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In the shaft of the left ulna a repeated acute drawing. [Gss.]

A sudden, jerking, pinching tearing in the middle of the left forearm (aft. 12 h.). [Ar.]

In the right forearm, from the elbow-joint to the wrist, a slow, down-drawing, twisting, boring pain, which went off by moving the arm, but immediately returned when at rest (aft. 4 h.). [Ar.]

The left forearm powerless, as if paralysed, with a paralytic feeling in the elbow-joint (aft. 36 h.).[We.]

275. Disagreeable itching on the middle of the right forearm that compelled scratching, whereby it was removed, but it soon returned (aft. 36 h.). [Ar.]

In the bend of the elbow eruption of red pimples, visible morning and evening in the arm room, that caused a fine pricking itching, and burning after scratching, for twelve days.

On the right wrist a prick, as with a blunt point, which went off by movement (aft. 1 h.). [Ar.]

Trembling of the hands (in cold wet weather when taking dulcamara). [CARRERE, l. c.]

Tetter-like eruption, especially on the hands. (Critical eruption.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

280. Much perspiration of the palms. [We.]

The hands are covered with a kind of warts, such as he had never had before (aft. 21 d.). [Stf.]

On the back of the hand a redness, which causes burning pain, when he becomes warm by walking in he open air.

In the ball of the left thumb cramp-like drawing, so that he scarcely dares to move the thumb. [Gss.]

Cramp-like twitching pain in the first joint of the right middle finger. [Gss.]

285. Single small stitches on the right buttock (aft. 8.1/2 d.). [Ar.]

Drawing tearing pain in the left hip (aft. 8.1/2 d.) [Ar.]

Drawing pinching pain in the right hip (aft. 26 h.). [Ar.]

Drawing shooting pain in the left hip-joint extending to the groin, only when walking, at every step, with the sensation as if the head of the hip-bone would be dislocated; stretched it out forcibly diminished the pain, and caused the feeling as if the femur were thereby put into the place; but a bruised pain remained for some time in the parts, which made him limp (aft. 14 d.). [Ctz.]

Pain in the thigh.

290. Shooting tearing pain in the whole right thigh, that did not go off by pressure. [Ar.]

Fine pricking pain as with needles in the back of the left thigh close to the knee (aft. 81 h.). [Ar.]

Continued sometimes shooting, sometimes beating, sometimes pinching pain in both thighs, which went off on walking, but then developed into weariness; when sitting it immediately when sitting (aft. 12. 14, h.). [Ar.]

Here and there drawing in the flesh of the thighs. The parts were painful to the touch. [Ng.]

295. A drawing sensation on the front of the right thigh (aft. 36 h.). [Ar.]

A drawing tearing pain on the back of the right thigh, extending from its middle into the knee-joint (aft. ¼ h.). [Ar.]

A drawing paralytic sensation on the front of the right thigh (aft. 8.1/3 d.). [Ar.]

Shooting tearing pain from the knee-joint up into the thigh, when walking in the open air. [Rkt.]

Burning itching sensation externally on the thighs, that compels scratching (aft. 7 h.). [Wr.]

300. Falling asleep and weakness of the lower limbs. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Great weakness of the knees, as after a long walk (3rd d.) [Ng.]

Twitching of the inferior extremities. (Not found.). [CARRERE, l. c.]

Tearing in the knee-joint, when sitting. [Rkt.]

On the inside of the knee regularly recurring undulatory aching pain. [Gss.]

305. On the outside of the right leg, itching, ending in an itching prick(aft. ¼ h.). [We.]

On the outside of the left leg, itching, going off on scratching, but soon ercurring (aft.1/4 h.). [We.]

Cramp-like drawing (almost cutting) pain down through the left leg. [Gss.]

Puffness and swelling of the leg and calf (but not of the foot) with tensive pain and feeling of extreme weariness towards evening.

Slight tearing upwards in the right tibia (2nd d.) [Ng.]

310. Pain in the tibia, as from being tired by a long walk (aft. 36 h.). [We.]

A pain draws downwards from the back of the left calf, as if some one slit him inwardly (aft. ½ h.). [Ar.]

A sudden prick as from a needle in the left calf that went off on moving the foot (aft. ½ h.). [Ar.]

Numb sensation in the calf, in the afternoon and evening.

315. Painful cramp in the left calf when walking (aft. 9 h.). [Wr.]

Burning in the feet.

He woke up at night from severe cramp on the inner right ankle, he must get up out of bed and walk about, whereupon it went off.

Drawing tearing near the inner ankle of the right foot (aft. 12 h.). [Ng.]

Tearing in the left leg from the outer ankle to the front of the foot. [Ng.]

320. A cutting pain in the middle of the right sole, that did not go off by treading 9aft. 27.). [Ar.]

Pulsating tearing pain in the big and second toes of the left foot. [We.]

On the toes, intermitting, shooting burning. [Gss.]

Slight twitchings on the hands and feet. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Convulsions first in the facial muscles, then in the whole body. [FRITZE. (Statement from observation.) Annal. D. Klin. Inst. In Berlin, iii, p.45]

325. Cramp-pain here and there in the limbs, especially in the fingers. [Gss.]

The symptoms appear to occur by preference chiefly towards evening. [Ng.]

Violent trembling of the limbs. (Not found.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Obtuse stitches here and there in the limbs and on the rest of the body, generally outwards. [Gss.]

Pain in the limbs.

330. On various parts of the body pains as if these parts had caught cold. [We.]

Burning itching here and there, running quickly to and fro, like vermin; he must scratch violently, after which it at first increased, and then declined; by day the itching is but slightly felt; only at night and then worst from 12 till 3 o’clock; after a short sleep he is wakened by this sensation (aft. 14 d.). [Stf.]

Itching pinching pricks on various parts of the body. [We.]

Violent itching all over the body. (See note to S. 343.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Pricking itching on various parts of the body. [CARRERE, l. c.]

335. A violently itching eruption of red spots with vesicles. (On parts affected by dartres.”) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Eruption on the arms and thighs, like white lumps (wheals) surrounded by a red areola; there was itching pricking only in the wheals and, after rubbing, burning in them.

Eruption of small papules on the chest and abdomen, with moderate itching. [Stf.]

Eruption of a tetter-like scab all over the body.(Critical. See note to S. 343.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Bright red pointed elevations on the skin which filled with pus after five or six days. [STARCKE, l. c.]

340. Red elevated spots as from nettles. (On seat of vanished “dartres.”) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Red places on the body. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Red, flea-bite-like spots. [CARRERE, l. c.]

Dryness, heat and burning in the skin. (A youth, hereditarily “dartrous,” and in bad health, after taking D., had S. 395, 333, 191, 101, with hard and tense pulse. The came S. 338, with relief to all symptoms. The medicine was continued, and he got well.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

345. Sudden swelling of the body and puffness of the limbs, sometimes painful or accompanied by a feeling of being asleep. [STARCKE, l.c.]


Lassitude; he shuns movement.


Lassitude, heaviness and weariness in all the limbs which compels him to sit or lie down (aft. 12 h.). [Wr.]

350. In all the limbs a feeling of great bruisedness, lasting almost all day. [Ar.]

Heaviness in the thighs and arms. [Rkt.]

Great, persistent weakness. (After much sweating.) [CARRERE, l. c.]

Attack of sudden weakness, like faintness.

He must lie down.

355. All day long he is very drowsy and must yawn much. [Ar.]

Great sleepiness, laziness, yawning. [Mr.]

Sleeplessness. [CARRERE, l. c.]

360. Restless sleep, disturbed by confused dreams, with profuse perspiration during sleep. [Wr.]

Restless, disturbed, anxious sleep, full of heavy dreams. [STARCKE, l. c.]

In the evening, just when going to sleep, he leapt up high as if from fright. [Gss.]

Sleep with loud snoring with open mouth (immediately).

After midnight, anxiety and fear of the future.

365. Frightful dreams that compelled him to jump out of bed (the first night). [Wr.]

After 4 a.m. the sleep becomes very restless, whatever way he lies. [Ar.]

Tossing about in bed all night, with stupid feeling in the head. [We.]

Unquiet sleep; he tossed about uncomfortably in bed. [Stf.]

He woke very early and could not go to sleep again; he stretched himself with great weariness, and lay first on one side and then on the other, because the muscles at the back of the head were as if paralysed and he could not lie on it. [We.]

370. She wakes early as if she had been called, sees a ghostly figure that always grows bigger and seems to vanish upwards.

Towards morning a kind of wakefulness with closed eyes.[We.]

Towards morning no sleep, and yet in all the limbs tired as if paralysed, as after exposure to great heat. [We.]

Sleeplessness, ebullition of blood, shooting and itching in the skin. [CARRERE, l. c.]

(At night, no sleep, on account of itching in the front of the body, from the chest over the adbomen and thighs, like flea-bites; transpiration had a disagreeable smell.)

375. Shivering as from nausea and chilliness combined with cold feeling and coldness all over the body; he could not get warm at the hottest stove; at the same time occasional shuddering and shaking (immediately). [Mr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.