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Double tertian fever. (See note to S. 164.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

He is chilly and incomfortable in all his limbs. [We.]

Frequent rigor, heaviness of head, general prostration (See note to S. 164.) (after a chill when taking dulcamara). [CARRERE, l. c.]

In the open air, especially when exposed to a draught, chilliness on the back without thirst. [Ng.]

380. Towards evening chilliness over the back, the nape, and the occiput, with a feeling as if the hair of the head stood on end (3rd d.). [Ng.]

For several evenings slight but disagreeable chilliness from the back over the occiput. [Ng.]

The chilliness on the back towards evening lasted for more than ten days, recurring daily. [Ng.]

Dry heat at night.

Hot, dry skin, ebullition of blood. [CARRERE, l. c.]

385. Burning in the skin all over the back, as if he were sitting near a hot stove, with perspiration on the face and moderate heat. [We.]

Heat, restlessness. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Violent fever, with great heat, dryness of skin and delirium daily; recurring every 15, 16 hours. (Critical. S. 384 and 386 probably belong to this observation.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Heat and feeling of heat all over the body, especially in the hands, the pulse equable, slow, but full; at the same time thirst, afterwards rigor. [Rkt.]

Heat of the body, burning in the face, constipation. [CARRERE, l. c.]

390. General perspiration, especially in the back.

Perspiration for five days and more. (Critical, in rheumatism. S. 592 and 394 cannot be found, but they are probably of the same nature.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Perspiration all over the night, by day under the shoulders and in the palms. [CARRERE, l. c.]

In the morning profuse perspiration all over, but chiefly over the whole head (aft. 20 h.).

Ill-smelling perspiration, and at the same time copious discharge of clear urine. [CARRERE, l. c.]

395. Restlessness. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Talking nonsense. [DE HAEN, (Observation in disease.) Ratio Medendi, iv, p. 228.]

Increased pain at night with delirium. (Not found.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Wandering, delirium, a kind of insanity. [STARCKE, l. c.]

In the morning, every inpatient; he stamped his feet, wished to throw away everything, commenced to wander in his mind; followed by weeping. [STARCKE, l. c.]

400. Very much out of humour, inclined for nothing, for several days. [Ng.]

In the afternoon a peculiar humour, he must quarrel with every one, but he is not angry. [Ng.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.