Medical treatment of Genital Passion

Also there are some young men who, at the age of 25 to 35 refuse the most advantageous marriages and who once gone astray in the sterile life of a celibate pass the rest of their lives in concumbinages.

Well! some remedies, appropriate for each case can put on the good path, the young men and women, who are strayed or are on the point of being strayed, and finally end them in proper time in marriage which, specially for the young people is a safety valve against immorality.


Many young men being undecided without motive to marry, the learned Hering of Philadelphia, gave them Lachesis, which caused them to decide for marriage.

I treated a young girl of 29 years who, following an unmerited humiliation, was since many years in a deep sadness and became miserly. I changed that moral condition by the help of Nux vomica 30 which besides developed in that young girl the taste of marriage which she did not think up till then.

You have seen in the case of a young man in case XXI, Staphysagria 10,000 cured the passion for a mistress and at the same time made him decide to marry.


There are some other defects of character, or passions. Which lead indirectly the espouses to the separation of body, to divorce, to conjugal infidelity. These are for example, the antipathy, jealousy, brutality, miserliness, the coquettishness, extreme prodigality, gambling, laziness, sulky character, susceptibility, shame, not obliging etc. One may dissipate by the help of medicines these defects or passion, as I have shown by there cases regarding antipathy. I have also proved it in same manner for other defects, or passions, in my memoire of 60 pages, published in 1882 (How homeopathic medicines can develop the character of man and develop his intelligence, Lyon) containing 41 cures.

A few weeks or sometimes many weeks, many month’s time is necessary so that the treatment becomes successful; in other cases, a single remedy is enough. Thus I was able to cure, by a single medicine the jealousy existing sine 16 years in a husband of 48 years; the jealousy existing since 32 years in a husband of 60 years; a susceptible character, a liar, existing since 22 years in a husband of 50 years; an egoist and avaricious, in a father of family, who did not give marriage of his daughter neither did give a dowry to his daughter; the coquettishness, want of judgment and taste, an expensive character in a woman of 25 years. A doctor of the north of France was telling me recently. A doctor of the north of France was telling me recently: “They speak much about your in this country” Why? “Because you have prevented a divorce in a town”.

A lady of that town got her husband treated by me without his knowledge for a defect or for a passion, which decided him to ask for a divorce against her. According to a custom which cured ten lepers by Christ, that lady did not come to thank me and to recall to me what was the defect or passion that I have cured in her husband by the help of a single remedy.

Most men wishing not to be cured of their defects or passion are treated without their knowledge. On the whole they are cured better by this way. Knowing not that they are undergoing a treatment they are not preoccupied with it and in this way the evolution towards the cure is spontaneous.

I cannot mention the medicines useful against all the vices and all the defects of character and of intelligence, because I wanted to limit myself here to make known specially the remedies of genital passion.

One would perhaps object that I cure defects or vice, not by medicines by by suggestions. The proof that it is not so is that the children who are generally the most sensitive to the suggestion, are much more difficult than the adults to cure of their vices and passion, by medicines and this perhaps because their reason is much less developed. I would prefer to treat an old man of 70, rather than a child of 10 years.


There is an other material means to prevent the genital passion: IT is not to use any aphrodisiac foods or drinks, which I have learnt since 20 years as I am consulted by people of all classes for being cured of their passions, defects of character and intelligence.

There priests have said to me, the one after the other: “When I eat fishes I have a pollution the following day, so I avoid fish”.

A student of a Faculty of catholicism told me: “I feel some erotic temptation only of Friday, when I take fish”.

The aphrodisiac property of fish is generally known. However there are thousands of people who eat fish without feeling that effect of perhaps they have not the sensitiveness to experience it. However there are times when one can experience it specially in the spring, the season during which the genital impulses are stronger and this generally in men, who while abstaining from meat, eat fish daily. Let these numerous consumers abstain from fish when they experience the aphrodisiac effect.

A husband very sensitive to medicines and to foods, told to me that fish is the most aphrodisiac substance for him, are the following according to their importance: 1. Sardine, 2. Skate, 3. The sole, 4. Tunny fish, 5. The merlan, 6. The perch. He has not experimented the makarel, and other fishes.

This comparative experiment helps one to presume the each person finds out what quality of fish produce in him the aphrodisiac effects.

It has been noted that the populations of coasts and borders of rivers and those of England, who consume much fish, are very prolific. The persistence of consuming an aphrodisiac food may augument the genital impulse to which every man is subjected one time or another.

Professor Regnault, of Rennes, who has numerous clients in the religious world, wrote in L’ Art medical of Paris: “There are some men who cannot bear continence when they eat meat”.

It is said that fish is aphrodisiac because they contain phosphorus. But if it is so, the meat should be much more aphrodisiac as it contains one-fourth more phosphorus that in there is fish.”

A professor of legal medicine of a Faculty of medicine told me: “Persons guilty of theft are specially seen in the group of voracious eaters.”

Let therefore the consumers of meat observe individually as regards genitals as I have recommended higher up to the consumers of fish, and let them act accordingly.

An adolescent of 14 years, although having the reason of a man of 24, masturbated. I was very much surprised of it; also I looked for the substance in his foods which may have caused in him such a vicious habit. He was immediately cured they very moment I told not to take coffee with milk in his habitual dinner.

One or two months later he said to me: “I fall back once in a week.”

-One which day?

-The Sunday.

– What do you do on that day?

-I take coffee with milk.

A doctor of 70 years old, who was a widower, continent, religious said to me: “if I take tea in the evening, I experience an insomnia. When I take coffee in the evening, i experience insomnia and I have a pollution at night.”

These are the two subjects of very different ages who prove the aphrodisiac effect of coffee. Let the numerous consumers of coffee observe in this regard and if there are some among them who experience that aphrodisiac effect, let them renounce to that drink for a long time as it produces that effect.

In order to show the aphrodisiac effect of wine and of alcoholic drinks in general, it is sufficient to consult the statistics of crime. That which was communicated, on the 3rd April 1883, to the Academy of Medicine by Dr.Marambat informs us that out of 100 accused for attempt on customs in France, there were 63 alcoholics.

According to the statistics cited by the Gazette de Cologne and reproduced in the Universe of the July 1884, out of 100 condemned for raped in Germany, there were 66 alcoholics. On the other hand, according to the cases seen since 10 years in my polyclinic of Wednesday morning for the treatment of drunkards, I presume that out of 900,000 drunkards of France there are at least 200,000 who go to meet their wives when they are drunk. One of my clients informed me that, when he was young, if he drank some small glasses of wine he had pollution the following night. Finally the Bible has already made known to us, the aphrodisiac effect of wine, while telling the story of Loth and his two daughters.

In summary, two conditions are necessary so that the foods and drinks mentioned above produce an aphrodisiac effect:

1. A person who is very much influenced by erotic impulses.

2. The same person very sensitive to the aphrodisiac action of one or the other of these foods or drinks. Each should observe in this regard which food or drink he should give up.

Up till now the author on the Treatises on hygiene have written Treatises on veterinary hygiene applied to man, since they aim at only developing in him the material being, it was a materialistic teaching in reality though not intentional. In my book of human hygiene (not published) I have tried to develop besides in man the moral and the intellectual being. I continue, thus developing the tradition forgotten to-day, which said through the mouth of Galen about 18 centuries ago:

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.