
Causticum [Caust]

Headache, with vertigo, blindness, which does not diminish as the headache increases, and sensation as of falling to the left when looking up or backward when stooping; nightly headache, of a tearing or grinding nature, with noises in the head; tightness and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to vertex; CONSTANT SUCCESSION OF SHOCKS AND JERKS IN THE HEAD during rest or motion; sensation in the integument of the head as if it were too tight; sensation as of an empty space between forehead and brain; involuntary nodding of the head while writing, headache caused by or following disappearance of skin eruptions.

Cedron [Cedr]

NEURALGIC distensive headache, as if the skull would burst, (<) morning and in open air, most severe in occiput, with dull heavy feeling over whole brain, attacking supraorbital nerve and eye, (<) on left side, the eye burns as if it were on fire; head feels as if swollen; ATTACKS COME DAILY WITH CLOCKLIKE REGULARITY; tinnitus aurium; objects seem red at night and yellowish during day.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Tearing and jerking in one side of head down to the jaws; stitching, heaviness or painful beating in the head; pressing headache, as from a stove, in the forehead; hot heat; worse evenings in the open air; better from heat, or when walking about; hot, clammy sweat on scalp and forehead; headache even during sleep.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Sensation of COLDNESS IN THE OCCIPUT, ascending from the nape of the neck; worse from moving; better at rest; SHOOTING pains in occiput, extending through ears; shooting through temples, from side to side; aching eyeballs, which are sore to touch; constipation; occasional nausea; irritable temper.

Chimaphila-mac [Chim-m]

Momentary unconsciousness; SUDDEN HEADACHE, with dimness of vision and sensation of lightness in head, (<) on and after lying down; (>) by having the head pressed; frontal headache, with fulness in stomach, and belching.

China [Chin]

ANAEMIC HEADACHES after haemorrhages with beating of carotids; intense throbbing in head; headache as if brain were pressed together from both sides and out of forehead, much (<) by walking in open air; stitches from temple to temple, with pulsations, which can be felt by the finger, (<) by movement of head, (>) by hard pressure; headache from occiput over whole head from morning till afternoon, (<) lying, must stand or walk; sensation as if head would burst, with sleeplessness, from motion or any jar, (>) in room or when opening eyes; brain feels bruised, (<) from exerting mind, from motion even opening eyes; neuralgic headaches, periodical on alternate days, often changing from side to side, (<) from a current of air and when taking cold or hot things in the mouth, at night, during and after lactation, (>) by external warmth, by moving head up and down; occipital headache after sexual excesses or onanism.

Chininum-ars [Chin-ar]

RHEUMATIC HEADACHE, she abhors cold water; eggs and fish cause painless diarrhoea at once; hemicrania, preceded by irritable mood, (<) from mental or bodily exercise or from fright; tearing, boring pains in left side of head, affecting eye, with flickering pain and lachrymation; ringing in ears, nausea and vomiting during attack which regularly appears at midnight; frontal and occipital headache; tendency to furuncles which relieve the head.

Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]

Whirling in head like a mill-wheel; intermittent headache, violent throbbing headache; vertigo; heat in face, closes eyelids involuntarily from sheer oppression; ringing in ears with deafness; intermittent neuralgia at regular hours; intermittent HEADACHE DAY AFTER DAY, WEEK AFTER WEEK, THE BRAIN IN ONE CONTINUED ACHE.

Chionanthus-virg [Chion]

Sick-headache, chiefly in forehead and over eyes; eyeballs exceedingly painful, feel sore and bruised, with cutting, twisting pains in abdomen, (<) by lying on abdomen; greenish-yellow tongue, vomiting of dark-green, ropy bile, very bitter, cold sweat and prostration.

Cicuta-vir [Cic]

Pressure deep in the brain, heaviness in front and back of head; headache in the morning on waking, as if the brain were loose and were shaking on walking; it disappears when thinking as to its exact nature; semilateral headache, like pressure as from

congestion of blood to the head, with sunken features; anxiety in cardiac region, vomiting and weakness of sight, with contracted pupils at first, becoming dilated after a time; stupefying headache above the orbits, increasing when at rest, sometimes going off when sitting erect; chronic effects from confusion of brain, particularly spasms.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

HEADACHE OF DRUNKARDS AND STUDENTS; nervous rheumatic, menstrual headaches; rush of blood to head, BRAIN FEELS TOO LARGE FOR CRANIUM; waving sensation in the brain; top of head feels as if it would fly of; aching pain in head, especially in occiput, and down the spine or from vertex down both eyes, only while in- doors, relieved by the open air, increasing during the afternoon, and quite server in the evening; intense pain, as if a bolt were driven from neck to vertex, worse at every throb of the heart; great pain in HEAD AND EYEBALLS, with hysterical crying, increased by the slightest movement; severe pain in right side of head, back of orbit; sense of mental and bodily soreness, confusion of mind and inability to think, as from being drunk; obstinate sleeplessness; pale and limpid urine; (<) from moving eyes and by worry; ciliary neuralgia; excessive muscular soreness.

Cina [Cina]

HEADACHE BEFORE OR AFTER EPILEPTIC ATTACKS, after intermittent fever; stupefying headache in forehead and then in occiput, head jerked backward; (<) in open air, (>) by stooping and moving head; pain in chest and back, caused by fixing the eyes steadily upon some objects, as when sewing; worse from pressure; disposition to be easily offended; anaemic headache, relieved by stooping, worse from mental exertion; pains chiefly in frontal and temporal regions, externally and internally; screwing together pressure from above downward and tearing; dull headache affecting eyelids and eyes, roots of nose, zygoma and face (neuralgic pains); indistinct vision, color-blind, especially when looking steadily at one thing, as when reading; (>) by winking the eyes.

Cinnabaris [Cinnb]

Intense headache; he cannot raise his head from the pillow; (>) by external pressure; sensitiveness of the head to the touch, even the hairs are sore; dull pain in forehead, which is cold, relieved by heat; shooting pain in left side of head, with increase of saliva and great flow of urine; dizziness in the morning after rising, when stooping, with nausea.

Clematis [Clem]

Headache (<) by worry and walking, (>) by pressure; pressive tensive pain in forehead; shocks in brain from behind forward; (<) by bending head backward.

Cobaltum [Cob]

Dulness and fulness of the head, with bruised sensation especially in forehead and temples; FEELING AS IF THE HEAD ENLARGED DURING STOOL, with vertigo and weakness; severe pain in forehead soon after rising, worse form stooping; when stepping, sensation as if the brain moved up and down; pain in forehead, with sense of fulness at the stomach, as if filled with air.

Coca [Coca]

Pressive headache in right side and occiput; pain in lowest part of occiput when yawning, often preventing its completion; headache in fresh air, as if brain were held in vise from ear to ear; transient dizziness from occiput forward, when head is bent forward while writing; BRAIN-FAG; dull frontal headache which vanishes at sunset, followed by mental exhilaration; shocks in head, with vertigo, (<) by lying down, (>) after eating.

Coccinella [Cocci-s]

Dull headache as if the brain would press itself towards the occiput; tearing, lancinating pain in forehead, often one-sided; redness and heat of cheeks, congestion in face as from hot flashes; pain in molars as if they were carious and cold air entered; shooting-tearing pain in teeth, as if they were pulled; swelling of the gums with pulsation in teeth; nervous faceache.

Cocculus [Cocc]

NERVOUS AND GASTRIC HEADACHES, with nausea as if at sea, violent vomiting and cramps; sick-headache from riding in a carriage, boat, train of cars; headache returns at menses regularly; headache from working in the sun or from riding through sand in the hot sun; thinking fatigues the head; pressing pain in forehead, from without inward and downward with nausea; dull and undulating sensation in brain; pain in head as if something forcibly closed the eyes, or as if eyes were being torn out; headache in occiput and nape with pain as if they were opening and shutting, IS UNABLE TO LIE ON BACK OF HEAD, HAS TO TURN TO THE SIDE; (<) from any mental effort, eating, drinking and sleeping, talking, when riding in the cold air; (>) in-doors, by rest, by turning head back or by putting their hands to the back of the head. Menstrual headaches or during pregnancy.

Coffea [Coff]

NEURALGIC headaches from slightest cause, from thinking, excessive joy, contradiction, vexation, catching cold, chill, eating too much, with aversion to coffee; sensitive to least noise and music; pain seems unbearable, making the patient tearful; dread of cold air, is chilly; head feels small, as if filled with a fluid, as if it would burst or fly to pieces if she moved; one-sided headaches, as from a nail driven in the side of the head, or as if the brain were crushed or torn; (<) in open air, also in heated rooms and foul air, and (>) in open air; after intoxication; wakefulness at night; heat in head, flushed face and cold hands; buzzing in ears; nosebleed; diarrhoea; oppression of chest with short inspiration and dry hacking cough.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.