
Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i]

Confused headache with feeling of heaviness and pressure, especially in forehead, more on right side, (<) in warm room, by smoking, by pressure of hat, by reading, writing, motion; (>) in open air, standing in a draught of air, felt as if cutting from bridge of nose through to occiput.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Frontal headache, (<) by nosebleed; severe, dull, heavy pain on top of head during profuse menses, general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have hair touched; on stooping sharp pain through head from back to front; headache with hot, red face and vomiting of food. Headache of children or of pale, debilitated persons.

Formica [Form]

Headache every day earlier, gradually increasing in posterior upper and inner part of head, (<) from coffee and washing in cold water.

Gelsemium [Gels]

MIGRAINE (30th potency); passive congestion in the brain; headache begins in nape of neck, passes up over the head and settles down over eyes, with stiff neck, (<) mornings, he cannot fix his attention on anything, is listless and stupid; DIZZINESS WITH BLURRED SIGHT AND HEAVINESS OF HEAD, (>) by copious urination or shaking head; sensation as if a band were tied around forehead (passive arterial congestion); sensitive, bruised sensation in brain; nervous headache from emotional excitement; sun-headache; patient finds himself GETTING BLIND BEFORE HEADACHE, swimming, tearing sensation as in seasickness; staggering as if drunken when trying to move; roaring in ears; head feels enlarged, wants to lie perfectly still with head raised (Belladonna, (<) lying) on high pillow; neuralgic headache beginning in upper cervical spine, extends over head, causing a bursting pain in forehead and eyeballs, with nausea, vomit, cold sweat, cold feet. Headaches from astigmatism, diplopia, paralysis of oculo-motor and abducens; temporary improvement from alcoholic stimulants; (<) from any excitement (Scutel).

Glonoinum [Glon]

Throbbing in forehead, synchronous with every beat of the heart; CRUSHING WEIGHT ACROSS FOREHEAD; painful pulsations from forehead to vertex, (<) shaking head; pressure and pain form within out in both temples; sensation as if the skull were too small, as if the brain were attempting to burst it; shocks in brain synchronous with every pulsation of the body, brain as if moving in waves; holds head with both hands, compresses forehead; congestive headache, sensation of fluttering in head, of constriction in vessels of head, expansive pressure, flushed face, drowsiness, venous congestion to abdomen; HEADACHE BEGINS WITH WARM WEATHER AND LASTS ALL SUMMER, CANNOT BEAR ANY HEAD ABOUT THE HEAD, increases and decreases daily with the sun, great sensitiveness to rays of sun and to to pressure from covering head; violent headache after romping, overheating, sweat and taking cold; bad sequelae of cutting hair. Intense congestion of the brain in plethoric constitutions, with persistent sensation of pulsation, from sudden suppression of menses, after anxiety and worry with sleeplessness; flushings with frightful headaches during climaxis; increased urination; head hot, body and feet cold; (<) by bending head backward, (<) in damp weather or from application of cold water, (>) in open air, from uncovering (Belladonna, reverse).

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.