Homeopathy Remedy Sepia

Pressure as from a stone; in pit, (<) bread. Contraction in region. Fulness at noon. Emptiness (Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Ignatia); with nauseas as soon as she thinks of food she would like (Pulse.). Uneasiness at 7 A.M. Pulsation in pit in morning, then ebullition in chest in chest like palpitation, then internal heat of face and body without redness or thirst, but with sweat; P. in pit when eating, worse the more he eats (Nat.m.). Heaviness, with pain in abdomen. Coldness. Burning, and in pit; B. after eructations; and in pit, with feeling as if eating would relieve it; extending upwards. Heartburn in pit extending to throat in forenoon and afternoon, and in throat sourish taste and scraping.

Clinical Acid dyspepsia, with bloated abdomen, sour or putrid eructations, sometimes nausea and vomiting. Vomiting of pregnancy, with the characteristic sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Gastric catarrh, with excessive acidity, heartburn. Dyspepsia, with hypochondriac mood, especially at the climacteric of women. or as the result of overwrought brain, or sexual excess. Atonic dyspepsia, with amenorrhoea, the nausea and vomiting generally (>) eating and lying down. A longing for acids, with flatulent dyspepsia, soreness over the abdomen and liver, blisters in the mouth, and especially with a feeling of something twisting about in the stomach and rising into the throat.


      Distention; in evening, then eructations; after dinner; after dinner, at 6 P.M.; after soup; after eating, (<) supper; after least food, not (>) discharge of flatus; after least food, at first (>) then (<) loosening clothes; when walking, with emission of flats; around waist during menses, with discomfort; (<) evening; (<) evening, with hardness and with congestion of superficial abdominal veins and sticking in a hernia; with noise and whistling in it; with pain and soreness; with slimy diarrhoea; with diarrhoea and griping; without stool; hard, with cutting; flatulent, after dinner, lasting till evening; painful, when riding in a carriage; tympanitic, at 4 P.M.

Rumbling. Noises. Grumbling; in evening, with motion of flatus; when lying; and motion of flatus, as in diarrhoea. Flatulence; in evening; when walking in open air; after walking in open air. Emissions of flatus; and from vagina; offensive.

Tearing in afternoon, as if intestines were torn out. Cramp. Cutting in morning; after midnight; at night, with urging to urinate; in attacks, so that she must bend up; flatulent, transversely across, (>) motion, with cutting in l. testicle; griping, with groaning anxiety, as if involuntary stool would pass. Griping (>) eructations;with sensation as if bowels would turn inside out; alternating with sticking, in attack of ten minutes. Griping diarrhoeic feeling, then exhausting diarrhoea. Digging, with contraction and emission of flatus.

Pain; at 6 A.M. on moving, with sudden urging to stool, which was thin, yellow and scanty, with tenesmus; in muscles at night on motion; every night, waking him at 2 A.M., with times pain above and around umbilicus, with trembling of heart, which can be felt outwardly (without palpitation), full pulse, nausea, weakness and dryness of mouth; during supper, then three stools, with urging; before stool; before menses, with faintness; a few days before menses, then soreness in perineum and swelling of pudendum before menses; (<) eating, with Dullness of head and tension of skin of forehead; (>) stool; with many gelatinous stools; so that she must bend double; flatulent, before stool, with groans and sobs; as if intestines had been beaten to pieces.

Soreness as if menses would appear (Sulphur). Smarting after a thin stool. Tension in morning; drawing T. Heaviness; during motion. Emptiness; after stool (Acid sulphuricum, Podophyllum). Beating here and there. Uneasiness; as before diarrhoea. Weakness after two hard stools, with loss of appetite. Burning when walking in open air; when sitting, (>) walking.

Hypochondria. Gurgling in r. Sticking; in hepatic region; in hepatic region in evening, with pain on touch and with constipation; when coughing; in r. with short, dry, evening cough; passing under H. transversely through epigastrium; tensive, impeding motion, (<) walking; cutting, in gall-bladder. Pinching in hepatic region, (>) eructations and emission of flatus; paroxysmal P. in liver. Jerks in liver. Pain in hepatic region (Podophyllum); in gall-bladder; deep in a spot over spleen from 2 till 3 P.M.; in l., (>) lying; in liver when walking; drawing, in hepatic region in evening. Sore pain in hepatic region (Podophyllum); at noon in location of a former congestion, felt next day on turning or reaching, and afterwards on sudden movement; when riding over rough roads, obstructing breathing. Full sensation in hepatic region (Podophyllum). Beating in hepatic region.

Sticking in transverse colon, beginning in splenic flexure and passing to hepatic flexure, after stool, (<) walking, (>) sitting; intermittent S. just under pit of stomach, radiating obliquely up into l. side. Pain in transverse colon; in upper A. in afternoon; in upper A., at times (>) internal fermentation, with tension and with pressure and sticking in umbilical region.

Sides. Grumbling in l., with emptiness. Sticking in l., in r. muscles, with twitches; then difficult breathing; transversely through from r. to l. Pain in r., attacks of contractive, in r., (<) morning, then constriction in stomach extending to chest, (>) eructations; as from a stiff body or plug, making stooping painful or impossible; drawing. Burning in r. when walking far.

Umbilicus. Sticking extending to pudendum when coughing and gagging. Smarting boring to right of U. Pain in region, (<) coughing and stooping; P. extending to pudendum, (<) touch; in centre of abdomen as from a lump from afternoon till bedtime, extending upward towards evening, with sleepiness, but inability to sleep at night; drawing, in region, then discharge of mucus from rectum, with urging and sticking, then congestion of blood to chest, with anxiety and restlessness, which after dinner changed to alternations of internal heat and chilliness, with sweat of head from 1 till 4 P.M., then headache, then pain in nape, next day the same condition; burning, to left of and below U. Sore spot in wall to right of and below U., next day tender to pressure and from movements of muscles in walking, afterwards on sudden turning.

Hypogastrium. Swelling of l. inguinal glands, painful on walking. Fulness in r. groin when walking; F., with aching in ovaries, heaviness in head and sleepiness. Gurgling over l. hip. Sticking; in sides; in l. in morning; transversely through just over hips; upward in l. groin during stool. Sticking tearing in groin, extending into thigh on stepping. Cutting during breakfast, with urging to stool; C. in afternoon, with jerks; then free, loose stool. Griping, (>) 10 A.M.; G. all day in quarter-hour attacks, with hard daily stool. Pain in l. side; in r. side of front; in r. groin near Poupart’s ligament; in place of a hernia during violent laughter; with bruised feeling waking her at night; across; across at night on lying down, (<) micturition; across, extending down inside of thighs, with soreness of abdomen and thighs on touch, at times inability to stand, with piles and constipation; in pelvis, beginning in sacrum and passing forward and down to. r knee at 7.30 A.M., (>) pressing against something hard, the pelvic pain (>) crossing limbs, but the pain in knee aggravated; flatulent, deep in r. side after a meal, later only moving and bending forward. Pressing downward; during menses (Bell);(>) knee-elbow position, which caused eructations and sleep; in pelvis at 9 A.M., (<) forenoon, with sick feeling, and (<) 4 P.M. on waking, with gloomy feeling, (>) supper at 6 P.M., the P. returned at 9 P.M., next day at 9 A.M. Pressure as if contents would issue through genitals. P. as if bladder would fall out over as pubis, partially (>) hard pressure, the pelvic distress always felt at night on waking, (>) transiently by lying on side with legs flexed on thighs and thighs on abdomen, returning third morning on stirring, during the day sensation as of an overdistended bladder, (<) sitting and lying, (>) walking and supper, fourth day P. as if uterus would issue through vulva, (>) from supper till 9 P.M. on eighth day pelvic symptoms (<) 4 P.M. after sleep, a week later P. all day, with Dullness in head and desire to sit or lie still with eyes closed, amelioration after supper. Pressure outward low down in pelvis, with twisting and contraction; undulating P, outward in r. groin in r. groin. Pulling pain in r. iliac region near crest at 10 P.M. Drawing above r. hip, extending to ribs and towards kidneys, (>) emission of flatus. Spasmodic contraction in r. side. Sudden distress in pelvis at 9 A.M. (<) forenoon, with sickness. Singular feeling in pelvic region at 4 P.M., a weakness about small of back, pubic bones, and around anus a dragging. Burning in r. flank.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.