Lyssin – Medicine

Everything affects him more powerfully, also tobacco.

He knew exactly where his nurses, his doctors and acquaintances were, if at any distance from him.

On a watch held to scrobiculum he sees the hour and minute hands.

He says he can see hands on dial plate of church clock.

He could hear what was spoken in next room, and counting coppers in a room below him.

He knows every one, and answers questions, also is in mesmeric rapport with his physicians. Linen dipped in sugar water, put on pit of stomach, gives a sweet taste in mouth.

Copper, if in his room makes him restless and full of pain.

Felt same rheumatic pain his brother complained of.


Before every spell of somnambulism he crowed like a cock.

Very uneasy; mental disquietude, with headache.

Driven incessantly about without any definite aim.

Restlessness, driving him hither and thither, although weak enough to lie down.

Restlessness and anxiety at precordia, frequent change of posture and sighing.

Restless, constant bleating in a hoarse voice. Lyssa of sheep.

Sometimes he could control inclination to stool by a strong effort of will, but effort caused much nervous irritation.

Showing him a bird, he got frightened and thought it was a mouse.

Was much frightened during attack, and began to pray; her husband had to sit up with her and hold her hand, did not get entirely over attack until 3 A.M.

She feels as after night watching and great anxiety.

Unusually exhausted.

While reading and thinking, headache.

Worse while reading or writing; headache; aching in lower jaw.

Severe headache and noseache upon going to bed, after writing all her symptoms.

Attacks of nervous headache become awful and insupportable if he hears water run out of a hydrant.

Pressing headache, agg. while reading and thinking.

When he hears water poured out, or if he hears it run, or if he sees it, he becomes very irritable, nervous; it causes desire for stool and other ailments.

The mere sight of a drinking vessel containing water is intolerable; they turn away their faces, shriek out loud, beckon anxiously with hands to have the water removed, for voice and breath fail.

Mental emotion always makes him worse.

Mortifying news affects him very much.

A certain wildness of humor.

Disposed to get angry, flying into a passion.

Every offense she feels very much.

Excitability prevents sleep.

Frequent gaping without being sleepy, most when he has to listen to others.

Thinking of fluids of any kind, even of blood, brings on convulsions.

The mere idea of drink, fluids, pouring out fluids, may cause a paroxysm.

Hyperesthesia, current of air, bright light, sight of any shining object, slightest touch, even conversation in vicinity of patient, may throw him into a most violent agitation and bring on severe convulsions.

The mere thoughts of fluids, of drinking, of swallowing, or offer of anything to drink, is sufficient to bring on severe convulsions; the same effect is produced by other sources of irritation, such as a simple breath of air, the attempt to touch the sick, every hurried approach towards him, the light of shining objects.

Even the sight of water, or other fluid, or of anything having the least resemblance to it, such as a looking glass or white substance, whereby an occasion will be given for renewal of idea of their former pain, occasions greatest distress and a return of convulsions.

Such as were afflicted with grief from any cause were much sooner affected with the disease.

A sudden fright starts convulsions.

Nose pains from thinking.

Had no symptoms of disease for four months until after receiving ill usage.


      Peculiar lightness in head; lightness after nausea. singular sensation in vertex, as if he momentarily lost consciousness, but only in that place; or as if a habitual feeling had disappeared from there; it is no fullness, no motion but it causes a vacillating motion of head, in evening.

Dizziness: as if something was drawing around in a circle, and as if she could not hold her head straight; after lying down, like a shock in upper part of brain, with inclination to fall to right when stooping; towards evening in upper part of head, as if she would fall, while walking; frequent and transient; with dim sight while walking and sitting; and nausea; with cramps in abdomen.; temporarily amel. by return of diarrhoea; agg. by teaching, spelling, or being obliged to notice letters; after lying down in bed, shock in upper part of brain, dimness of vision on rising from stooping, on rising from chair, staggers; while sitting on rising, cannot walk straight.

A slow vacillation or wavering of head, from something being loose in upper part of head.

Surging towards head is felt inwardly, deep in brain.

Dullness: of head; in forehead, more to right side; in middle of brain, where it surges, and stupidity at night, with restlessness; amounting to pain in occiput.

Violent vertigo during morning, accompanied by a chill and an intolerable snappish headache.

Headache: with dizziness, lasting all day; in morning, violent, with vertigo ( Amel. by Tabac.); over eyes; in temples; very severe in afternoon; agg. from writing; amel. by cold air; from noon until evening; from 3 to 9 P.M., agg. from writing; amel. by cold air; alternating with hot flushes in face; with shooting pain in upper face; toward noon, with increase of saliva, and sore throat all day; agg. on seeing water or hearing it run.

Sensation as if a small leaden ball was rolling about in brain.

Rush of blood to head: while lying down; from chest upward, with toothache; during pregnancy; when rising.

Throbbing headache in forehead, vertex and occiput down to neck.

Burning, surging towards head.

Pain above left eye before going to bed.

Pain in a small spot above right eyebrow agg. while writing.

Pressing inward, throbbing or drawing above right eye.

Sharp pain above eyebrows, followed by burning in lids.

Sharp pain above eyebrows and up nose five minutes after walking with headache.

Severe shooting pain in head, above eyes and temples.

Headache extending into right eye.

Aching in bones above eyes, particularly right; agg. by stooping.

A sensation in forehead as of something moving.

Dull pain in forehead, with a stupid feeling, afternoon and evening.

Pressing or burning pain in forehead.

Tearing from middle of forehead towards left side.

Two P. M. intense pain in head, extending back of forehead to organ of firmness; soon after to whole top of head and to eyes, lasting all day.

Dull heavy pain in forehead and sharp pricking in left temple, alternating at times with throbbing and jerking.

Pressing in vertex and in forehead, particularly when stooping or moving head; afternoon.

Slight frontal headache in morning on waking. Agg. after rising.

Passes hand across forehead.

Maddening outward pressing pain in forehead; he presses his head against the wall.

Pressing pain in forehead and top of head, returns 4 P. M., seventh day, with uneasiness of mind when reading or thinking.

Continual dull pain in forehead, principally on left side, with stupefaction, in afternoon and evening.

Throbbing pain in forehead, vertex and occiput, extending into nape of neck.

Pressing in forehead, with slight sensation of heat, 6 P. M.

Headache at times very severe in right temple.

Severe headache in both temples and above eyes, beginning at 9 A. M., so unbearable that he cries bitterly; violent jerking in limbs.

Violent headache from temple to temple.

Tearing pain: in right temple; from jaw to temple.

Occasional stitches in right temple.

Sharp pricking pain in left temple, alternated with throbbing and punching.

Boring in right temple very short, 5 P. M.; repeats every other day; but on fourth day in left temple, and in morning when getting awake.

Beating, throbbing headache, most severe in right temple and above right eye each bone feels shattered and sore; from temple to temple.

Violent headache, most in temples and forehead, agg. during day and from stooping and stirring about. Uterine disease.

Severe pressing pain in left side of head, occasionally boring stitches from without in, later pressing extends to left side of forehead and left orbit; 10 P. M.

Dull weight, first on left side of head, then on vertex.

Pressing weight on right parietal bone.

Dull pricking pain in left side, from head to waist.

Left side of head is now, and has always been, most severely affected.

Headache most severe one and a half inches above left ear, in evening.

Piercing pain in right side of head, with sensation of stiffness, or as if part would become insensible.

Woke in morning with a burning, aching headache in left side of head and down neck.

In vertex: dullness and tensive sensation; stupefied feeling; vertiginous shocks; a peculiar sensation; pressing weight; pressing stinging; right side: pressing shooting; pressing beating; pressing heaviness, right side; strange pulsation; burning surging; throbbing.

Pressure in upper part of head and forehead; agg. stooping or moving head; at 4 P. M. while reading and reflecting, with mental restlessness.

Frequent pressure on vertex, as if a cast, which fitted top of head, was pressing it down.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.