Lyssin – Medicine

The greatest sensibility to smell of tobacco; taste of snuff while box is one foot distant.

Frequent bleeding from nose; repeatedly some clotted blood in nose.

Tickling in nasal cavity causes sneezing.

Itching in nose all day.

Repeated sneezing, which stops on being interrupted. Frequent sneezing mostly early in morning or late in evening, as if a coryza would begin; also when looking at something bright, and from every little dust.

Fluid discharge from nose.

Coryza, with tickling in roof of mouth and in front of nose (relieved by Phosphorus).

Thick green mucus runs out of nose (horse).

Pain in nose.

Sensation of stiffness in nose, in right side of neck, and principally in jaws.

Nose feels bruised.

Nose, right neck and side feel very stiff, more about jaws.

Nose extremely sensitive to touch.

Headache extends into nose.

Nose itches all day.


      Jawbones feel quite sore.

Both jaws feel stiff; tingling in cheek bones.

Gnawing and crawling sensation in right zygoma.

Transitory drawing in left side of face, from cheek bone towards nose, as if in muscles, in evening.

Tearing in right upper jaw extending into ear, same in temple.

Shooting pains in upper jaw and violent headache.

Darting pains in right side of face.

Burning neuralgic pain down left side of face.

A sensation moves about in right side of face and goes across forehead.

Slight twitchings in face and hands.

Quivering in face.

Facial muscles become variously contorted, countenance changes its aspects frequently.

Spasmodic affections take place in muscles of face, occasioning violent contortions and most horrid assemblage of features; in muscles moving lower jaw, inducing involuntary gnashing and a grinding of teeth, which some have construed into a desire of biting; during convulsive attack expression of face indicates great anxiety and alarm.

Disturbed look with dyspnoea.

Expression of face quite variable; reddening countenance often exhibits reflections of utmost mental and physical misery, of most horrible agony.

Face flushed; complained of his head, said they were running needles into his brain.

Heat in right side of face and right ear, followed by headache in vertex and forehead; as soon as headache gets amel., heat returns; heat comes from within and spreads from back of neck to ear and into eyes and face, accompanied by constant pain in nape of neck, which increases after heat and headache disappears.

A feeling of heat and soreness in middle of left cheek.

Heat in face, with soreness of left cheek, from thinking.

Heat in right side of face, and particularly in eye, where it causes a tickling; returns after drinking coffee.

Face sweat; with sensation of heat; with flushes.

In morning (6 A.M.), tickling in left cheek.

Heat and redness of face.

First heat in right side of face and in ear, then a quiet aching in front of upper part of head, this headache lessens, the heat increases.

Heat in face in morning, with redness; at times very deep.

Complexion pallid and cyanotic, and expression stupid.

Flushes and headache alternately.

Pale face with squeamishness and nausea.

Face pale and yellowish, almost brownish.

Appearance peculiar; skin sallow, pale or anemic; bloated all over, but no ” pitting.” Chronic camp diarrhoea.

Sensation as if she had been bitten in left side of face near mouth.

Tickling on left cheek, at 6 A. M.

The scratches on cheek became red, thirty-three days after bite, and on following day looked quite fresh, as if they had been made only a few hours before, but were a little darker in color than newly made abrasions.

Pimple on eminence of forehead, painful to touch; later one on right cheek.

On left cheek near nose, towards eye, a pain, agg. when touched a pimple with soreness around.

Painless hard nodules on cheek, where a pimple seemed to have appeared; on ninth day a little scurf on it and redness; if picked or pricked, a very disagreeable kind of pain, but not violent, is felt in cheek even a distance from nodule, and here and there deep in upper part of jaw; cheeks bluish red and soft; discharge after the scurf is scratched off, lymph and blood.

Slow maturing bluish pimples on face.

Pain in left cheek near nose, from fifth to seventh day; followed by a hard, painless swelling of size of a pea, turned redder on thirtieth day, and became covered with a small scab; on thirty-second day it grew soft and turned bluish red, particularly around edges; on puncturing, a disagreeable yet not severe pain at some distance from swelling and more inside of cheek; a small quantity of blood and matter was discharged; on fortieth day the place ceased to discharge and healed.

The jawbones feel sore; aching in lower jaw.

Violent jerking pains in lower jaw.

Tearing in right lower and upper jaw up into ear.

When reading or writing, felt a pain in lower jaw; the longer she read the agg. it got.

Masseter muscles not affected by spasms.

During phrensical fits, snapping motions are made with jaw of an involuntary or spasmodic character. Bearing some resemblance to motions of biting.

Attempted to bite her fingers before death.

Biting snapping with convulsions.

Jaws feel stiff; crawling in zygomatic arch.

Lower jaw stiff and painful; with inclination to yawn; with headache; imagines he cannot open mouth.

Jaws feel sore and stiff; a great disposition to press hand against lower jaw.

Sensation as if she would have mumps.

A chilling, biting, burning sensation on inner side of right upper lip, as if a corroding acid had touched spot; sensation passes up and back, in a lesser degree, to right nasal cavity, where it produces tickling and sneezing; subsequently increase of saliva; after several hours.

Lips cracked on inside of middle line.

Spasms with froth before mouth.

It seldom happens that froth is observed around outside of mouth.


      Feeling of coldness, like essence of peppermint.

Severe pain passing from mouth upward through head and down into neck.

Constant sensation of intense dryness of mouth and throat.

Dryness in mouth: in afternoon; with thirst.

Sore mouth, feels as if there were lumps in it.

Much tenacious mucus in mouth and throat.

Tough, short frothy phlegm in mouth (horse).

Frothed at mouth, attempted to spit out with much difficulty (before death).

Saliva more viscid, constant spitting, feeling of general malaise.

Saliva runs together in mouth, without occasions; flows back and is swallowed.

Saliva in back part of mouth like after sugar, or when liquorice is swallowed.

Mouth full of saliva, total disinclination to drink.

Great flow of saliva and difficulty in swallowing liquids.

Accumulation of foaming saliva, with inflammations of throat.

Saliva more plentiful, but thin and of yellow color.

Secretion of a thick and frothy saliva, but without any morbid repulsion toward drinks.

Ejected saliva is frothy, slimy and ropy.

Much tenacious saliva, with sore throat.

Large quantities of tough saliva in mouth, with constant spitting.

Saliva is not ejected, but runs from open mouth.

Quantities of saliva are collected in and about mouth; presents a frothy appearance, patient is constantly endeavoring to get rid of it by wiping it with a handkerchief, or spitting it out with great force.

Spits all the time small quantities of a frothy saliva, with pain in limbs.

Frequent spitting.

At 10 A.M. began to spit a great deal, continuing all day till supper.

Dark, coffee colored fluid oozed from mouth (before death).

Much mucus in throat and nose; hanging in posterior nares.

Scraping sensation on palate where cool sensation had been, slight coughing does not reach spot, hemming and hawking does occasionally.

Fauces an pharynx pervaded by an equally diffused purplish scarlet blush, no pain in throat, except when patient attempts to swallow.

Follicular enlargement is common, involves also pharyngeal follicles and lymphatic glands in neighborhood of jaw; similar swelling upon inner side of epiglottis, pretty firm and characterized by abundance of lymph corpuscles found in gland substance.

Hyperplasia and recent swelling of tonsils and follicular glands of tongue; flat, roundish swelling at root of tongue, in middle of each one of which was seen dilated opening of a follicle.

Sensation as if uvula was too long; it is slightly inflamed but not elongated.

Mucous membrane of pharynx and epiglottis of a deep red color and injected; soft palate frequently reddened and swollen.

Entire mucous membrane of mouth and pharynx was of an equally distributed pink without any swelling.

Teeth and Gums

      Grinding of teeth.

Painful sensation of coldness shoots into teeth, it passes from lower posterior part upward and into jaw.

Teeth hurt more on right side, it is a kind of aching dulness.

Sensation in right lower jaw, in bone as it were, it shoots into root of a decayed tooth.

Shooting pain in right eyetooth, preceded by burning, passing down esophagus.

Frequent shooting pain in teeth, all the teeth ache.

Aching in carious root of a molar.

Toothache and other complaints during pregnancy, with internal ebullition of blood from chest to head; head feels as if filled with air to bursting.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.