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Medical treatment of Genital Passion

There are other husbands who may be cured only partially. They become less and less adulterous and do not injure or to strike their wives to drive them away in order to ask separation, divorce etc. I now treat one of these husbands who has stopped all the brutalities towards his wife. He has even become sweet and well wishing towards his wife and recommends her with friendliness to avoid carriages and accidents when she goes out. He did not more try to bring in his house his mistress but did not leave her. However he seemed to be ashamed when by signs his wife understood that he was with his mistress. One would say that the bitings of conscience were waking up in him. These effects were produced under the influence of Causticum 200 and specially by the influence of Staphysagria 200 repeated once when there are the sings of the relapse of the brutalities.

I now treat another husband probably conceived by a father in the state of drunkenness. He had all the inborn vices: drunkard, lubricity, adultery, masturbation, wishing to corrupt his son, filthy language, frequenting vicious men and women, I ameliorated, without curing, his vicious habits by Causticum 200 and specially by Staphysagria 200 repeated every three or two days and above all by Causticum 1,000 repeated every 8 days. In this stubborn case it is necessary to give the remedies in more and more high dilutions and repeated less often.

In similar cases one would be more successful if all the aphrodisiac foods and drinks mentioned further above are stopped; but one cannot do it because one is forced to treat the subjects without their knowledge.

There are some women who refuse very wrongly, to fulfil their conjugal duty which may be a cause of disunion, discord, separation, divorce, adultery etc.. To these women, we may give some remedies which will help them to fulfil their and thus bring peace in the household.

Medicines which decide an unmarried person to leave his mistress and and to marry:

Staphysagria, Veratrum, Platina, Phosphorus, Lachesis.

Case XXI

A mother of family consults me for her son aged 20 and having a mistress since three to four years. She wanted that her son decides to leave his mistress and and to marry (already cited, Ch. VI, art.II, case VII).

To this double end I gave her some globules of Staphysagria 200 to be dissolved in two spoonfuls of fresh water, and to be poured without the knowledge of her son in a cup of coffee which is to be taken after the dinner.

A few days afterwards, the boy said to one his friends: “I am going to leave my mistress and to marry”.

The medicine does not develop the passion by the taste for the marriage and for his legitimate joys. It was the sense of duty which was waking up.

There weeks late, I gave the same dose which provoked same intention, the same words, but not the action. Then I gave the same medicine in a more higher dilution 10,000 prepared by Dr. L. Lambert of Lyon. Eight months afterwards, I came to know the result. After having taken the medicine without his knowledge that young man left his mistress for 5 months but did not marry for want of occasions, so he fell back since three months to his mistress. I gave him again Staphysagria 10,000 which anew, made him to leave his mistress and as the occasions was there he married.

This example shows that when a remedy has produced an incomplete result, one should not abandon it, but prescribe it sometimes in higher dilution, which has a deep and durable action. This example and hundreds of other examples prove that the use of high dilutions can contribute to the public and private morality.

Efficient medicines to make decide a celibate to marry a woman of whom he has a child and also for marrying a mistress one may take an attempt when the future wives have the same social situation.

Platina, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum, Carbo.Vegetabilis, phosphorus, Lachesis.


A young man of 30 years, big, without character, had a mistress of 24 years, had a child. He was ill advised by his mother who herself had a lover.

In order to make decide this young man to marry his mistress who had the same social position as his, I gave him successively and without his knowledge the following medicines:

The 29th March, 1892 Calcarea carbonica 200 The 19th April Id. The 17th May Id. The 22nd June Staphysagria 200 The 23rd August Id The 13th September Id The 27th September Id

Staphysagria made him more amiable and serious. But, as there was relapse on the 28th February, 1893 and that he became very proud I gave without his knowledge:

The 7th March, 1893 Platina 200 The 28th March Id. The 4th April Id. The 9th May Id. The 23rd May Id.

He decided then to marry the mother of his child.


In my psychic polyclinic of Tuesday morning I was consulted by a young girl, She had since ten years, a love having the same social position and she wished to marry him. He was hardly generous with he because he has never given anything to he while she gave herself to him,

In similar case, the best indicated remedy was Silicea, which cures miserliness, awakens the sense of duty and develops the will to do it.

From the very beginning of the treatment all the good sentiments awoke in him. He became well wishing, generous, began to give her presents; then the senses of duty is developed and he married at the end of one year’s treatment and they have now a good household.

Useful medicines in young girls obsessed by the desire to marry because they are incited for it by a very strong genital passion:

Causticum, Platina, Veratrum, Belladonna.

The same remedies may be useful in similar case, in young boys and even for bringing them back from satisfying their passion with a mistress while waiting for marriage. These medicines may also check the young girls to make some foolish marriage against will of their families.

In an uncontestable case, I was able to extinguish the love of a young man for a young girl. He was not at all carried away by the genital passion since he had rather the frigidity. His family did not wish this marriage because the young girl, although wise, was unbalanced from the intellectual point of view. The first remedy failed and the success by the second, both given to him without his knowledge. He said to a person of his family: “If that dear child comes back, I will say to her: “I loved you but now my love has ceased, I do not know how.”

Here again we have come back to the philtres of the ancients and expression derived from Greek philein-to love were probably some aphrodisiacs which inspired love of the flesh and anaphrodisiacs which extinguished love.

Perhaps some of these philtres cure the passion and not the sense, as has been done by a German doctor with a remedy in a subject of the case XV.

These philtres of the ancients, transformed in medicines which are moralising by the modern science, recalls to me that judicious opinion of Littre in the 1st volume of his translation of Hippocrates, p. 223-224.

“It us not a very advanced development of the science in modern times which did not exist in embryo in the ancient medicine. The antic knowledges and those of our time are fundamentally identical, as much as it is composed of the same elements; which was but a shoot has become a robust branch; that which was hidden under the bark has come out in the light of the day. In science as in any other thing there is nothing that was not in germ. Only i have been brought anew to the new result which I was searching for, but that I still meet, i.e. to say intuitions are generally, as much right as they are ancient”.

This last reflection may be applied to the infinitesimal doses of medicines used here to cure passion. This infinitesimal state of matter, discovered by Hahnemann, was before him discovered by Aristotle who said that the matter does not present itself only in three states (solid, liquid and gas) but yet in another state which the he called subtle. This fourth state of the matter was, after Hahnemann, discovered by the English physicists Faraday and William Crookes, who called it radiant state.

I have cited higher up some medicines that prevent with reason some persons, from marriage. I am now going to make known the medicines which follow, which are useful for the development of not the passion, but the taste for the marriage, as is shown by the case XXI:

Nux vomica, Lachesis, Staphysagria.

It is not at all rare to see some young girls, who having not the tendency to marry at the age of 20, refuse at that time the suitors who are more favourable.

They would accept them much later at the age of 30, 35, 40 the time when their taste for marriage develops, but the suitors are not more there, neither they nor the other; these are then some outclassed, stayed women and who rarely fulfil a useful part in life. Well! if these young girls were treated at the age of 20, their taste for marriage would have been developed in the most opportunate time, they would have done some good marriages or at least convenient and would have been good mothers of family, giving birth to children to France, which is wanting in them more and more comparatively to other countries.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.