Lyssin – Medicine

Going up stairs: pain in thighs; weakness of legs; very weak.

After a short walk: exceedingly fatigued and weary.

Stirring about: violent headache agg.; painful rush of blood to head.

Swallowing: difficult, particularly fluids; stinging sensation; causes constriction of throat; causes terrible pain; bread causes greatest agony; stitching sensation.

Temperature and Weather

      Burning sensation in bitten place amel. by hot steam striking against it. Lyssophobia.

Unbearableness of heat of sun. Dropsy of spine with sheep.

The damp, warm weather oppressed him.

Expressed a desire to go into bath; after warm bath more irritable to external air, the most distressing symptom that occurs.

Great sensitiveness to every breath of air.

A very gentle stream of air projected from lips on to patient’s forehead, and continued only for a few seconds, brought on a violent spasm.

Asked her mother to beg him not to breath upon her face again, as it distressed her so much (after Bellad).

Air, of agreeable temperature, feels cold and disagreeable.

Continually directs a window to be closed which is not open.

Draft of air, or opening or closing door, brings on spasms.

Extreme sensitivity to cold or least variation in temperature of air.

Heat of sun: cannot bear it.

Warm drinks: more easily taken than water.

As soon as he gets warm in bed; itching in inner sides of thighs and knees; compelled to scratch.

Open air: headache amel.; feels a chill strike right arm.

Breath of air: sensitive to.

Blast of air: causes greatest distress.

Wet weather: aching in left side of head agg.

In cold room: aching undressing: strong erections.

Cold air: Amel. headache; headache, with nausea and sore pain in heart amel.

Attacks and Periodicity

      “Other diseases, when poison is absorbed, have their periods: the canine poison depends on climate and constitution and different periods, from first day till nineteen months.

Took several drops of 300, after having been bitten in nose; symptoms next day and the following, and well the third day, first symptoms returned on the twelfth day.

First day amel.; next day agg.; on third day salivation returned. Lyssophobia.

Irregular fits of backache and chills, increasing steadily.

Paroxysm, combined with a feeling of suffocation, almost produces strangulation.

Sudden convulsions of a paroxysmal character.

Periodically since two weeks. Spasms of throat.

Attacks every few minutes, for five hours: pain down spine to loins and knees.

Periodical: ranula; spasm of esophagus; dull pain along left sciatic nerve.

Alternating: of heat and headache: twitches in arms and legs.

Repeated eight times: pain from sacrum to middle of back.

For one hour: pain in right arm.

For two hours: pain in and between both shoulders; pain in inguinal glands.

Every two or three hours: has a twitch in heart.

For four hours: sharp shooting pains in region of heart.

After seven hours: right leg falls asleep.

From noon till evening: headache.

From 2 P.M. to 9: 30 P.M.: violent spasm in throat.

From 3 to 4 P. M.: headache.

From 4 A.M. till evening: pain in kidneys and across hips.

From 4 P.M. till bedtime: feeling of numbness in right arm.

Daily: passes from time to time a little dark blood from uterus.

Every evening: distension of abdomen; fever commencing at dusk and lasting until midnight.

Three successive mornings: soreness across chest, both breasts swollen.

First days: smoking unpleasant, after first week a crazy, insatiable desire to smoke.

Day after embrace: pain in testicles.

Every other day at 5 P.M.: boring in temples.

During three days: her sense of smell painfully acute.

Lasted eight days: painful throbbing in region of spleen.

After nine days: severe pain in bitten thumb, thence to brain, nervous convulsion for a few moments, passes off in two or three minutes.

Forty days ago: small wound exposed during dissection of mad dog, feeling of malaise and fatigue, followed by death.

Two weeks before time: catamenia.

For two or three weeks: scrotum tightly drawn up.

In Summer, of six weeks’ standing: pain and tenesmus on hearing or seeing running water.

For several months: offensive mucus from uterus.

For three months: sticking, drawing, squeezing pain in heart.

For seven years: prolapsus uteri.


2 A.M.: did not sleep more than thirty minutes until after.

3 A.M.: became cold in bed for one hour.

Morning: violent vertigo, with chill and headache; after rising, slight frontal headache agg.; when getting awake, boring in temples; woke with burning, aching headache; severe headache; lid puffed up like an eggshell; on awaking lids feel paralyzed before rising; on hearing water poured, obliged to have an evacuation; pressing in forehead early; frequent sneezing; (6 A.M.) tickling in left cheek; heat in face; bitter taste; swallowing less difficult; little appetite; stools more frequent diarrhoea, with violent pains; urine yellowish brown; both breasts swollen; muscles stiff; pressing across right ear; wrists as if strained agg.; pain in left knee; all muscles feel bruised; much fatigued.

8 A.M.: pain in left side.

9 A.M. severe headache begins; suffocating feeling in chest lasting till 10: 30 P.M.

At 10 A.M.: began to spit a great deal; soreness and constriction in throat.

At 11 A.M.: soreness in throat till noon, stitches in heart for a few minutes.

In forenoon: sore throat; belching; gnawing pressure in left side; painful sensation in upper part of abdomen.

Towards noon: headache with increase of saliva, pain in testicles agg.

At noon: slight headache, lasting rest of day; pain in right elbow.

Until dinner time: felt strangely in his whole body.

After dinner: disinclined to think; headache very severe; pressing in epigastrium; sexual excitement.

Afternoon: very severe headache; dull pain in forehead, with stupid feeling; pressing in vertex and forehead; dull pain in forehead; sick headache; dull heavy pain in head; headache, with nausea and sore pain around heart; stinging pressure behind ears; ranula, with dryness of mouth agg.; stinging in chest, with palpitation, sour belching; erections; itching and burning on corona glandis; burning and tenesmus as if in prostatic gland and in urethra; increased peristaltic motion of scrotum; first hours pain in testicles agg.; pain in wounded left arm; pain in shoulder joint; whole body trembles; drowsy; starting in sleep; fever.

1 P.M.: slight pain in right shoulder joint.

2 P.M.: intense pain in head; sore throat; violent spasm of throat; laid down and found head twisted to left side, found it quite comfortable, felt numbness in left side; severe pain across back; pain in left elbow.

3 P.M.: headache very severe; peculiar constriction in back of throat; feeling of malaise and debility.

Until 4 P.M. feels as if he had heard or would hear unpleasant news; pressure on upper part of head.

4 P.M.: constriction in throat agg.; violent pain in right kidney lasting one hour.

5 P.M.: swallowing more difficult; woke with stinging in forepart of index finger.

During day: rising of bile in throat; diarrhoea, with pain agg.; unable to sleep from nervous anxiety; disagreeable dreams when falling asleep, only first half hour.

All day; felt depressed and weak; spitting of saliva, headache with dizziness; sore throat, intense pain in head; violent headache agg.; a peculiar sensation of head; itching in nose; spitting; very severe sore throat, slight pain in lumbar region; terrible pain in throat; sensation of emptiness and discomfort in sexual parts after coition; dull pain in heart; difficulty in moving head; severe backache and numbness of hands; pain in back across hips; a tearing and stinging in left shoulder joint; weight on shoulders; feeling of weight in legs; severe nervous twitches in whole body; had to lie down in bed, with severe pain in all bones.

Evening: fretful, hypochondriac mood; vacillating motion of head; dull pain in forehead; pain above left ear; shooting in eyes; pressive burning in right concha; late, frequent sneezing drawing in side of face; disinclined to think; want of appetite, followed by great lightness of head; when in bed, rending across abdomen; aching from groins to feet; pain about neck of bladder; cooling, burning, congested feeling in region of bladder; profuse watery urine; urine yellowish brown; strong erections without sexual excitement or thoughts; increased peristaltic motion of scrotum; chest as if beaten; back extremely sore; pain in wounded left arm; pain in left arm and wrist; legs tired and aching; late, less inclined to chilliness.

After supper: pressing in spleen; lewdness, with weakness of parts, but inclined to an emission.

6 P.M.: sore throat amel.

7 P.M.: sore throat; slight, dull shooting pain in heart till 10: 30 P.M.

8 P.M.: salivation recommended.

9 P.M.: severe shooting pain in head; curious stinging pain in left eye; spasm of throat amel.; violent pain in heart; irresistible drowsiness; a dripping, warm perspiration from wrist to nails of right hand.

10 P.M.: pressing pain in head; pain in wounded left arm agg.; stinging pain in right hand; pains severe until that time.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.