Lyssin – Medicine

After 10 P.M.: while in bed all symptoms more severe.

10: 30 P.M.: numbness in right arm; went to bed, could not sleep; dozed and heard various noises till 3 A.M., started frequently.

11.P.M.: as if she was going to have a fit.

11: 30 P.M.: awakes from sleep with severe bellyache.

After going to bed: intense pain in back of right heel; pain in heel.

Night: delirium agg.; tempted to bite her pillow; incessant talking; disturbed dreams; stupidity with restlessness; on hearing water poured, obliged to have an evacuation; hears various noises; vomiting in sleep; stools most frequent; swelling of breast; laming pain in right knee joint when getting awake; pain in legs goes off; cramp in calves of legs; while lying in bed, laming pain in joint of left foot; painful lameness in left ankle joint; strange feeling changed into a trembling, generally sleepless; walking up and down in despair; stupefaction in head; woke several times with pain in wounded arm; sleepless on account of scratching of whole body; more restless; disagreeable dreams; itching quite severe; intolerable itching in lower part of body to feet; stitches in heart; pain in back; itching on lower half of abdomen.

Touch, Passive motion and Injuries

      He cannot bear to ride in a carriage, feels generally unwell during or after it.

When water (in bath) was least ruffled, so as to touch a fresh surface, convulsions were excited.

Face ache after puncturing a pimple on cheek.

A lacerated wound on right cheek, behind ramus of jaw, one and a half inches, and three lines of abrasion in front of same cheek.

Local sensation of pain in wound or scar continue often after prodromic stage, in an increased degree in higher stage, but are in last scarcely heeded.

Peculiar sensation are frequently experienced at seat of bite, or in adjacent parts; like a sensation of pricking, boring or burning, always proceeding from wound.

Complained of a pain in right arm (bitten part); no inflammation or enlargement of glands of axilla could be discovered.

Tearing pains often proceed from wounded parts, frequently attributed by patients to effects of a cold and to rheumatism thereby induced.

Shooting out from bitten part towards trunk, less frequently extending outward from sensorium, or in some locality other than part injured.

Wound in exceptional cases appears inflamed and swollen of a reddish or bluish hue.

Sensation of creeping and pain in scar.

Next morning wound red around edges.

Great redness of small blood vessels around wound.

Soreness in muscles around wound, which is now almost healed.

The wound healed without irritation kindly in course of twelve or fourteen days.

Some are without pain in bitten part.

No pain, swelling or inflammation in lymphatic glands, between bite and thorax.

The wounds heal kindly and are characterized by a striking absence of inflammatory reaction.

The subsequent inflammatory reaction (after caustics) is generally slight, while pain thereby produced is moderated.

Even after application of strong caustics, wounds manifest a strong tendency to skin over without granulating.

Never saw a wound more disposed to heal; he was abroad in five weeks, yet afterwards affected by hydrophobia.

The ready healing of the wound made by the bite of a rabid animal is similar to the rapid healing of wounds in those affected with leprosy.

Touching scar is said to produce peculiar sensations, a shuddering, feeling of anxiety, and sighing.

Sensation of creeping and pain in scar.

A bite of an angry dog into right thigh had not healed, turned into malignant ulcers, surrounding bluish red edges, raised and hard, bases badly suppurating and ichorous, with redness and hardness.

Scars from a bite in nose swollen and red for fifteen months.

Ulcers remaining after bite of evil disposed dogs.

Pain on spot bitten became burning, and extended over whole body, and he felt very strangely. Lyssophobia.

Felt a continued pain in spot on right calf where he was bitten, but without a lesion. Lyssophobia.

Wounds from bite of dogs, in sheep.

A cow bitten by a dog in foot had a large swelling of part, and animal got very restless.

Two puppies, bitten by their rabid mother, did not get mad after taking Lyssin.

It may be a prophylactic to hydrophobia, but never without at the same time applying radiate heat to the part bitten, and frequent sessions in hot room of Turkish bath; during the attack remedies are to be applied according to symptoms.

Slightest touch: brings on convulsions; along whole vertebrae cause irritability akin to convulsions.

Touch: on head makes it ache; small pustules on frontal eminence; nose very sensitive; pimple on eminence of forehead painful; pain on cheek agg.

Pressure: on neck of bladder; causes agg. pain in neck; causes pain in larynx; muscles of forearm painful, violent pain in right hand.

Disposition to press hand against lower jaw.

Presses head against wall; headache.

Rubbing: headache amel.; causes ear to pain.

Gentle scratching: headache amel.

Scratching: itching in both ears disappears; scurf off pimple, discharge of lymph and blood; sheep’s back makes them quiet; agg. biting and itching in various parts of body; causes small red spots in a circle on inner side of thighs.


      Compare: Agave, Belladonna, Cantharis, Fagus, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Stramonium, in hydrophobia.

Antidote: For over-action of potencies, Agave, Cocculus indicus, Nux.

Lyssin antidotes effects of bite of non-rabid animals.

Agg. stooping; heat of sun; slight touch, draft of air or electric fan; warmth, damp air.

Lyssin is an analogue of many animal and nearly all the serpent poisons, especially Lachesis and Vipera.

Compare: Apis, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Gloninum, Nat-c. Lachesis; heat of sun or summer, Lachesis; bluish color of wounds or ulcers; sensitive to pressure or touch; rapid, lightning-like action, Cocculus indicus, Conium, Gelsemium; symptoms of ascending paralysis; Adren., Belladonna, Gelsemium, Sol-n. m., paralysis of respiration; Cocculus indicus, Sanicula, bad effects of car, carriage-riding and sea-sickness; Cantharis, Sulphur, desire to urinate on seeing running water; Stram; convulsions from dazzling light; Helonias, consciousness of a womb; Helleborus, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, hurried speech and drinking; Gelsemium, mortifying news; Agaricus, Arg-n., Lilium tigrinum, Sepia, prolapsus uteri; internal coldness, Camp., Helo., Verbascum

It follows well: Arg-n., Conium, Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Lachesis

Is followed by: Gelsemium, Nat-c., Natrum mur. and serpent poison.

Heart Pulse and Circulation

      Pain in left chest on a small spot in region of heart; more backward and to left in chest.

Dull pain in heart all day, with a pinching pain about fourth rib, right side.

Constant pain in lower part of heart.

A very strange and unusual feeling in heart, sometimes like bands compressing it, in middle of chest, and as if needles were sticking in it, a dull kind of stitching pain, very painful, alarming and disagreeable.

Pain in heart entirely gone, but every two or three hours has a twitch there.

Painful shock or jerk from lower or hind part of esophagus to heart and front chest.

7 P. M. slight, dull shooting pain in heart, lasting till he went to sleep at 10: 30 P.M. Considerable pain in heart, and a corresponding pain in right side; a severe sticking and shooting pain, producing shortness of breath and sighing.

At 11 A. M. two or three stitches of a shooting kind in heart, lasting a few minutes.

Stitches in and around heart.

Pricking sticking pain in heart.

Stinging, sharp pain in heart.

Sticking pains at intervals in heart.

Sharp, shooting pains in region of heart, lasting four hours.

At 9 P. M., violent pain of a sticking character in heart and to left of it.

Stitches in heart from ringing of church bells.

Stitches in heart, more while walking; they would kill him if they continued.

Heart had for three months not been free from a sticking, drawing, squeezing pain, result of an attack of rheumatism and cold, together with a palpitation and difficulty of breathing.

Violent pain in heart, as if it would burst or had needles running into it.

Heat and burning in heart.

Burning pain around heart and in forehead.

Pain in heart: with headache; with sore throat and heaviness in legs.

Sensation going from heart through to back, with sinking.

Pain in cardiac region, to which he is subject, is agg. half an hour after, but much amel. in several days.

While writing, a burning ebullition and gurgling from upper part of abdomen through chest and head, at first followed by a pain in ear; now a pressing stinging in inner upper vertex to right; as if a hot, wavelike stream was moving on and spreading outward, but not extending to spine or limbs.

Heart palpitated violently and felt as if it was coming up into throat; drank several mouthfuls of water, which relieved.

Palpitation causes anxiety.

Feels beating of pulse through whole body, and from time to time like a slow rising wave through throat into head, followed by a sensation of a momentary rush of blood.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.