DULCAMARA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy DULCAMARA…


DULC. Solanum Dulcamara, Bitter Sweet. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases” III.


Aconite, Arsenicum,Belladonna, Bryonia, Con m., Cuprum, Ipecac., Lachesis, Mercurius, Nux-v., Phosph., Rhus., Sulphur


Camph., Ipecac., Mercurius It antidotes Cuprum


Slight convulsive twitching of the hands and feet. Convulsion of the muscles of the face, afterwards of the whole body. Cramp pain in different parts of the limbs, especially the fingers. Pain in the joints. Pains in many parts of the body, as if brought on by a cold. Considerable tremor of the limbs. Sudden swelling of the body, and bloatedness of the extremities, sometimes painful, or accompanied with a sensation as if they would go to sleep. Emaciation. Inclination to remain in a state of rest. Lassitude. Feeling in all the limbs as if bruised. Weight in the things and arms. Great, continual heaviness. Attacks of sudden weakness, like a swoon.


The symptoms appear especially at night. The symptoms are ameliorated by motion.


Violent itching of the whole body. Burning itching. Eruption of white blotches with red areolae, stinging, itching, and burning when rubbed, on the arms and things. Small, slight itching pimples on the chest and abdomen. Herpetic crusts over the whole body. Red spots on the body. Dryness, heat, and burning of the skin. Dryness and burning of the skin, constipation, and painful strangury, with a soft, full, slow, and bounding pulse.


Great sleepiness, laziness, and yawning, sleeplessness, restlessness, convulsive twitchings. Sleeplessness. Seething of the blood, stinging and itching of the skin. Uneasy sleep, with frequent sweat, and interrupted by confused dreams. Terrifying dreams. Uneasy sleep, tossing about. Fatigue in the morning.


Shaking, as if owing to chilliness and nausea, with a feeling of coldness and actual coldness over the whole body. Double tertian fever. chilliness and uneasiness in all the limbs. Frequent chilliness, heaviness of the head, and general exhaustion. Hot, dry skin, with seething of the blood. Burning of the skin of the back. Heat and restlessness. Violent fever, with great heat, dryness of the skin and delirium every day. Heat of the body, burning in the face, and constipation. Badly smelling sweat.


Out of humor. Quarrelsome mood. Restlessness. Delirium, at night, with increase of pain.


Stupid feeling in the head, as after intoxication going off again in the open air. Dullness and painful stupefaction of the head. Sensation as of a board pressing against his forehead. Giddiness, with warmth mounting to the face. Momentary vertigo. Vertigo when walking, with darkness before his eyes.


Headache in bed, worse when rising. Headache, with inertia, icy coldness of the whole body and inclination to vomit. Stupefying pain in the head, above the left ear. Stupefying ache in the occiput, ascending from the naps of the neck. Stupefying headache. Heaviness of the head. Weight in the forehead. Weight in the occiput. Heaviness of the whole head, during the day. Pressure in the temples. Pressure pain in the head from within outwards. A pressing together in the upper part of the head, with sensation as of lacerating. Drawing in the head. Slow drawing pain through the whole brain, especially in the evening. Pressure and lacerating in the temples, in paroxysms. Stitches in the head. Violent stitches in the fore part of the head, deep in the brain, with nausea. Grinding (digging) headache, deep in the fore part of the head, with gloominess and a bloated feeling in the brain, early in the morning, in bed, worse after rising. Boring pain in the temple. Heat in the head. Congestion of the head, with humming in the ears and hardness of hearing. The headache is aggravated by exercise and conversation.


Contractive pain in the margin of the orbits. Pressure in the eyes, made worse by reading. Ophthalmia. Twitching of the eye lids, in cold air. Incipient amaurosis and dim sightedness. Sparks before the eyes.


Pain in the ear, the whole night, preventing sleep. Dragging pain in the ear, with nausea. Drawing lacerating in the ears. Stitches in the meatus auditorius and parotid gland pricking in the ears. Tingling in the ears.


Bleeding of the nose. Sneezing. Dry coryza, with dullness of the head and sneezing, aggravated in cold air.


Pale face, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Redness of the face. Drawing and lacerating in the cheek. Humid eruption on the cheeks. Warts and eruptions in the face. Thick herpetic crusts, brown or yellow, on the face, forehead, temple, and chin. Crusta-lactea. Distortion of the mouth. Twitching movements of the lips, when the air is cold. Pimples and little ulcers around the mouth, with lacerating pains when moving the parts.


The gums are loose and spongy. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Lameness of the jaw on becoming cold.



Stomacace from cold. Dry tongue. Dry, rough tongue. Paralysis of the tongue. Paralysis of the tongue, hindering speech (in damp and cold weather), or when becoming cold swelling of the tongue, which impeded speech and breathing. Sore throat after a cold. pressure in the throat, as if the uvula were too long. Ptyalism, the gums being loose and spongy.


Hunger, with aversion to every kind of nourishment. Bitter taste. Violent desire for cold drinks, with dryness of the tongue and increased saliva.


Inflation of the abdomen, after eating. Repeated eructations during a meal. Eructations and hiccough. Nausea. Nausea and loathing. Loathing with shuddering, as if he would vomit. Great inclination to vomit, with chilliness. Retching. Water brash. Vomiting. Vomiting of mucus. early in the morning, after previous warm rising in the fauces.


Constant pinching in the region of the stomach, in the evening. Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest. Intense aching in the pit of the stomach, Sensation of inflation in the pit of the stomach, with a disagreeable feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. Crampy pain in the stomach, arresting the breathing. Retraction of the pit of the stomach, with burning pain.


Inflation of the abdomen. Pinching pain around the umbilicus; dull pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on. Quickly passing pinching and cutting, in the abdomen and chest. Turning digging and pinching around the umbilical region. Gnawing throbbing, above the umbilicus. Stinging pain in the umbilical region. Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. Colic, as if from cold. Colic, as is usually caused by wet and cold weather. Colic, as if diarrhoea would come on. Colic, as after taking a purgative, with flatulence when stooping; or pain in the small of the back. Aching of the inguinal glands. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Grumbling in the abdomen, pain in the left groin, and cold feeling in the back. Grumbling in the abdomen, with desire for stool.


Desire for stool, in the evening, with pinching in the abdomen, followed by copious humid, and finally loose and sour smelling stool. Slimy diarrhoea with faintness. White mucous diarrhoea. Looseness of the bowels, with flatulence. Diarrhoea with colic, after a cold, particularly in the summer, with nocturnal watery evacuations, or falling of the rectum. Chronic bloody diarrhoea, with biting at the anus, or with vomiting, eructations, and thirst. Regular stool, but with some tenesmus. Hurried desire for stool, and only bard faeces passed. Unsuccessful desire for stool, with nausea. Desire for stool with colic. Oppressive colic with rumbling, preceding and succeeding stool.


Urine turbid and white. Reddish, burning urine. Sediment in the urine, at times red, at times white. Strangury, painful micturition. Paralysis of the bladder, with involuntary discharge of urine. Thickening of the bladder. Contraction of the urethra. Discharge of mucus from the urethra. Catarrh of the bladder.


Increased flow of menses. Diminished flow. Retarded flow, even twenty five days, with blood. Suppression of the menses from a cold. Rash before the menses. Suppression of milk from a cold. Herpes on the mammae of nursing females.


Short hacking cough, which can be excited by deep breathing, Cough with expectoration of tenacious mucus, with stitches in the sides of the chest. Haemoptysis.


Oppression of the chest. Violent after a cold. Great oppressive pain in the chest, especially when breathing. Tightness in the chest, during a deep inspiration. Pinching pain in the whole chest, increased by inspiration. Stitches in the chest. Deep cutting pain in the left side of the chest. Digging pain in the chest, as from a strain. Palpitation of the heart, especially at night, violent. Hydrothorax.


Lameness of the small of the back of the back, after a cold. Drawing from the small of the back through the thighs, during rest. Pain in the small of the back, as after long stooping. Painful stitches in the middle of the dorsal spine when breathing. Painful stitches in the muscles of the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles. Constrictive pain in the cervical muscles.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.