Lyssin – Medicine

Irritability; violent agitations.

He could neither lie down nor stand up for any length of time.

Great restlessness, anxiousness, distress; tossing about.

In afternoon whole body trembles, she can scarcely speak; stinging in one of cervical vertebra; when stooping feels dizzy on right side.

Afternoon tremulous in whole body and very weak, can hardly talk.

Continual trembling sensation through whole body.

The strange feeling changed during night into a trembling, and he is full of fear.

Twitching of muscles throughout entire body (last stage).

Twitching of tendons, with tendency to general convulsions.

Several nervous twitches in whole body all day.

Felt quivery all over.

If during great restlessness she attempts to sit down and work, she has alternately twitching in arms and legs.

Nervous twitching, with trembling of right hand.

Starts now and then.

Muscular contractions appear with various degrees of intensity, from slightest convulsion to those of most severe and clonic form; frequently tetanic convulsions.

Spasms of individual muscles, as well as of muscular system in general, clonic, rarely tetanic.

The spasms have the character of reflexed spasms; their proximate causes are: attempts to swallow; speaking; a current of air; sight or idea of fluids; sight or sound of running water; coming in contact with another person; a bright light; sight of shining objects or of some strange person; a loud noise or strong odors.

Sensation of convulsive actions in different parts; distress of epigastrium; heaviness of limbs and general prostration.

Exertion is frequently succeeded by convulsions.

Attacks returned every few minutes, for five hours, until they were arrested; pain passing down spine to loins and hips, and from thence to knees.

Convulsions conjoined with an exalted state of sense of smell, taste and touch.

Spasms of legs and arms, occasionally very severe.

Clonic convulsions; decided tetanus or trismus not observed; opisthotonos in rare cases.

In quick succession violent epileptic attacks.

Spasms so violent that four strong men could hardly hold him and prevent him from hurting himself.

Every day at 9 P.M., convulsive startings.

She struck, snapped and bit at everything and every person.

Pain commencing in cicatrix of bitten thumb, producing slight spasm, and still greater disposition to snap and bite and to grind teeth, which were entirely beyond his control, causing him to fall on floor.

Suddenly a severe pain in bitten thumb, after nine days, instantly passing up spine and thence into brain, producing a violent, nervous convulsion for a few moments, with a disposition to snap and bite; passed off in two or three minutes.

Convulsions came on and lasted for a short time, then perfectly placid for some time before death.

Convulsions daily; rolls head from side to side; winking and rolling eyes; attempt to bite others; pelvis and legs are turned to one side as far as possible. Child, age 2. after scarlatina.

Feels as she did when she got up from a nine day’s illness; feels so heavy and sore.

Great debility and disinclination to move about, lasting till 2 P. M., gradually diminishing.

Feeling of malaise and debility at 3 P.M., great disinclination to move.

Does not wish to rise.

Very soon a sensation of weakness, a kind of flabby lassitude, like days after great exertion, or after a fever or other disease.

Great weakness and restlessness, does not know where to turn, would prefer to lie down, but it affects his breathing.

Such weakness that knees tremble at every step, and she feels as if she would fall.

Weakness: with sore throat; after urinating; of sexual organs.

During exhaustion more nimble and active.

Fatigue and heaviness in legs.

Great physical relaxation; whole body feels fatigued; tired all over.

Felt irritable tired and nervous.

With numbness of paralytic symptoms the violence of all others increases.

At times a singular sensation, a kind of ” die away ” feeling, quite instantaneous, cannot describe it; seems to extend through heart to back; accompanied with quivering around breast bones and pain in nerves, from left side of chest to throat and left jaw; fluttering about heart.

Felt stiff and tired, required an effort to draw his breath.

After singing, suddenly falls down as if dead, with eyes shut, face red, quick breathing, pulse 100.

A stage of general paralysis; an abatement of most distressing symptoms; a freer respiration; a diminution of reflex excitability; less impediment to deglutition; a rapidly increasing debility and prostration before death.


      Quick tendency of the wound to heal ( the same in leprosy).

Many underwent smallpox subsequent to reception of bite, and after their recovery died of hydrophobia.

Biting, itching in various parts of body, agg. by scratching.

Very slight headache and biting itching all over body and legs.

Itching quite severe during night.

Had to scratch frequently, or rather rub.

Through night intolerable itching in lower part of body down to feet.

Itching in right hand, left foot, and in various parts of body.

Bluish discoloration of bitten place (after Laches.) Itching as soon as he begins to get warm in bed, particularly on inner side of thighs and knees; after scratching there appeared small, red spots in a circle.

When in bed he is compelled to scratch; cannot sleep all night.

Pustules: on forehead; around inflamed eye; on finger (after bite).

Malignant ulcers from bite of a dog.

Red scar from bite of a dog.

Cancerous sores.

Herpes circinatus appeared on left leg below knee and livid yellow complexion gave way to a healthy color.


      Affects principally the nervous system.

Great blueness of veins and redness of arteries on wounded arm.

Tearing and shooting as if in bone.

Supraorbital bones feel shattered.

Aching in bones; every bone seems bruised and sore; as if every bone had been broken or violently beaten; never had such pains had to return to bed and lie there all day.

All his joints cracked on least motion, and pain was quite severe till 10 P.M.

Lost flesh, getting thinner all over.

Quick tendency of body to putrefaction.



      AMELIORATION: Bending head backward, amel. pain in neck; heat; hot steam or hot water; warm bathing; cold air amel. headache.


      AGGRAVATION: Sight or sound of water; bright, dazzling light ( Stramonium); carriage-riding (Cocculus indicus, Sanicula; Better from, nitricum acidum).

Rest Position and Motion

      Moved quite briskly, though feeling fatigued.

After moving, turning, or stooping, feels as if head would burst.

Very little exertion wearies him, and he feels quite languid.

All day had a disposition to straighten herself up.

Had to rest with hands on hips to amel. feeling as if hip bones would slip out of their sockets.

Horizontal position: pain in elbows amel., also when allowing forearm to hang.

Lying down: thinks she is unable to move head; like a shock in upper part of brain; rush of blood to head; pains up neck and down spine; impossible, pain in rectum and small of back; dyspnoea; impossible in dysentery; could not sleep.

Lying in bed: contraction and tossing about of limbs.

Parts on which he lies: burning heat.

Does not wish to rise.

Can neither sit nor lie; all muscles feel bruised.

Sitting: dizziness; must lean back, want of strength in back; pain in thighs agg.

After sitting awhile: lower limbs go to sleep.

On rising from a chair: staggers; cannot walk straight; dull pain along sciatic nerve.

When rising: rush of blood to head; tearing stinging in occiput agg.

Stooping: inclination to fall to right; aching in bones above eyes agg.; pressing in vertex and forehead; violent headache agg.; painful rush of blood to head, aching over eyes agg.; dizzy on right side of head.

On rising from stooping: dizziness and dimness of vision.

Turning neck: pain in larynx.

Bending head backwards: pain in neck amel.

If she allows her head to hang awhile it is difficult to raise.

Throws head back: when sneezing.

Bending backwards: does not amel. pressure below shoulder blade.

Standing: pain in rectum and small of back; impossible dysentery.

Standing still: on waking, head fixed.

Change of position: disinclination to change position of head; continual change (dog); that would tilt or rotate os uteri would cause much pain.

Stretching limbs: cramps in calves.

Can hardly bend fingers; stiffness.

Turning around: painful rush of blood to head.

Taking hold of anything: muscles of forearm painful; trembling of left hand.

Least motion: all joints cracked.

Moving: head agg. pressing in vertex and forehead.

Aversion to move: great weakness.

At every step: knees tremble.

Could not make a hard step: during catamenia.

Walking: as if she would fall; dizziness, with dim sight; five minutes after, sharp pain above eyebrows and up nose; quickly, causes pressing pain in hypochondria; pain in region of spleen; enforced by terrible pain in rectum and small of back; great weakness in chest; stitches in heart; impossible on account of pain in legs; painful on account of soreness of heel; on side of foot, instep not so painful.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.