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Episaxis. [STARCKE, l. c.]

In the inside of the left ala nasi, a pimple with ulcerative pain. [We.]

Eruption in both angles of the nose, a pimple.

Drawing and tearing in the whole cheek.

85. Itching on the cheeks, close to the alae nasi (aft. 1/12 h.).

A humid eruption on the cheek. (Not found.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

On the inside of the upper lip, on the anterior part of the palate, also externally round the mouth, pimples and small ulcers, which on moving give rise to tearing pain.

Twitching movements of the lips and eyelids (in cold air). [CARRERE, l. c.]

Under the chin, a pinching on a small spot. [Gss.]

90. Itching pimples on the chin.

A drawing pain in the right cervical muscles. [Mr.]

Obtuseness of the teeth, as if they were insensible. [Mr.]

Pressure in the throat, as if the uvula were too long.

Pains in the throat. [CARRERE, l. c.]

95. Flow of saliva. (Not found.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Flow of saliva with loose, spongy gums. [STARCKE, l. c.]

Flow of saliva, what is called waterbrash.

Flow of much viscid, soapy saliva. [STARCKE, l. c.]

Itching crawling on the tip of the tongue. [We.]

100. Dry tongue. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Dry rough tongue. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Paralysis of the tongue, which hindered her in speaking (when using dulcamara in cold wet weather). [CARRERE, l. c.]

Paralysis of the tongue after taking it for a long time. [LINNEUS, (Not accessible. According to Murray, Linnaeus is only citing Gouan (See next symptom.) Diss de Dulcamara, Upsal., 1753.]

Paralysis of the tongue. [GOUAN, (Not accessible) Memoires de la Soc. De Montpellier.]

105. Much eructation. [Mr.]

Very scrapy fauces, with constant hawking up of very viscid mucus. [Ng.]

Four times eructation, with scratching in the oesophagus and heartburn. (aft. 9 h.). [Ng.]

Empty eructation, with scratching in the oesophagus and heartburn. (aft. 9 h.). [Ng.]

Frequent empty eructation. [Gss.]

110. Eructation combined with hiccup. [Gss.]

Flat, soapy taste in the mouth, and hence want of appetite. [STARCKE, l. c.]

While eating repeated eructation, so that the soup comes up again into the throat immediately after it is swallowed. [Gss.]

Hunger, with repugnance to all kinds of food.

He has a good appetite and eats with relish, yet he soon becomes satiated and full, with much rolling and rumbling in the bowels. [Gss.]

115. While eating repeated pinching in, and distension of, the abdomen. [Gss.]

Nausea. [ALTHOF, in Murray, Appar. Medorrhinum, I, p. 621. – LINNEUS, l. c.]

Nausea and disgust. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Nausea, vomiting heat, and anxiety. [STARCKE, l. c.]

Disgust with shuddering, as though about to vomit. [Ng.]

120. Great nausea, as if he would vomit, with rigor. [Ts. Hb.]

Actual vomiting of nothing but viscid mucus, but not of the medicine (aft. ½ h.). [Ng.]

Warmth rises up and there then occurs vomiting of mucus, in the morning.

Retching. [ALTHOF, l. c.]

Feeling of increased warmth in the fauces. [Rkt.]

125. Vomiting. [LINNEUS, l. c.]

After a moderate meal, distension of the abdomen as if it would burst. [Gss.]

Feeling of distension in the pit of the stomach, with a disagreeable feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. [Ng.]

In the left side, below the short ribs, sudden contraction, almost like cutting. [Gss.]

On going to sleep continual pinching in the region of the stomach, until he fell asleep (2nd d.) [Ng.]

130. Uneasiness in the abdomen, like flatulent distension, with frequent eructation only of air (3rd d.). [Ng.]

Tensive pain on the right near the scrobiculus cordis, as if he had strained and injured himself.[We.]

An acute aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis, as if he had received there a blow with a blunt instrument, which becomes more painful by pressing on it (aft. 35 h.). [Ar.]

To the left of the scrobiculus cordis an obtuse stitch, that rapidly went off, returned again soon, and then went off gradually (aft. ¼ h.). [Ar.]

A shooting pain in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 9.1/2 h.). [Ar.]

135. In the umbilical region a shooting pain, that did not go off by pressure (aft. 1 h.). [Ar.]

Under the ribs on the right side, obtuse stitches that take away the breath. [Gss.]

In the left side of the abdomen intermittent obtuse stitches; pressing with the finger just upon the painful spot causes pain, and the shooting becomes worse. [Gss.]

Short obtuse stitches to the left of the navel, in the evening. [Ng.]

Obtuse stitches outwards in rapid succession on a small spot on the left of the abdomen, which take away his breath; when he presses on it with the finger, the place is painful; he feels as if something would force itself through from within. [Gss.]

140. Single pulsating stitches under the left short ribs, when sitting, which went off on rising up (aft. 6 d.). [Ar.]

Pinching shooting pain to the right of the navel which did not go off by pressure (aft. 4.1/4 h.). [Ar.]

On the left above the navel a fine pinching in a small spot of the abdomen. [Gss.]

Violent pinching in abdomen, as if a long worm crept about and gnawed and pinched in the bowels (aft. 31 h.). [Ar.]

Obtuse pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were about to come on (aft. 2 h.). [Ng.]

145. Just under the navel, a pinching pain on sitting in a bent-forward attitude, but on stretching himself out it dimished, and soon afterwards ceased (aft. 4.1/2 d.). [Ar.]

Quite early, a pinching pain around about the umbilical region, as if he must go to stool, but without urging. [Ar.]

Transient pinching and cutting in the abdomen and chest, as from incarcerated flatulence. [Gss.]

Bellyache (immediately).

Bellyache as from a chill.

150. Rumbling in the abdomen (immediately).

Each time he leans forward a gushing round about in the bowels as if he had taken a purgative. [Ng.]

Rumbling in the bowels, as if a stool would ensue, with some sacral pain. [Ng.]

Bellyache as though he had caught cold (aft. 23 h.). [We.]

Bellyache such as usually occurs during cold wet weather. [We.]

155. He has pinching and cutting and digging round about in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were coming on. [Gss.]

In the morning, without having eaten anything, flying pinching and cutting in the bowels, with distension of the abdomen. [Gss.]

Twitching cutting and pinching here and there in the abdomen, that soon goes off. [Gss.]

A twisting, digging pinching pain round about the umbilical region (aft. 10 h.). [Ar.]

A forcing out pain on the left above the navel, as if a rupture would occur there. [Mr.]

160. A gnawing beating pan just above the navel. [Gss.]

Aching pain now in the left, now in the right inguinal gland.

Swelling of the left inguinal gland as large as a walnut.

(In the inguinal swelling, severe burning (mingled with shooting) on the slightest movement; also on touching it burning mingled with shooting.)

Swelling of the glands of the groin. (During treatment of scrofula by D., there supervened S. 378 going on to 376, and followed by this swelling of the inguinal glands, and also of those of the neckand axillae. The continued use of the medicine removed all.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

165. Swollen hard inguinal glands of the size of a haricot-bean, but without panis. [We.]

Pinching pain in the umbilical region and above the left hip, that compels him to go to stool; after the passage of some flatus, in spite of strong straining, there only passes a little hard faeces, but the pain after this was somewhat lessened (aft. 2.1/2 d.). [Ar.]

Pain in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were about to ensue; after the passage of some flatus the bellyache ceased. [We.]

In the evening, in the whole abdomen, pinching with call to stool; after having previously had in the afternoon his usual stool, though it was very hard and difficult, he had a large moister stool, and at last a copious, quite thin, sour smelling motion, whereupon he felt relieved but exhausted. [Gss.]

Very slight sensation of cold on the back, with rumbling in the bowels and pain in the left groin, not increased by touch (aft. 12 h.). [Ng.]

170. Tension in the region of the os pubis on rising up from the seat.

Soft stool in small pieces.[We.]

Mucous diarrhoea, alternately yellow and greenish. (All these symptoms are critical discharges, coinciding with improvement in the patient’s malady.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Mucous diarrhoea with prostration. (All these symptoms are critical discharges, coinciding with improvement in the patient’s malady.)[CARRERE, l. c.]

175. Soft stool (immediately).

Several successive afternoons thin evacuations with flatus (aft. 3 d.). Normal stool, but with some straining (aft. ¼ h.). [Ng.]

He had a rapid call to stool which he could scarcely retain, although only little and hard faeces came away (aft. ½ h.). [Ar.]

Along with nausea he had frequent call to stool, and yet all day long he could pass nothing (aft. 2 h.). [Mr.]

180. He has pinching in the bowels and must go to stool, but he is costive and but little passes with much straining (aft. 8 h.). [Ar.]

Pressure in the abdomen and colic before the stool, not during the evacuation, afterwards recurring with rumbling in the bowels. [Rkt.]

Difficult, dry, rare stools. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Suddenly a dreadful pressing on the rectum, so that he can scarcely keep back the motion, and when he gets to the night-stool, there comes away slowly, after a while, with some straining, very hard faeces, along with transient pinching and cutting here and there in the abdomen. [Gss.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.