
Colchicum [Colch]

GOUT IN VIGOROUS CONSTITUTIONS (Causticum, torpid gout); grinding, boring, arthritic headache, usually parietal or OCCIPITAL; tearing, drawing, pressing headache, often semilateral; severe pressing pain in deep in the substance of the cerebellum from the slightest intellectual exertion, especially in overtaxed brains; as soon as he LOSES ANY REST, AS BY NIGHT-WATCHING, HE BECOMES MENTALLY TIRED AND SUFFERS WITH HEADACHE, nausea, bitter taste, becomes irritable and intolerant even to slight pain; painful drawing, tearing, beginning in one eyeball and extending to occiput, (<) by motion or jar, (>) by physical rest, from warmth, after supper; frequent ineffectual inclination to sneeze on waking in the morning.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

BILIOUS HEADACHES; GOUTY OR NERVOUS HEADACHES, of excruciating severity; violent tearing pain, digging through the whole brain

increased particularly when moving the upper eyelid; FRONTAL AND COELIAC NEURALGIA ALTERNATING; INTERMITTENT HEADACHES severe boring burning pain in one or both temples; compressive sensation in forehead; worse when stooping or lying on back; aggravation afternoon and evening, with great restlessness and anguish, especially when the seat smells urinous; little urine is passed, or very foul-smelling during the interval, and copiously and clear during the pain, (>) by firm pressure and lying on affected side; great restlessness and anxiety

Conium [Con]

Brain sensitive to noise; sensation as if the brain were too full and would burst; pain in the occiput, with every pulse, as if pierced with a knife; sensation of a large, heavy lump in brain; spells of tearing headache, with nausea; headache from forehead to occiput, as if something were loose when shaking head, (<) mornings when fasting, sitting bent during motion or from any sudden jar or shock; (<) sitting erect.

Corallium-rubr [Cor-r]

When moving head quickly or shaking it, sensation as if wind were blowing through the skull; head feels very large; sensation of emptiness and hollowness in the head; pressing-out in forehead, she cannot keep eyes open, (>) by walking in open air, (<) by stooping; sensation as if forehead were flattened by pressure.

Cornus-circ [Corn]

Dull, heavy pain in the whole head; drowsiness, increased by walking, stooping, or shaking the head; sense of fulness of the head, relieved by a copious stool; sense of fulness in the head, with shooting, aching, throbbing in head, preventing sound sleep.

Crocus [Croc]

Vertigo and headache, with slow pulse; BEATING – THROBBING HEADACHE, OF FREQUENT OCCURRENCE, AT THE CRITICAL AGE, now on one, then on the other side of head, with distension of the vessels all over the body, with pressure on eyes; all symptoms more violent at that time, when menses used to appear; must wink and wipe the eyes frequently, as though a film of mucus were over them; epistaxis of tenacious, thick, black blood with cold sweat on forehead; prostration and sleepiness.

Crot. [Crot-h]

CONGESTIVE HEADACHES, especially on right side (Lachesis, left), with abdominal ailments, bilious vomiting, constipation, (<) by lying down again after rising; accompanying zymotic or septic diseases.

Cuprum [Cupr]

VIOLENT CONTINUOUS HEADACHE, increased periodically, accompanied by a sensation as if COLD WATER WERE POURED ON HEAD; cold hands and feet when the headache subsides; spasms in the chest, with inclination to urinate; pain in head as if hollow; headache after epileptic attacks; BRAIN-FAG; sudden blindness followed by convulsions.

Curare [Cur]

NERVOUS HEADACHE; lancinating, piercing pains all over the head, forcing him to lie down and to stretch himself; congestion of blood to the head, with pulsative vibrating pains and loss of consciousness; the head is drawn backward, with stiffness of the neck, swinging and trembling of hands; painful oscillation of the brain, as if it were full of fluid; neuralgic pains, starting in front and radiating to the neck as well as to the face; violent blows in the region of the cerebellum.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Periodical semilateral headache, stitching in left temple, with blindness, pale face, nausea in throat, weak digestion, (<) afternoon and evening; menses profuse and dark (Sepia, scanty dark flow). BLIND HEADACHE WITH GLITTERING SPARKS BEFORE EYES and dimness of vision, easily fatigued; sensation as if the brain were in motion, on leaning against something; continua sleepiness and chilliness all over body, not relieved by covering up; CHLORO-ANAEMIC HEADACHE with obscuration of vision, pale complexion, rings around eyes; depraved appetite, enfeebled digestion, menstrual irregularities, (<) on moving in open air (Pulsatilla, better); (>) in a room and while sitting; vertigo, objects turn in a circle with her; with headache sees countless stars, heat in head, (<) by application of cold water.

Digitalis [Dig]

Violent lancinating pains in occiput and vertex; throbbing pains in forehead and at bottom of orbits; sudden cracking noise in head during siesta, with frightened starting up; REPORT IN HEAD LIKE THE FIRING OF A PISTOL, wakened from sleep in a fright by a crash in head as if brain were made of fine glass and shattered at a blow; headache, like waves beating form side to side, (<) by lying down, blood rushes in, bubbles and swashes but is not hot.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Headache with indolence, icy coldness of body and inclination to vomit; stupefaction of head; dull headache in forehead and root of nose, as if he had a plank in front of head; boring headache from within outward in temples and forehead, (<) before midnight and when lying quiet, when talking (Eup. perf.); catarrhal and rheumatic headache, (<) in damp cold weather, with depression of spirits, mental confusion and inability to think.

Elaps-coral [Elaps]

Violent headache, WHEN THE DESIRE FOR FOOD IS NOT IMMEDIATELY SATISFIED, (>) after eating; severe pain in vertex as if the brain were shaking, with nausea, which prevents her from keeping the head quiet; lancinating pains, first in one side, then in the other; occipital headache after mental exertion; sleeplessness.

Epiphegus [Epip]

NEURASTHENIC HEADACHES, from any slight, unwanted overexertion, frontal temples, more right side; pressure from within outward; tight feeling of scalp; (<) on rising from a supine position and in open air, (>) after a good sleep; ALMOST CONSTANT DESIRE TO SPIT. saliva viscid; vision blurred; makes wrong letters and uses wrong

words; eyes smart, nausea and vomiting; general languor; HEADACHE FROM ASTHENOPIA.

Eugenia-jambos [Eug]

Headache as of something were rolling in head, WITH BURNING IN IT, COMING OUT OF EYES, with lachrymation, finally vomiting, which gives no relief; (<) evening, lasting into night; pressive pinching pain in small spot deep in forehead or on vertex, with great thirst and copious micturition.

Euonymus-europ [Euon]

Constant pain in forehead, pressing over eyes, as if she had to shut them.

Eupatorium-purp [Eup-pur]

Sick-headache with persistent sensation as if falling to the left, with a dizzy feeling all over; dull, hammering, beating, boring stinging pain in left side of head, pressing from right to left, beginning in the morning and increasing during afternoon and evening; (<) in cold air; (>) while walking slowly in fresh air.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

PERIODICAL HEADACHE; habitual headaches with bitter vomiting (Iris, sour vomiting); bilious sick-headaches in spring; pain in occiput when lying down, with a feeling of a great weight in the

head, requiring the hands to lift it; headache better in the house; worse when first going into the open air; relieved by conversation; throbbing headache; darting pain through the temples, with sensation of blood rushing across head; soreness and beating in back part of head; intense headache, throbbing, and great sense of internal soreness in forehead and occiput, with sensation of great weight in occiput; distress and painful soreness in top and back of head; soreness of eyeballs.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

FREQUENT CONGESTIVE HEADACHES, with pulsating pain in head, usually (<) after midnight, face fiery red during attack, feet cold; vertigo (<) when suddenly rising from a sitting or lying position, when walking over a bridge, or by some running water, or riding in a car or carriage. Headache with aversion to food and drink; pressure in frontal eminences, in morning after dressing, extending to vertex, with pressive pain from within outward, (>) momentarily by pressure and entirely in open air; beating in back of head and neck, gradually extending to sides and forehead, (<) stooping or moving; head dull and full, eyelids heavy, apt to sleep while sitting reading; headache of anaemic, debilitated persons, especially with congestion to head and chest; alcoholic drinks disagree; periodical headache.

Ferrum-ac [Ferr-acet]

FOREHEAD FREE FROM PAIN AND COOL TO TOUCH, while all other parts of the head suffer from hammering, piercing pains with sensation as if the arteries in temples expanded.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.