Homeopathy Remedy Sepia

Sleep unrefreshing. Sleep light, with vivid dreams of the events of the day. Disturbed S. from cough and pain in feet; D., with pain in small of back. Restlessness in evening in bed, and early waking in morning; at night, (<) closing eyes. Restless sleep; after midnight, with frequent waking; from ebullition of blood; with weight on thighs; from anxious dreams and heat; with confused dreams; with vexatious dreams, he calls loudly stamps, raises his arms, which he then slowly lays down again.

Talking in sleep; screaming in sleep; groaning and grunting; biting teeth together, causing pain; starting, at noon. On falling asleep, frequent starting; startled by oppressive ebullition of blood; jerking of leg; internal trembling, with itching of thighs, (>) scratching. Raised himself about midnight as if in delirium and laughed, on being questioned he closed his eyes tightly, sat quite stiff, with outstretched arms and hands and tightly set teeth, after drinking a swallow of water he asked what he was to do with so much water in his stomach, yet drank more, held in up his hand as if holding a glass and said, ” It is nice, I have relished the water after all,” afterwards talked of three couriers who were coming and referred to persons as if they were standing about.

Dreams. Many, with loud talking. Frightful, with loud screams; F., of murder; that she was falling from a mountain. Anxious, driving him out of bed; A., of being threatened with rape; as if the body were disfigured; as if he were chased and had to run backward, on waking he imagined something was coming from above, which oppressed his chest, then crawling and sticking in chest. Distressing, could see mice, rats and snakes, heard noises in the street and people talking, running, etc., next night could not sleep for the sights I saw and noises I heard. Vexatious, dreadful. Full of dispute. Tiresome. Unpleasant; and vivid. Foolish (of a man of seventy years running away from his wife and being suspected of marrying another) That he was urinating in the chamber, instead of which he was wetting the bed. Lascivious; with erections.


      Chilliness; all day; in morning on waking, with restlessness; in morning, then thirst; in morning, then all day heat of face and hands, with pallor, without thirst or sweat, and in forenoon pain in stomach and headache on stooping; from 4 till 5 P.M., with heat in forehead; at 5 P.M., then flushes of heat at 6 P.M., with slight sweat; at 6 P.M., he must lie down; towards evening, with thirst, then night-sweat; in evening, then thirst; every night; during headache, yet intolerance of external warmth; in church; on motion; sensitive to cold; sensitive to cold north wind; after getting wet, then attacks of faintness, then coryza; after a glass of water, lasting till sleep, with watery, slimy diarrhoea; with pinching in abdomen; or else heat and sweat; alternating with heat till in the night.

Shaking chill, then heat, with inability to collect one’s senses, then sweat in evening, urine brown and of acrid smell. Shivering all day two days before menses; in morning after waking, also at intervals, with short breath; during noonday rest; till going to bed, and in bed heat of face; with the pains; without chilliness; even of head, with cold hands, yawning and weakness.

Coldness of head, (<) night; nose cold and pinched; in back and r. shoulder at 10 P.M., running downward, C. in back if lying on side, (>) lying on back; as from a cold hand between scapulae, then C. over whole body, then spasm of chest as if suffocating, then clonic convulsions of r. lower limb, and jerking of r. arm when leg is held quiet, then trembling of lower limb; of lower limbs from forenoon till bedtime; knees at night. Hands cold, but moist; cold sending chilliness through body; but feet warm, or vice versa, or often both cold at once; H. and feet cold and clammy.

Cold feet: all day, with dampness as if I had stood in cold water; about 11 A.M. when writing, then general shaking chill, he had to lie down, then warmth, and at 4 A.M., heat, with disposition to sweat, having had slight general sweat during the night;. at noon, with hot and red face; in afternoon and evening when sitting; (<) towards evening and in morning, with headache; (<) evening, even long after going to bed; (<) evening in bed, then cold hands.

Heat; all day, with sickness and thirst; all day, with chilly shivering, dull and heavy pain in forehead (after flickering, heat and pressure in eyes), nausea, constriction of chest, yet without shortness of breath; in morning on waking; at noon; every day from 1 till 6 P.M.; at 5 P.M., first chill and after drinking cold water chilliness and inclination to lie down, then sleep and inclination to sweat; evenings, with oppression; every night till midnight; at night causing restlessness; at night, with anxious fancies, fanciful dreams and sweat on head; from indigestion, with palpitation; after dinner; after dinner, with sweat; from a short walk; from the accustomed tobacco-smoking, with oppression and anxiety; with weakness and hot urine; with redness of face and sweat of head and body; headache like a heaviness, palpitation and trembling, after the heat chilliness with deadness of hands; with intermittent pressing first in temples, all night short breath as from internal heat, in morning weakness of lower limbs, thirst, want of appetite, sleepiness, during the day shivering, pain in throat and swelling of submaxillary glands; then coldness, with faintness.

Heat in flushes; about 8.30 P.M.; in evening, then itching, after slight exercise; then chills;as if hot water were poured over me, with redness of face, general sweat and anxiety, without thirst, yet with dryness of throat. Orgasm of blood; with congestion to head and chest. Anxious heat from 4 till 5 A.M. and from 5 till 6 P.M., A. waking him at night. Dry heat, with redness of face, thirst, painful swallowing, sticking in l. scapula arresting the breathing and tearing in limbs. Intermittent fever, returning frequently during the day, first heat with sweat in face, thirst and bitterness of mouth, then chill, nausea, pressure in forehead extending into temples, during the heat vertigo as if he would fall.

Heat of head; in evening; in evening, and of face; in morning, with sensation as if nose would bleed; of forehead in afternoon, with drawing in thighs; at 5 P.M., with fulness; after a walk, and of face; rising to it every five minutes; like a burning coming out of ears, causing difficult hearing and dim vision; alternating with chilliness in lower limbs. Heat of l. ear, with redness of it. Heat of face every morning on waking; in morning, pallor in evening; from talking; after a meal. Hot lips; under nose. Tickling burning in r. axilla. Burning on skin on outside below shoulder-joint, as from a blister. Heat of hands in daytime, during excitement, in lower half of legs at night in bed; in feet at night; dry, in soles; in tips of l. toes, shooting through l. side to head and leaving there weakness.

Sweat; in morning; in morning after waking; mornings, with anxiety; every morning after waking, (<) lower limbs; at 5.30 A.M. on waking; in evening before sleep; all night; every other night; on waking; on walking in open air, even against cold winds; on walking, (<) bends of joints; on walking, with exhaustion; during sleep, (<) on head; from slightest exercise, even writing; after coughing; all day, weakening him so by evening that he could not stand; sour-smelling; sourish, every morning; smelling almost like elder-blossoms, also during exercise; as from a cold; sometimes hot, sometimes cold,(<) hands and feet; on face during sleep; on face after warm food; above anus before and during stool; on feet; on feet, (<) toes; lower limbs during the day; from above downward to middle of calves at night; of intolerable smell, on feet toes became sore; cold, at night, on breast, back and thighs.

Clinical It has been prescribed for intermittent fever, with the general symptoms and debilitating sweats. Partial sweats.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.