sudden dejection, on account of his disease or from some trifling cause. Sudden transition from cheerfulness to sadness, or vexation without cause.

Irritable, peevish, passionate, noisy, nervous, easily startled, restless, hands tremble. Irritable, easily angered, always thinking of dying. Intolerably self-willed, annoys those about him (a boy suffering from an eruption). Very disagreeable mood, impatient, extremely ill-humored.

She cannot control her thoughts. Thoughts vanish after over- lifting.

Forgetful of names of persons, recognizes them but calls them by another name.

Memory weak, cannot remember, does not even know his room; loss of location.

Wants to be alone.

Thoughts which he cannot get rid of constantly reappear in his dreams. Horrid thoughts.

Mental labor causes fulness in head; intense headache; throbbing in brain; pain in left temple.

Dull, stupid, foggy as after a debauch, on awaking at night he falls with dizziness.

Dazed mental state; bewildered, cannot answer questions, at times seems to be deprived of thought, she sits there as if she were absent, full of spleen, very low spirited.

Full of imaginations, especially at night, of what he would do or say, if this, that or the other thing should happen; of impossible things; of past, present or future occurrences; carrying on an imaginary conversation pro and con should such things occur.

Indignation and anger from riding over a rough road.


Mental exhaustion from night labor or loss of sleep. Thinking that he understood what he read he tried to explain it and found that he did not understand it. Cloudiness of mind and difficult thinking. her thoughts are not under her control, she is at times quiet without thought, or sits as if lost in thought.

Mental and physical exhaustion from night labor, from loss of sleep, from riding in a car (COCC., Petrol., SEP.). (Nit. ac. > riding.).

Good humor in the morning, works with pleasure, enjoys everything; or ill humor in the morning; quarrelsome.

Easily startled; sensation as if frightened.


Vertigo: mornings, objects seem to go around with him; with headache; eyes feel pressed outward; with confusion and drawing in forehead, with raring in ears.

Vertigo: on going into open air becomes dizzy and wants to go home and lie down, afraid she will lose her breath.

Vertigo: on closing eyes everything around him seems to turn; nausea; reels when walking.

Vertigo: on turning around briskly he almost falls; on looking down or on looking up; when bending over; while walking on a road not enclosed on either side; while walking on an open plain.

Vertigo: she appears to herself either too large or too small; objects appear either too large or too small.

Vertigo resembling a swoon, causing loss of consciousness; as from a jerk in the head.

Vertigo with frequent eructations.

Dizziness; inability to think or to perform mental labor; open air causes dizziness and drowsiness in the head.


Old chronic periodic headache WITH HUNGER, MUST GET UP AT NIGHT TO EAT; headache > by eating; headache if misses a meal; always hungry during headache (Kali phos., Nux v., Phos., Sep., Syph.); appetite increased before headache (Bry., Epiph., Nux v., Sep.).

Recurrent headaches every one, two, or three weeks.

Every time the air blows on his head it slacks up catarrh and a headache comes on. Either coryza or a headache from catching cold. (Headache from anything which lowers resistance of the patient, Tuberc.).

Headache from mental excitement (Nat.m., Nux v., Tuberc.).

Headache follows visual disturbances (Kali bi., Nat.m., Phos., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Tuberc.). Headache preceded by: flickering before eyes; dimness of sight or spots before eyes; spectres; objects dancing before eyes, black spots or rings.

Headaches preceded by dim vision or dark spots before eyes; extreme dulness, fears inflammation of brain; > by nosebleed, followed by darkness before eyes. Cured (Haynel).

Frontal headache with sensation of weakness in forehead.

Pain as if the brain had not room enough in forehead, when rising in morning a forcing outward, < after washing and eating.

Pressing headache in small spots in forehead and temples, < left side, feels intoxicated, stupid.

Morning headache with pressing in forehead, stupefaction, staggering, eyes feel sore.

Sensation as from a heavy blow received on forehead wakens him at 1 a.m.

Surging, drawing and digging in forehead with vertigo.

Rush of blood to head, hot face, hair wet with perspiration, hunger.

Congestion of blood to head immediately after dinner; great congestion of brain, > by nosebleed; congestion to head, heat, awakened him at night, stupefied, could not recollect, after sitting still a while had to rise to collect his senses.

Congestion to head, cheeks and nose red and hot; eruption on face reddens, great anxiety every afternoon after dinner; fifth month of pregnancy.

Fulness of head after mental labor.

Fulness in vertex as if brain would burst, with formication in head, followed by heavy sleep.

Attacks of throbbing headache, in the forehead, with violent nausea as if about to sit down, or also vomiting; starting early in evening and repeated every fortnight.

As if stupid in left side of head in morning.

Headache originally caused twenty years before by driving against high wind, > by wrapping head in woollen scarf, but < by hot water bag. Pain extends from occiput over head to eyes, < by reading to writing for even a few minutes, or sleeping in a light room. Sensation of a band drawn tighter and tighter about head, wakens at 4 or 5 a.m.

Young man subject to migraine once or twice a week, attacks preceded by blindness (one parent had similar headaches). In ten days after Psor. 50M. a carbuncle came on his neck, which opened and discharged of its own accord. No further headaches. (C.M. Boger).

Margaret Burgess Webster