
Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Headache from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….

-There are very few people who do not know from experience what a headache is, and yet it is by no means an easy matter to give a rational explanation of the complaint. Some headaches seem to affect one tissue and some another; some appear to be located in the brain itself, and some in its membranes or some particular nerves; some are accompanied by symptoms of congestion, and some by those of want of blood; and others again seem entirely independent of any disturbance of the circulation. It is not of much assistance to invent theories about “nerve storms,” which is merely another way of stating the facts already too well known to those who experience them, and gives no help at all in dealing with them. The main facts about headaches that are made out are these: They are often hereditary, descending from parent to child through generations; they are often an expression of some constitutional disease, such as gout and rheumatism; they are often connected with weak digestion and with disease of any internal organs. These facts supply us with means of classifying the different kinds of headaches, and give us indications for their treatment, and I shall, therefore, give a description of the principal forms. It must be understood that several forms are often combined in one headache. For instance, a rheumatic person may be also nervous, and suffer from diseased stomach and constipation, and all three elements may be found in the attack of headache from which he may be suffering. In this case that element which seems to bear the leading part it must be taken as the chief guide for prescribing.

Congestive Headache.-The symptoms of this kind of headache are a feeling of fulness and throbbing in the head, throbbing of the arteries in the neck and generally flushing of the face. The pain may go on to cause vomiting. All movement makes the pains worse, also lying down; standing often relieves them. Headache from exposure to the sun is generally of this kind.

General Treatment.-The patient must be kept very quiet, with the head raised. The application of hot flannels will more often give relief than cold applications; but if heat fails to relieve, cold may be tried. Vinegar cloths applied to the temples are also useful. Hot foot-baths are at times very efficacious.

Medicines.-(Every half-hour until relief is obtained, and then less often. This applies in all kinds of headache.)

Glonoin 3.

-Attack sudden. The blood is felt rising up into the head, with severe breathing, as if bruised; worse by shaking the head; pulse rapid; face and eyes red; or eyes staring and face pale and moist; buzzing in the ears. Headache from exposure to the sun.

Aconite 3.

-Pain very severe, with burning sensation over the whole head, particularly in the forehead; face red and bloated; eyes red. (Vinegar antidotes Aconite, so all applications of vinegar should be left off before Aconite is given.)


-After Aconite; pain deeper seated, oppressive and heavy, and the face pale and haggard or else flushed; unconsciousness, incoherent talking, murmuring, drowsiness, pains worse by light, movement, and only down.

Pulse. 3.

-Pain dull, oppressive, on one side only; harassing and weakening; eyes feel as if they would be forced out of the head; commencing at back part of the head; or at the root of the nose and going back into the head; better by pressure; worse sitting, better walking; head heavy, face pale, with dizziness, agitation, inclination to cry.

Rhus 3.

-Burning, throbbing pain, fulness, oppressive weight; crawling, shaking, and swashing, as if everything in the head were loose, especially when it comes on after meals.

Nux v. 3.

-Headache coming on after a meal, drowsiness, stiffness, and pain in the back of the neck; speech thick; falling asleep of limbs. These are dangerous symptoms, and denote the risk of apoplexy. A medical man should always be summoned when they appear. Nux should be given until he arrives.

Catarrhal Headache.-When a cold in the head comes on, the cavities in the skull-bones-especially those in the prominences of the eyebrows-being lined with offshoots of the nasal mucous membrane, are liable to become congested, and are then the seat of a sense of fulness and weight. Associated with this there is frequently severe headache, usually in the forehead. It is oppressive and burning, and is accompanied by all the symptoms of cold.

General Treatment.-This is much the same as the treatment for COLD. Salt water drawn up the nostrils will at times give relief.



-Better in the open air; worse by talking.

Arsen. 3.

-Running from the nose, the discharge being acrid and burning; hoarseness, restlessness; better out of doors or in a warm room.

Nux v. 3.

-Nose discharge freely in the day, but is stopped at night.

Cepa 3.

-Fulness and heaviness in the head, especially the back of the head; worse at night and in a room; better in open air.

Gouty Headache.-Persons of gouty constitution are liable to ailments of various kinds. One member of a gouty family will have one disorder and another another, but each is dependent on the same constitutional defect. In one it will manifest itself in a skin disease, in another in gouty joints, and in a third in headaches. When this is the case the headache is of the most severe kind. It is almost invariably inherited gout that takes this form. The headache is generally one-sided, affecting one or other temple, and is accompanied by great irritability and intolerance of sounds and light. It is periodic, coming on regularly at intervals. It passes off with a copious flow of urine, often turbid. There may be vomiting during the attack.

General Treatment.-In this kind of headache the treatment for constitutional gout is needed. See under GOUT. During the attack there is little to be done beyond keeping the patient quiet and in a dark room. Hot or cold applications, whichever give most relief, may be applied, and vinegar cloths. But most reliance will be put on medicines.

Medicines.-(Every quarter of an hour, until relief is obtained, during the attack; two or three times a day as a constitutional remedy.)

Aconite 3.

-Great restlessness, fever, peevishness, pain over one or other eye.


-Violent throbbing pain, with flushed face, bright eyes, or suffused; delirium.

Kali bichr. 3.

-Pain over one eye; yellow tongue; dyspeptic symptoms. Blindness before the headache comes on, sight returning as the pain sets in.

Bryonia 3.

-Pain in forehead as if contents of skull would by forced out; white tongue; constipation.

Nux v. 3.

-Great pain in the eye, and congestion; tongue dirty brown at the back; constipation; in spare subjects liable to fits of anger; those addicted to beer, wine, and tobacco.

Pulsatilla 3.

-When the pain flies from place to place. In fair, stout people.

Sulph. 6.

-As a constitutional remedy may be given steadily in the intervals between attacks, when the characteristic symptoms of Sulphur. are present; see CONSTITUTIONS.

Rheumatic Headache.-The rheumatic, like the gouty, are apt to have their constitutional habit declare itself in headaches. The pains are tearing and drawing, frequently changing their place, and extending to neck, ear, and temples. The head is sensitive to touch, and hurts when moved. The pains are worse in bed, especially towards midnight. There may be vomiting, which relieves the symptoms.

General Treatment.-Constitutional treatment will be called for in most cases in the intervals. See RHEUMATISM. The attacks are best treated with warmth-hot foot-baths, inhaling steam; combing the hair also frequently relieves.

Medicines.-(Every half-hour in the attack. Two or three times a day in the intervals.)

Chamomilla 6.

– Tearing, drawing pains, worse in bed at night; great irritability and peevishness.

Nux v. 3.

– Tearing, drawing pains. Patient inclined to be angry, restless, often changing his position; shooting in the sides of the head; worse in the open air, or when stooping; tossing about, belching, retching.

Belladonna 3.

– Tearing, drawing pains, and cannot bear light or sound; is compelled to lie still. Pain comes suddenly and goes suddenly. Cries and groans.

Pulsatilla 3.

– Tearing, drawing pains; chilly, inclined to weep; nausea, must lie still.

Ipecac. 3.

-Intense gnawing, tearing pains, relieved by heat and vomiting, restlessness, tossing about.

Ignat. 3.

-After Ipecac. Worst pain over nose. Burning, piercing, tearing, deep in the head; better stooping or lying down.

Coloc. 3.

-Rheumatic pains, after other remedies have failed, especially when hard pressure relieves.

Sulph. 6.

– A constitutional remedy. Tearing, beating, piercing, on one side of the head, especially if the headache recurs every week.

Sepia 6.

– Tearing, beating all over the head, as if it were coming apart, agitation, restlessness, nausea, belching and retching; pressing, burning pain, causing vomiting; brought on through every change of the weather.

Headache from Disordered Digestion.- It is not always easy to decide whether a headache causes disorder of the stomach or is the result of it.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica