Lyssin – Medicine

Severe headache, extending from behind forehead to organ of firmness, soon after spreading over vertex and to eyes, at 2 P.

M. lasting all day.

Pressing from forehead to vertex and jaws.

Pain on top of head and in teeth running into each other.

Painful pressure, most on upper part of head, agg. when moving head; later also in forehead, with considerable heat and prostration.

In occiput: painful dullness; pressure in left side; tearing and stinging as if in bones; agg. after rising; aching; burning; pain in left side, agg. during wet weather; dreadful pains running up neck and down spine, agg. when lying down.

Sharp pain across eyebrows and up nose, while walking outdoors; exceedingly fatigued and weary after a short walk.

Intolerable headache extending to ends of nose and into teeth; some pressure on head, and for a moment a feeling as of an invisible hammer striking upon back of head (relieved by Tabac.).

Frequent attacks of headache, in which head, nose and teeth appeared to be soldered together.

Feeling of tension in head; much pressing pain in head.

Head feels as if it would split with severe pressure on vertex.

Pain as if head would burst.

At 3 P. M. headache very severe; dull heavy pain in head.

Afternoon, pain in head; sick headache.

Headaches from bite of dogs, rabid or not.

In rare cases serous effusion in opaque subarachnoid tissue and lateral ventricle, and also increased adherence of membranes of brain to convolutions.

All morning severe headache which makes him impatient.

At noon slight headache, lasting all day.

Dull heavy pain in afternoon in head.

Painful rush of blood to head after moving, turning around or stooping.

Unbearable headache for three days making her snappish, harsh and irritable; trifles annoy her; lower jaw feels stiff and aching, hands numb.

Crying bitterly during headache.

A peculiar sensation in head all day, as if sometimes drew the head towards shoulders.

Headache with nausea and sore pain in heart, in afternoon; amel. in cold air.

Pain from mouth up through head and down back of neck.

Burning aching from left side of occiput down neck.

Violent headache and backache.

Painful pressure on top on moving head, with fever and prostration.

Horrible headache, accompanied by general weariness.

Headache in bones of skull.

On top of head, pressing heaviness, same in right parietal bone.

Tearing and stinging in occiput, as if in bones, agg. after rising.

Beating pain in forehead, parietal bone, occiput and nape of neck; amel. in neck when bending head backwards.

Irritable headache, touching head makes it ache; very sensitive scalp.

Right side of head feels stiff, as if it would become numb.

Numbness of left side of head.

Very annoying headache, more outside, near vertex, amel. by gentle scratching, or by rubbing, but it must be done by hands of others, thus by a kind of mesmerizing.

A darting from within outward to scalp, on right side of vertex, followed by itching.

Itching in locality of acquisitiveness.

Small pustule, painful when touched, on left frontal eminence, later same on right.

Hair which is usually dry has become very oily.

Scalp feels contracted and pinched.


      Sensitive to light.

Left eye exceedingly sensitive to light and water.

Sight of water: agitation; renews idea of pain; causes convulsions (pregnancy).

Sparks before eyes.

Something moves to and fro before eyes while sewing, but always a little farther off the point at which she is looking.

False vision, dulness of sight, together with dilatation of pupils, sometimes actual blindness.

Great weakness in eyes, without pain.

Since five years could not read longer than a few minutes at a time, when she would see letters double and would read something else than the right words, had tried all sorts of spectacles without benefit, was often ashamed because she could not sign her name properly.

On looking up eyes are very weak.

Dimness of vision with vertigo; dizziness when walking and sitting.

Vision much impaired or absent; lasts twelve hours.

Vanishing of sight.

Could not see or hear.

Drawing, beating pain over right eye extending into eyes.

Aching over eyes, as if in bone, agg. right side and stooping.

Pain over right eye, pressing inward.

Pressing sensation in upper part of right orbit.

Drawing, beating over eyes and into balls.

Throbbing over right eye.

At 9 P.M.: severe shooting pains in head, over eyes and in temples’; also very violent aching pain inside of and all over chest.

Pain over left eye previous to retiring.

Sharp pain across eyebrows, afterwards burning in eyelids.

Pain in small spot over right eyebrow, agg. writing.

Soreness in eyes and above them, pain in forehead.

Pressing sensation in orbits.

Headache extends into right eye.

At 9 P. M. felt a curious stinging pain in left eye, extending to forehead, over right eye, painful.

Eyes feel very bad, severe pain in them and in all his joints.

Eyes ached intensely; feeling of soreness.

Burning of eyeballs.

Eye draws heat from nape of neck.

Itching heat in eyes.

If mental anxiety is great, pupils are in some cases dilated, while face and conjunctiva are injected.

During period of tranquillity, in last stage, pupils are contracted or of unequal size, eye fixed, strabismus.

Pupils were a little dilated and eye had a somewhat wild and restless appearance.

Eyes are wild, rolling, staring and livid.

Disturbed look, or eyes firm and penetrating.

Lachrymal glands evince increased activity.

Eyes red and cornea somewhat inflamed.

Eyes congested and painful.

Sore eyes and some fever after a bite in nose.

Dullness and inflammation of eyes; dogs.

Inflamed, dim, watery, staring eyes, with very much dilated pupils, upper lid drawn up, and diminished sight.

Eyes somewhat red and inflamed (cornea).

Eyes bloodshot and painful.

Eyes slightly red, and occasional stitches in right temple.

Great inflammation in an eye from which gushes foamy pus; pustules around eye; in morning lid puffed up like an eggshell, small pustules on one finger. Dog-bite.

Eyelids fly open involuntarily.

Pressure in left side, shooting to eyes in evening.

Burning in lids.

Eyelids feel paralyzed on awaking in morning, and appear to be more firmly closed, as if glued together.

Swelling of eyelids after bite of dogs. In sheep.

Extreme ulceration of eye, lids closed and puffed up by pus. In sheep.


      Conversation in vicinity of patient may throw him into a most violent agitation.

Ringing of church bells makes him anxious, and causes a sharp, salty taste, with stitches in heart.

Water poured into a basin, with splashing noise, caused paroxysm to be reproduced, with convulsion and agitation.

Sudden noise causes involuntary startings.

Hearing water poured out in next room makes him very irritable and nervous.

On crossing ferry, soon after eating, noise which water made caused unspeakable torture in her back.

Convulsions excited by barking of dog, from great sensibility; any other sudden noise, shutting a door or a blast of wind, produce the same.

During his attacks of chronic headache, which come after mental emotion or excessive mental exertion and last a day or two, he cannot bear to hear running water; if hydrant is allowed to run in an adjoining room, or even if water is poured into a basin, his headache increases to an insupportable degree.

After the pain following an evacuation had lessened, and he was sitting at open window, the large street water plug was opened to cleanse the streets, and as soon as he noticed water running down gutter in front of his house, he was seized with violent pains and had to go at once to the water closet. Dysentery.

If, during night, or in morning before rising, he heard pouring out of water in next room, he was immediately obliged to rise and have an evacuation. Chronic camp diarrhoea.

Hearing water poured out brought on convulsions.

Sensation as if blood rushed to right ear, then a pressure as from a dull knife, interiorly and superiorly.

Sound as of rushing water in left ear.

Buzzing in right ear.

Hears various noises in night.

Temporary stoppage of right ear; about two hours afterwards while thinking upon it, ear commenced aching, pain extends into teeth and through head.

Tearing pain from lower jaw into ear.

Bending pain in right ear.

Shooting stitches in right ear, from without in.

In morning, pressing in forehead and drowsiness, with stitches passing inward in both ears.

Stinging pressure behind ears, afternoon.

Rush of blood to right ear; after pressure like from a dull point.

Pressure burning in right external ear.

Burning and heat in ear.

Earache extends into teeth.

Tearing pain a few inches from right ear.

Pressing from nape of neck into ear.

Above left ear, headache most severe.

Pressing burning in right concha, in evening.

The ears feel stiff.

Ear tickles, after rubbing pain.

Itching in a small spot in upper part of both ears, disappears after scratching.


      Strong odors may start spasms.

During three days her sense of smell, which is always extremely acute, became painfully so, particularly in reference to unpleasant effluvia; action of nostrils extremely painful.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.