Homeopathy Remedy Sepia

Clinical Enlargement of the liver, with heaviness in the hepatic region. Torpid liver, with aching, weight and soreness, involving even the right shoulder, with occipital headache, sallow complexion, and especially a yellow stripe across the bridge of the nose.


      Prolapsus (Podophyllum). Sticking; at night; in perineum, pressing towards rectum, in evening when sitting. Cutting during stool, with discharge of blood; C. in afternoon, drawing towards hypogastrium, then ineffectual urging. Pain during stool and when sitting afterwards; tensive P. and in anus. Contractive pain before and during hard stool; C. pain extending into vagina and perineum. Smarting after stool. Weak feeling in evening in bed, causing restlessness, so that he cannot sleep. Itching. Burning all day; during latter part of a soft stool; with hard stools. Urging, with pain in lumbar region; constant U., but scanty stool; at 6 A.M., stool in hard lumps and with bleeding, then free stools at 7 and 10 A.M. Ineffectual urging; towards evening, next morning stool hard and lumpy; passes only wind and mucus, with sensation of a plug in rectum.

Clinical Inactivity of the rectum, which feels constantly full, even after a stool; even a soft stool is expelled with difficulty. Haemorrhoids, with bleeding at stool. A distressing feeling as of a lump in the rectum (Anacardium).


      Haemorrhoids; bleeding when walking; seem indurated. Protruding H.; during stool; when walking; after stool, of a humid, painless one; and itching. Painful H.; when walking; after stool; on touch, with intermittent sore pain pressing outward, (<) between stools, even when lying.

Swelling of margin, with heat. Congestion after dinner. Expulsion of ascarides. Discharge of bloody mucus after stool. Painful contractions. Sticking; from after morning stool till afternoon; (<) retracting it and by pressure; and tearing. Cutting at night, and in rectum. Sudden aching during constipation, (>) walking fast, ceased when faeces began to pass. Soreness; with intermittent tenesmus. Raw sensation during stool. Scraping during stool. Contractive sensation, (>) after fermentation in abdomen; C. pain during stool, then extending forward and upward into abdomen. Tension after stool. Burning; during stool. Itching; with creeping in rectum.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, with bleeding at stool; distress when walking about.


      Watery, yellow, with pain and flatulence. Diarrhoea; after milk; after boiled milk; then constipation; exhausting; almost like grits; slimy, with discharge of round and thread worms; acrid, three times a day, then protrusion of haemorrhoids, which ooze moisture and which pain on sitting. Pappy, sour-smelling, evacuated very quickly. Soft, thin-shaped, difficult.

Constipation; causing bleeding, weight and pain in rectum. Hard, with cutting in rectum; H., then soft; at night, and difficult; and large, difficult; and difficult, mixed with mucus; and knotty, insufficient; in small lumps, unsatisfactory, with feeling as if I had lost the power of expulsion. Whitish. Brownish, scanty, difficult, but not hard. Bloody; but not hard. Scanty, with loss of power to expel it; S. and difficult in evening, next morning a small soft one. Frequent; with pain and tenesmus during stool; natural, about every two hours till afternoon, towards night diarrhoea with tenesmus before and during stool, burning in anus after stool and bearing down in region of anus. Difficult. Putrid, sourish.

Clinical Diarrhoea; green, mucous, especially from boiled milk, in children during teething, with turbid, offensive urine and reddish sediment adherent to the vessel, rapid exhaustion and emaciation.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Spasm. Sticking through B. before micturition. Pinching. Aching at neck after urinating. Sensation as if drops came out, (<) during rest. Burning, without desire to urinate. Distended feeling. Pressure on B. (Liliumtig.) and frequent micturition and tension in hypogastrium; P. in evening, with burning after micturition. Urging; in morning, with bearing down in pelvis; in morning, but micturition only after waiting several minutes in neck of bladder; continual; frequent; frequent, with scanty discharge alternating with retention of urine; ineffectual, at 11 A.M.

Frequent micturition; during the day; in afternoon; at night; as often as he woke at night, with thirst; with uneasiness, as from fulness in bladder; with pressure on bladder, but he must wait long before the urine comes, if he endeavors to retain the urine he is attacked with anxiety and pressure on bladder.

Urethra. Discharge of moisture after micturition; milky D. after micturition; of prostatic fluid after micturition; if prostatic fluid, with difficult stool. Sticking; and cutting. Tearing; in forepart. Smarting; near meatus; in orifice; during micturition; astringent, in forepart in morning on waking. Tingling; in meatus; in meatus between 1 and 2 P.M.; for about an inch back from head of penis at 9.30 A.M. Itching. Burning; in forepart; in forepart after emission.

Urine. Copious; and water-colored; next day scanty. Scanty; with red deposit; and deep red, no desire to urinate; with constant desire; with much thirst. Thick, slimy, offensive, depositing a yellowish, pasty sediment next morning. Turbid; and claycolored, with reddish sediment (Berberis(; when passed, as if mixed with mucus, and dark; after standing, and offensive, with white sediment; with red sandy sediment (Lycopodium, Berberis); and offensive; and acid, with bile pigment. High-colored, soon becoming turbid and staining bottom of vessel. Looks like powdered brick. Blood- red. Pale yellow. Fetid; with much white sediment. Acid, deposit of white adherent film, sediment at bottom of tube pinkish, the sediment readily dissolved on slight heat (not by nitric acid), showed amorphous particles, and on standing forty-eight hours crystals of uric acid appeared. White, filmy, adherent sediment. Brick-dust sediment (Lycopodium, Berberis), and vessel covered with a white substance and looking like ground glass. Deposits blood. Yellowish-red, adherent deposit.

Clinical Chronic cystitis, with slow micturition, but with constant desire and a bearing-down sensation above the pubis. Very slow micturition from atony of the bladder. It has been found valuable to relieve the distressing bearing-down feeling of cystocele. Nocturnal enuresis, especially in the the forepart of the night. Chronic urethritis. The characteristic urine of Sepia deposits a red sediment which adheres tightly to the vessel.

Sexual Organs

      Sweat on male; on scrotum. Glans, red spots; red, almost sore indurations coming and going on inner side of G. and prepuce, tickling on touch; on lower part a purulent fluid having a sourish salt smell, with itching; itching inflammation, increasing the excitement during coition; sticking; burning during coition; heat and itching, with soreness of prepuce; heat, with pale red and at times itching eruption. Ulceration of prepuce, with itching. Sticking in prepuce and fraenum, with smarting raw feeling and congestion of the integument.

Erections after coition and after nocturnal emissions; after coition, then weakness of thought, vertigo, discouragement, relaxation of body, and in evening low spirited and inclined to start; persistent, at night; painful, when sitting after the siesta; strong, but short, with quick emission during coition; insufficient, with coition; wanting.

Pinching tearing in testicles. Cutting in testicles.. Rheumatic drawing in testicles and along side of thigh. Heat in testicles. Emissions nightly, with sexual dreams; imperfect E., with lascivious dreams; weak and watery; suppressed by his waking. Sexual thoughts without erections. But little pleasurable sensation during coition. Desire increased; D., with rapid emission, but slight voluptuous feeling, then tension in Hypogastrium extending to spermatic cord.

Female. Dilated feeling before menses. Soreness of labia, perineum and between thighs, with redness; S. of labia, with inflamed feeling. Sticking in pudendum; extending almost to umbilicus. Burning in pudendum before menses. Vulva feels enlarged.

Vagina. Sticking in orifice; intermittent S.; extending into body of uterus, (>) bending double. Jerking upward in morning after a dream. Dryness after menses, and of vulva, causing discomfort when walking (Natrum mur.). Leucorrhoea; after micturition; with itching in vagina; with eructations, retching and pallor; yellow; acrid, before menses, with soreness of pudenda (Lil-tig.); like milk (Pulsatilla, Calc-c.), only by day, with burning pain and excoriation between thighs (Pulsatilla); looking like pus (Calc-c.); lumpy, fetid, with drawing pain in Hypogastrium; as clear as water; excoriating, causing pain when walking. Discharge bloody, slimy (Murex); of a few drops of blood fifteen days before time for the menses; of blood after coition; of blood when walking; greenish-red, during pregnancy.

Uterus. Beginning to prolapse, congested, and yellowish leucorrhoea pouring from it (Lil-tig.). Prolapsus, with inclination of fundus to l. (Pulsatilla, Murex r. side), causing numbness in l. lower half of body, with pain, and the same pain in pelvic region, (>) lying, especially on r. side, tenderness of os uteri. Sticking; upward; spasmodic through U.; from cervix to fundus and then to r. ovary, causing nausea. Cramps all night during menses and next day on moving about; before and at beginning of menses. Pain, and in l, ovary; P. passing into vagina. Feeling as if clutched and suddenly released, at 7 P.M., causing nausea. Pressure as if everything would issue through vulva (Lil-tig. [Cap.], in afternoon; P. downward as if everything would fall out, with oppression of breath and pain in abdomen, she must cross her limbs to prevent protrusion of vagina, yet nothing protrudes, but there is increase of gelatinous leucorrhoea. Painful stiffness in region.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.