Lyssin – Medicine

Pain in anterior part of right thigh, as from a bruise.

Twitching in right femur, as if some one was pulling from below; not painful, comes and goes.

Cramps in thighs.

Biting and itching on thighs.

Laming pain inside of left thigh above knee joint, and extending into it.

Tearing pain from middle of anterior portion of right thigh to knee.

Tearing in left thigh to knee.

Knees ache; tearing, drawing pain.

Stinging in right knee.

Knees tremble at every step.

Laming pain in right knee joint when getting awake in night; next morning same in left knee.

Aching and heaviness in legs below knee.

All day a feeling of weight in legs below knee, seemed as if there were several pounds of lead in tibia of each leg.

Numbness in right leg below knee.

Pain in all joints of feet, like pressure with a dull point, now here, now there.

Pain in legs very troublesome, not able to walk.

Legs feel as if he had rheumatism.

Pain going down left leg.

Twitching in legs.

Legs tired and aching; feel as if beaten, in evening, feel sore and very heavy.

A pain in legs, as if thighs were too heavy, went off at night.

Right leg falls asleep; after seven hours.

After sitting awhile, lower limbs go to sleep; prickling sensation.

Weakness in legs when going up stairs.

Ulcers legs, with emaciation and coldness, left side; contraction of hamstrings and relaxation of ligaments of ankle joint and flexors of toes.

A curious feeling in legs, as if calf was heavier than usual.

Cramp in right calf.

Cramp in calves of legs at night in bed; agg. from stretching out limbs.

Calf of left leg ached as if it had been cramped, after waking.

The pain in calf came even when he was not thinking of bite at all; lately much agg. and quite severe.

Sharp, biting pain in left ankle.

Painful lameness in left ankle joint in night while lying in bed.

Heavy feeling in lower limbs, as if a weight was attached to ankles.

Pain from heel into thigh.

After going to bed, intense pain in back of right heel.

Pain in right heel and in toes of left foot.

Balls of heels so sore that it is painful to walk.

Great swelling in heel of a cow from dog bite; very restless.

Pain in sole of right foot extending to ankle. Lyssophobia.

Severe pain in right instep; agg. after being in bed during catamenia; at times extremely painful to move foot; does not pain much when walking upon side of foot; left slightly troubling at times.

Extending to feet, pain from groins.

Pain extends from ankle bone to great toe.

Shooting from fourth toe to foot.

Some pain in toe next to little toe of left foot; shooting into foot.

Tearing in first joint of left little toe.

Toes of both feet troublesome, as if nails were too long and broken; pain in small of back and right temple.

Each dose he has taken has made him feel as if he was getting corns on every toe, his real corns felt remarkably well and did not pain him at all.

Her corns have troubled her but on one occasion since the proving; where she felt as having corns, she had twinges.

Pain like rheumatism; shooting and stinging from knees down; stinging in palm of right hand to finger ends, as though she had fallen on it.

Aching in knees and shoulders.

Shortly after pain in shoulder joint, afternoon third day; pain goes into knee joint of same side.

Feeling of pressure on shoulders and weight in legs.

Pains or aches in all him limbs, feeling of languor and extreme fatigue.

Weight and heaviness of legs and shoulders.

Heaviness of limbs.

A convulsive trembling of limbs during attacks.

When lying in bed, an usual morbid contraction and tossing about of limbs.

Severe twitches in arms and legs, much resembling chorea.

Shaking or convulsive trembling of limbs.

He felt a severe, bruise like pain in shoulders, chest, back, arms and legs.

All muscles feel bruised in morning, can neither sit nor lie down.

Loss of power in limbs; gait unsteady, at times some stiffness of hind legs; dog.


      Inclination to yawn, with stiffness of lower jaw.

Felt inclination to gape and stretch.

Felt drowsy in afternoon; irresistible drowsiness, 9 P. M.

Sleepy after a meal, slept one hour without relief.

Frequent yawning, without sleepiness, particularly when hearing others yawn.

Did not sleep more than thirty minutes until after 2 A.M.

Insomnia; sleepless in spite of narcotics.

Passed most of his nights sleeplessly, walking up and down in despair. Lyssophobia.

Restless night, with stupefaction in head.

Sleep fitful, position continually changed; dog.

Excited, cannot sleep.

Felt as he did some years since, when sitting up with a sick relative three nights out of five, unable to sleep during day from nervous anxiety.

When lying down could not sleep, eyes open, unless he purposely closed them, when they reopened involuntarily.

Went to bed at 10: 30 P.M. (as usual), could not sleep ( a very unusual circumstance); dozed and heard various noises till 3 A.M. which caused him to get out of bed to ascertain what they were; started frequently; slept soundly from 7 to 8: 30 A.M.

Went to bed at 10 P.M. in great pain all over; woke up at 11: 30 P.M. with very severe pain in stomach, lasting one hour.

After 10 P.M. while in bed, all symptoms more severe.

Had a restless night, woke repeatedly and felt tired.

Woke several times at night with pain in wounded arm.

Starting in sleep, afternoon.

Has to scratch whole body, and has no sleep for it all night.

Became more restless night before death.

Dreams: of influential persons to whom he occupies position of servant or subordinate; of a Latin debate with students of law, astonished at facility and fluency with which he spoke Latin, it being far greater than he was capable of in a waking state; of dogs all the time, but they are different dogs from the one that bit her, of fighting, of high places, of insane asylum, of churches; disagreeable, when she falls asleep, night or day; only in first half hour.

Jumped up in bed.

During night slept but little; was disturbed by disagreeable, disconnected dreams; felt strangely. Lyssophobia.

On waking stands perfectly still for a time; head fixed as if gazing at some distant object; a dog.

Sleepiness when unable to sleep, and sleeplessness when she might otherwise have slept; generally restless at night.

On waking is morose, inclined to be angry.

Late getting awake, and difficult to recover from sleep.

Slept from 4 to 6 P.M., woke up and felt dreadfully nervous; had a great fear as if something was going to happen.

In morning, after exciting dreams, much fatigued, feels tired in sacrum and back.

If inclined to sleep, it is short, disturbed, with frightful dreams, and on awaking is apt to fall into slight convulsions.

On awaking from siesta, numbness in head.


      Paroxysm of intense coldness with pain in spine. During paroxysm, limbs cool and livid.

Attacks of vertigo, chilliness, sometimes chills; at least one a day for several days, not always accompanied by vertigo, though always accompanying it.

Late in evening less inclined to chilliness.

Chilly feeling, more down right (bitten) arm.

Felt chilly and cold all over; shaking. “Desire for heat” marked.

Became cold in bed at 3 A.M., although covered with four blankets; lasted about one hour.

Chills intermixed and followed by cold sweat.

A fever, sometimes preceded by slight shiverings, generally very mild.

Face sweats, with flushes.

Temperature of body 100 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seldom rises to 105 or 106.

Cannot bear heat of sun.

Fever in afternoon.

Slight fever, with flushes of heat.

Fever every evening, commencing at dusk and lasting until bedtime (midnight).

Sensation of burning heat in parts on which he lies.

He feels the pulse’s beat through body; from time to time there is a surging through throat into head, like a slow wave.

Great fever, no chill; pulse 160; no appetite; thirst, drinks cold water very often; stupid and sleepy.

Feverish heat, with headache.

Sensation as if a hot wave, fine, like vapor, surged through body, taking an outward course, yet not reaching surface or extending into limbs.

Heat, with pressure in forehead and back.

After drinking some coffee, a strong heat in right side of face, followed by aching in front of upper part of head; after this again heat from nape of neck up head over ears and right side of face; with heat in eye from within outward and tickling in ear.

Sensation of heat felt internally and externally through entire body, no external warmth, it forces perspiration out on face as from weakness, and is accompanied by lassitude and aching in legs.

At 9 P.M., a dripping, warm perspiration from whole right hand, from wrist to nails, afterwards hands and fingers stiff, she can hardly bend them.

Skin covered with clammy sweat (last stage).

Skin moist, even covered with sweat; during spells limbs cold and livid.

Much better after perspiring.

Intermittent fever.


      Until dinner time he felt so strangely in his whole body as never before, without being able to define the feeling.

In all motions of her body and in her looks is expressed a peculiar erethism.

All things affect him more, tobacco included.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.