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Rare, slow and hard stool, even when he wants to go there is no urging in the rectum, and it is only by a great effort that a very large hard motion comes slowly away. [Gss.]

185. Great discharge of flatus. [We.]

Flatus smelling of asafoetida. [Mr.]

Turbid whitish urine. (All these symptoms are critical discharges, coinciding with improvement in the patient’s malady.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Copious discharge at first of clear and viscid, and then of thick and milk-white urine. (All these symptoms are critical discharges, coinciding with improvement in the patient’s malady.)(For “viscid” read “limpid.”) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Urine at first clear and viscid, then white, then turbid, then clear, with white sticky sediment. (All these symptoms are critical discharges, coinciding with improvement in the patient’s malady.)[CARRERE, l. c.]

190. Turbid, ill-smelling urine and ill-smelling perspiration. (All these symptoms are critical discharges, coinciding with improvement in the patient’s malady.)[CARRERE, l. c.]

Urine reddish and scalding. (See note to S. 343.)

Urine with mucous sediment, at one time red at another white. (This symptom is a critical discharge, coinciding with improvement in the patient’s malady.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Turbid urine. (Critical phenomenon.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Turbid whitish urine. (Repetition of S. 187.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

195. Pulsating (The corresponding symptom in the Chr. Kr. stands thus:”Pulsating (stitches?) in the urethra.”) outwards in the bladder. [We.]

Strangury, painful micturition. [STARCKE, l. c.]

Burning in the orifice of the urethra while urinating.

Tetter-like rash on the labia majora. (During treatment of “dartrous” vagina and uterus by D.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Heat and itching on the genitals, and inclination for coitus. [CARRERE, l. c.]

200. Increase and anticipation of the menses. (Curative effect.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Increased menstrual flux. (Curative effect.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Stuffed coryza, with confusion of head and a single sneeze. [Ng.]

205. Very dry nose, in the evening.[Ng.]

Sneezing. [We.]

Short hacking cough, that seems to be produced by deep inspiration. [Gss.]

Haemoptysis. (Not found.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

A very acute undulatory pain, almost like tearing pressure, darts through the left side of the chest in fits. [Gss.]

210. Numbing, obtuse stitch under the right clavicle into thwe chest. [Gss.]

To the left above the xiphoid cartilage (when sitting bent forward) a painful pressure, as with a blunt instrument, afterwards it comes even in an erect posture of the body in long fits, and develops into blows penetrating deep into the chest. [Gss.]

External tension and drawing on the front of the chest. [Ng.]

Intermittent pain in both sides below the shoulders, as though the fists were knocked violently in there from both sides. [Gss.]

A twitching pain in the right axilla (aft. 3 d.). [Ar.]

215. A pulsating pain in the left axilla, going off by movement (aft. 9 h.). [Ar.]

Twitching and drawing under the sternum. [Gss.]

Intermitting aching under the whole extent of the sternum. [Gss.]

On breathing deeply tension on the chest. [We.]

Under the sternum superiorly, on a small spot, intermitting squeezing. [Gss.]

220. Oppression of the chest. [We.]

Painful shooting on the sternum (aft. ½ h.). [Ar.]

On the sternum a thrust-like, rather obtuse stitch (aft. 8 h.). [Ar.]

Obtuse shooting pain in the right side in the region of the third rib, especially when pressing on it; then the pain spread to the sacrum, and then mounted upwards to between the shoulders; a shooting on the inner border of the left scapula on inspiring. [Ts. Hb.]

In the left side of the ribs slow, intermitting obtuse stitches. [Gss.]

225. On the middle of the sternum a shooting tearing pain that went through the whole chest to the spine, when sitting, and went off on rising up (aft. 8.1/2 h.). [Ar.]

A digging pain in the right side of the chest, going off when pressed upon (aft. 8.1/2 h.). [Ar.]

Pain in the chest, like digging or as if he had hurt (sprained) himself. [Gss.]

In the right side, between the fourth and sixth ribs, a suddenly coming, and rapidly departing, painful shoot (aft. 8.1/2 h.). [Ar.]

In the left side of the chest, in the region of the fifth and sixth ribs, a painful stab as from a rather blunt knife (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Ar.]

230. Shooting pain in the left side of the chest in the region of the sixth rib. [Ar.]

Violent shooting in the chest, now on the right, now on the left side; he must cough much, and expectorate a viscid mucus (aft. 4 d.). [Ar.]

A deep cutting pain in the left side of the chest, close under the clavicle, that went off on pressure (aft. 30 h.). [Ar.]

Pinching pain in the whole chest, increased by inspiration (aft. 14 h.). [Ar.]

Oppression of the chest, as after sitting bent forwards. [We.]

235. Great oppressive pain in the whole chest, especially on inspiration and expiration. [Ar.]

He feels as something were forced out on the left side of the chest. [Gss.]

Palpitation of the heart; strong beating of the heart, felt externally, especially at night.

Strong palpitation of the heart; it seemed as though he felt the heart beating outside the thoracic cavity. [Stf.]

A digging shooting pain on the left side near the sacrum (aft. 10 h.). [Ar.]

240. Sacral pains, as after stooping long. [We.]

Under the left crista ilii a digging pain, that went off by pressing on it (aft. 6 h.). [Ar.]

On sitting in a bent position (after a short walk) every time he inspires, an obtuse stitch outwards – a kind of forcing out -in both lumbar regions. [Gss.]

Above the left hip, quite close to the lumbar vertebrae, pain as if he had previously received a blow there (aft. ½ h.).[Ar. ]

In theloin, over the right hip, a deep cutting pain, that went off by pressure, but soon afterwards returned, and then went off gradually of its own accord (aft. 4 d.). [Ar.]

245. Pain as if the body were cut off in the lumbar region above the hips; owing to the pain he moved to and fro, unable to sit still, but this gave him no relief. [Gss.]

In the loin, above the left hip, a digging shooting pain, that went off on walking, but came again when sitting (aft.4.1/2 d.). [Ar.]

Close to the lumbar vertebrae, above the right hip, severe single stabs in jerks, as with a fork (aft. 6 d.). [Ar.]

Posteriorly on the left side on the loin, just above the hip, an obtuse stitch outwards at every breath. [Gss.]

Single painful stitches on inspiring in the middle of the spine (aft. 29 h.). [Ar.]

250. Intermittent. Obtuse stitches like a painful beating, in the left side of the back near the spine. [Gss.]

Intemittent pressure on the left side close to the spinal column, at the commencement of the back up near the nape, in the morning in the bed when lying on the back. [Gss.]

An agreeable tickling sensation on the outer border of the right scapulae. [Ar.]

In the middle of the right scapula a tickling prick. [Ar.]

Drawing tearing pain on the outer border of the right scapula (aft. 6 d.). [Ar.]

255. Drawing tearing in the right shoulder, above the right hip-joint, and above and below the right knee-joint. [Ts. Hb.]

Intermitting tearing blows on the outer side of the left scapula. [Gss.]

Stiff pain in the nape-muscles on turning the head to one or both sides. [Gss.]

Stiffness in the nape-muscles. [Rkt.]

Pain in the nape, as if the head had been in a wrong position. [We.]

260. In the nape-muscles contractive pain as if the neck were twisted round. [Gss.]

In the whole of the right arm a dull violent pain, as from an apoplectic attack, combined with heaviness like load, immobility, and cold feeling; the arm was almost completely paralysed, he could not bent it voluntarily, nor lift it up, nor hold a pen; on trying to do so he felt a sharp pain as if bruised in the elbow-joint, which is also painful to the touch as if bruised (aft. ½ h.), the same icy coldess of the right arm came again next morning (aft. 24 h.). [Mr.]

When she wishes to bring the arms forward or backwards she cannot do it as that brings on jerks in the arms.

When she wishes to bring the arms forward or backwards she cannot do it, as that brings on jerks in the arms.

When she bent the arm and moved it backwards she had twitchings in the flesh of the upper arm; when she extended it it did not twitch, but the fingers then became stiff so that became stiff so that she could not close them.

In the evening in bed and in the morning after rising, pain in the upper arm.

265. Burning itching externally on the right upper arm, that compelled him to scratch; the part was red and had a vesicle on it, with burning sensation. [Wr.]

The left arm pains as if paralysed, as from a bruise, almost only when at rest, little when moving, it is not painful to the touch; but the arm had its proper strength.

A paralytic sensation in the right upper arm, which went off on moving it strongly (aft. 4.1/2 d.). [Ar.]

On the outside of the right elbow an eroding gnawing pain in short fits. [Gss.]

A drawing pain in the right forearm (aft. 3.1/4 d.). [Ar.]

270. Dull drawing from the left elbow to the wrist, especially noticed on pronation, in the evening (aft. 9 d,). [Ng.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.