
Apium-graveol [Ap-g]

Left-sided headaches, throbbing, (<) from slightest motion, better by rest; itching, stinging, nettlerash; stinging headache all over head, feels as if fine needles were piercing the brain.

Aranea-diadema [Aran]

HEADACHE COMING ON AT REGULAR HOURS; glimmering before eyes, with burning in them, with vertigo and nausea, (<) on closing eyes, (>) by going into open air; vertigo before headache, when sitting up, must lie quietly in bed; confusion of head, with lassitude, after eating, when studying, in the evening, with pressing pain in forehead and temple, (<) by pressure of hand; head and hands feel swollen, (<) by heat of sun and very slight noises; sudden toothache in upper and lower jaw at night, immediately after lying down.

Argentum-met [Arg-m]

PAINFUL SENSATION OF EMPTINESS IN THE HEAD; pressing burning pain in the skull, principally in the temporal bones, RENEWED EVERY DAY AT NOON, with soreness of the external head, worse by pressure and contact, better in fresh air; left-sided headache as if in the brain-substance, at first only slight drawing, but gradually becoming more violent at its culmination, raging as if a nerve were being torn, CEASING SUDDENLY; headache and dyspepsia induced by mental agitation, nursing the sick, etc.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

MIGRAINE; headache with SENSATION AS IF THE HEAD WERE ENORMOUSLY LARGE; vertigo with debility and trembling from nervous weakness, staggering as if drunk, dim sight, ringing in ears, (>) after dinner and from wine, (<) from coffee; sensation as if the bones of the skull separated and as if the body, especially face and head, expanded, (>) by pressure or tight bandaging, (<) from mental labor; pressing, digging pain especially in forehead, with chilliness often ending with vomiting of bile or sour fluid; disposition of pain to change locality; rapid increase and decrease of pain; morning headache when awaking; head symptoms concomitant of other diseases, brain fag.

Arnica [Arn]

Pressive headache as if the head were being distended from within outward, violent on waking; stupefying in the morning; feeling of weight in head and on making any motion or exertion, sensation as if a liquid were fluctuating in the brain on the day following the attack; feeling at upper part of brain as if it were sore and tender; burning heat in head, rest of body cool; (>) when quiet, (<) from jar, noise or motion; pillow feels as hard as stone; cutting through head as if with a knife. followed by sensation of internal coldness of the head, which causes the hair to stand on end. Headache from mechanical injuries, with stupor from concussion; mental emotions bring on or aggravate headache; (>) by nose bleed.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Hemicrania, severe, exhausting pain over left eye, intense frontal headache with vertigo; (>) by wrapping head up warm, (<) by lying with head low, before and during windy weather, with anguish, especially when alone; tearing in head with vomiting, when raising up head; sensation as if brain were torn to pieces, with great thirst; intermitting, tearing, boring, burning pain, extending over eye and into upper teeth, not allowing a moment’s rest, (>) by walking about; neuralgic headache, with restlessness, from deep seated biliary derangements; tenderness of scalp, even brushing the hair gives pain.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Hysteric hemicrania, with flushed face, heat in the head, dryness of the eyes and consensual gastric derangements, such as rancid taste in the mouth, distension and rumbling of the bowels, diarrhoea or constipation. All the headaches are worse towards evening, in the room, while at rest, sitting or lying, better when rising or moving about in the fresh air; OVERSENSITIVENESS of hysterical or scrofulous persons.

Asarum-europ [Asar]

Intense compressive headache in left temple and behind ears, (<) when walking or shaking head, (>) when sitting; pressure over great part of brain from without inward; stupid feeling in head, no desire to do anything; sensation of coldness at a small spot on left side of head, above ear; hair does not bear combing from tension of scalp; mental dulness, dizziness. feels as if he were drunk.

Asclepias-syr [Asc-c]

Nervous headaches, with dry skin and scanty urine, cool skin and feeble pulse, and followed by sweating or profuse urination; congestive headache from suppression of sweat or urine and fever; dull and stupid feeling in head; sensation as if some sharp instrument were thrust from one temple to the other, with feeble pulse, cold skin, vomiting.

Aurum-met [Aur]

CONGESTIVE HEADACHES; atheromatous condition of the blood vessels of the aged; syphilitic exostoses on skull and gummata inside; sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head, if it be not kept warm; congestion to and heat in the head, with sparks before eyes, with nausea and bilious vomiting, (<) from any mental exertion or motion, ideas become confused, roaring in head; inclined to be delirious; hopeless and despondent; sleepless (Aurum ars.).

Badiaga [Bad]

HEADACHE WITH INFLAMED EYES; severe headache, still the mind is clear; (>) at night and after sleeping, returning violently after breakfast; frontal headache, (<) in temples; extending to the back of left eyeball, (<) on moving eyes.

Baptisia [Bapt]

Feeling as if the SKIN OF FOREHEAD WOULD BE DRAWN TO THE BACK PART OF HEAD, with pressive pains in temples; top of head feels as if it would fly off; pain in head begins in occiput and extends to vertex and forehead; dull, bruised feeling in occiput and at base of brain, with lameness and drawing in cervical muscles; frontal headache with severe pressure at root of nose; confused feeling of a swimming sensation, head feels too large and too heavy, with numb feeling of head and face, and a feeling as if forehead would be pressed in (Bryonia, pressed out); stitches and shocks in various parts of head.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

HEADACHE OF AGED PEOPLE WHO BECOME CHILDISH; sensorium not clear; loss of speech; headache in persons mentally and physically dwarfed; headache as if head were compressed in a vise; pressure in brain under vertex, towards occiput, on walking, with stiffness of neck, extending through whole head, when standing in the sun; pressure on forehead and over eyes; catches cold easily when washing the head.

Belladonna [Bell]

CONGESTION OF BLOOD TO HEAD, WITH DANGER OF APOPLEXY; gouty and hysterical headaches; throbbing pains, especially on right side, with intolerance of light and noise; HOT HEAD AND COLD FEET NOT RELIEVED BY LYING DOWN, BUT BY SITTING PROPPED UP, (>) by holding head in the opposite direction to the part of head affected; sensation as if the brain were pressed to the forehead, disappearing quickly on bending the head backward; in walking feels as if with every step brain rose and fell in forehead; soreness in forehead, stiffness in occiput, eyeballs feel as if starting from their sockets; stabbing as with a knife, from one temple to the other; violent pressing in whole head, from within outward, as if it would burst; PAIN COMES SUDDENLY, LAST INDEFINITELY, BUT CEASE SUDDENLY; intense headache makes him first blind then unconscious; sun-headache; headaches (<) when leaning forward, from warmth, (>) during menses, from pressure, tight bandaging and wrapping up; headache from abuse of coffee, from overheating and from cold.

Berberis [Berb]

Head complicated with hepatic, nephritic or with rheumatic arthritic complaints; pressive tearing pain in occiput, as if skull were too small and brain too large, also in forehead and temples, chiefly in morning, (<) by stooping, (>) in open air, with weariness and exhaustion; peculiar cold sensation in right temple, puffy sensation in head as if it becomes larger.

Bismuth [Bism]

HEADACHE RETURNING EVERY WINTER; ALTERNATING WITH GASTRALGIA, coming on after eating, and (<) by vomiting of ingesta; burning pressure and distress in stomach through to the back, with a sore burning spot in the spine; pressure and sensation of weight in forehead, (>) during motion and touch, (<) after lying down and from rest; boring headache, from within outward, in forehead, orbits and root of nose, (<) afternoon and after eating, (>) from motion, cold drinks and bathing.

Borax [Bor]

HEADACHE (>) AFTER EPISTAXIS; in forehead with stinging in left ear, changing at times to the right; throbbing in temples or occiput and dulness of whole head.

Bovista [Bov]

Sensation as if head were much enlarged and swelling up to a great size, headache; stupefying pain, particularly in forehead and vertex, RIGHT SIDE MORNING ((>) BY EATING), LEFT EVENING, (<) AFTER MIDNIGHT, on raising head, from sitting up or pressure; MENSTRUAL HEADACHE; on awaking the head aches as from too much sleep; (<) by pressure and sitting up.

Bromium [Brom]

Headache all week, hammering on top of head; throbbing pain in left temple, (<) before and during menses, from dampness, on stooping after drinking milk; LEFT-SIDED HEMICRANIA FROM FOREHEAD TO BASE OF BRAIN, with pulse increased in frequency and volume, (<) in the sun, (>) in the shade and from nosebleed (bromide of nickel).

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.