Essential Symptoms – 3

3. Rheumatism, pains diagonal, left upper and right lower or opposite; stitching pains, dark red urine.

4. Snuffles of children.

5. Humid asthma worse after eating; after smoking.


1. Mammary cancer, nightly lancinating pains, worse left breast; cancer pains. Sensation as if left breast were drawn in.

2. Axillary glands swollen, hard and knotted worse nights; damp weather.

3. Epilepsy, twitching over the whole body four or five days before the attack.

4. Apoplexy with red face and full, hard, and frequent pulse.

5. Numbness of hand and fingers of left side.

6. Disposition to pimples at adolescence, fine, black tipped puncta, small red bases. Worse cold damp weather. Heat in hand as if surrounded by hot air.

7. Menstrual troubles relieved by the appearances of the flow.


1. Future looks dark to him, he wants to die.

Profound melancholy, life is a burden, desire to commit suicide. No love of life, absolute loss of enjoyment in every thing. Looks on the dark side of everything.

2. Complaints after grief, fright, anger, disappointed love, contradiction, reserved displeasure.

3. Pain in heart region extending down left arm to fingers.

4. Symptoms worse from sunset to sunrise.

5. Syphilitic and Mercurial patient.

6. Insanity, patient sits silent and says nothing. The causes of insanity are prolonged anxiety, unusual responsibility, syphilis, loss of property; after abuse of mercury; imagines he can not succeed in anything and he does everything wrong. Imagines he sees obstacles everywhere; thinks he has neglected something, has neglected his friends, has neglected his duty; looks on the dark side of everything. thinks he is wholly unfit for this world, he longs to die and seeks methods to commit suicide.

7. Pain makes her desperate; so that she would like to jump out of the window; wants to destroy herself. Pains drive to despair; the pains drive the patients out of bed at night and make him walk; old syphilitic bone pains.

8. Bone diseases in old syphilitics.

9. Affections of glands, chronic enlargement of testes, lumps in mammary glands; tumours in glands.

10. Desire for open air but averse to uncover.

11. Cold water ameliorates pain in eyes.

12. Symptoms better cold washing, wants doors and windows open, wants to be in cool air, wants clothing thrown off.

13. Baldness due to syphilis, the scalp is left shiny, hair will not grow in again.

14. Eyes ameliorated by moon light; protrusion of eyes in exophthalmic goitre with enlargement of heart.

Inflammation of conjunctive, choroid, iris, retina; relieved by cold water.

15. Caries of bones of ears, of nose, fetid discharge, syphilitic necrosis; coryza, thick discharge like white of egg; tip of nose knobby red (Lach) full of grief, wants to die, to commit suicide.

16. Oppression in the region of the heart on walking fast and going upstairs with oedema of the lower limbs.

17. Warts scrofulous, syphilitic, mercurial.

18. Vertigo as if turning in a circle, when stooping, goes off on rising.

19. Hernia, inguinal, umbilical; and in a children.

20. Testes undeveloped, boy pining, depressed, weak.

21. Sterility in syphilitic women.

22. Urine like butter milk.

N C Das
N C Das