Homeopathy Remedy Sepia

Compression after eating, any covering is oppressive. Superficial drawing and boring, (<) night, driving her out of bed, about midnight it extended into temples, ear and teeth. Fulness. Swollen feeling. Strange feeling, as if on the point of falling asleep. Dullness; in morning on rising; (<) walking in open air, with pressure in eyes; with unsteadiness in it and tension of muscles of throat and nape; with heaviness and with excoriated feeling in nose, posterior nares and pharynx, (<) r. side, with thick, yellow discharge from r. side, and on putting finger into nose it is bloody; as from coryza, with reeling. Heaviness; every morning on rising; in evening, and lying down one-sided headache. Weakness so that she can scarcely think, (<) afternoon; so that it could hardly be lifted from the pillow.

Rush of blood (sulph.). Pulsation in evening in bed, with sensation as if head were in motion. Shaking of brain from striking foot against anything. Movement in brain on shaking head. Sensation as if brain moved in waves, with hunger. Vertigo; every morning on rising; in afternoon; every day from 3 till 5 P.M.; every day from 4 till 6 P.M., when sitting and walking; at night on rising in bed; when walking when walking in open air; when walking in open air, with palpitation; on rising to walk; on moving arms; after a meal; on stooping after supper; on blowing nose; when she sees a. large plain; when sitting after a harmless drink, then flush of heat; on moving head, and on moving head from side to side feeling as if brain moved; with nausea and anxiety; with cold hands and feet; with dislike for work; so that on looking up when walking he stumbles; sudden, as if the street were. rising, at 5 P.M. when walking; in attacks, as if something were rolling about in head, when walking in open air, then in evening headache and humming in ears; as if fainting, with short breath. Symptoms (<) sleep; afternoon after sleep.

Forehead. Stitches here and there; S. when walking fast, with nausea; over eyes, (<) motion in the house, (>) walking in open air; (>) lying down, with nausea (she cannot eat); outward over left orbit, after rising in morning till noon,(>) open air, with drawing together of eye; in F. and occiput, towards vertex, with tearing and drawing. Tearing in r. upper part; in l. eminence; over eyes; in F. and eyes from 2 P.M. till going to sleep in evening; after a meal; extending down beside r. wing of nose. Boring digging all day from slightest motion. Painful jerking. Jerking pain in forepart. Pain; over eye; during the day, with queer feeling in head; at 10 A. M.; and in temples, with drooping of lids; over l. eye in afternoon, (<) evening, and delaying sleep; at 3 P.M., (>) eating; at root of nose, between 4 and 5 P.M., and going to temples; from 7 till 8 P.M., with heat in it; after a stool which was not hard; over eyes if he goes into bright sunlight; during menses, with hard offensive matter from nose; (<) morning, noon and evening, and in temples; with heaviness of eyelids; in F. and eyes, with tension and burning; and in vertex, then anxiety in pit of stomach, with trembling, then nosebleed; over r. eye and going into eye; over eyes, alternating from one to other; passing around on r. side to occiput, in evening; intermittent, during the day; as from catarrh. Drawing pain; externally, extending back to occiput. Heaviness, and in temples. Heavy pain over l. eye extending towards side or head at 3.30 P.M., at 4 P.M. fulness deep in l. orbit, the headache (>) evening and open air, (<) shaking head, next day the same headache and fulness, with occasional dartings from l. eye over side of head towards occiput, headache (>) after meals, with occasional darts through eyeball, afterwards headache, (<) mental labor. Pressure on upper part to sinciput: intermittent P. on brain in sinciput, (<) towards forehead; P. outward at 5 P.M., (<) lying, with sinking feeling in vertex, sensation as if brain moved in waves, and hunger. Fulness, and in temples, with throbbing in carotids. Dullness; in F. and over eyes, with heaviness. Sensation of paralysis.

Temples. Sticking; in l.; in evening; in l. at 6 P.M.; in l. from 12 till 7 P.M., with pain about anterior inferior angle of parietal bone; in r. on waking; six stitches in l. at 11 P.M. on lying down, three of them severe and at equal intervals. Tearing from l. to upper part of l. side of head. Pain; in r. and over r. eye; extending into forehead at noon; running from r. into l. and into eyes and nose at 2 P.M.; throbbing. Pressure outward from 6 P.M. till morning. Weight as from too much blood, as during coryza. Fulness. Pressing together, running from one to other. Tickling in l., then sensation as if skin were drawn upward.

Vertex. Pinching in V. and upper part of occiput, with soreness, which became a burning. Pain; after mental labor; beating, in morning after rising; contractive. Vibratory contraction in morning. Compression all day, with dyspnoea. Beating, (<) turning eyes or any motion of head or body to a forcing outward.

Sides. Sticking over ears; S. in l. in afternoon, in occiput in evening. Paroxysmal pinching. Occasional twinges of pain. Pain deep in one, with pain in molars. Rheumatic drawing in l. Beating in one on which she lies. Heaviness of r.

Occiput. Stitches extending towards vertex. Tearing; intermittent, in l. side near neck. Pain in a spot; P. in r. side; in evening till midnight; running down sore, in l. side; as if hollow and ulcerated, (<) night and lying upon it, (>) pressure of hand; drawing, and on touch P. as from subcutaneous ulceration. Painful drawing inferiorly, now in r., now in l. side. Drawing. Painful beating. Dullness of l. side. Heaviness, (<) morning; H. extending down spine, (>) about an hour after rising.

Scalp. Falling out of hair (Sulphur, Graphites). Swelling above temples. Scurf. Moisture. Itching pustule towards nape, which became an ulcer, with rough scabs beneath. Movements backward and forward, he must press molars together. Pain on touch, as if roots of hair were sore. Itching; (<) afternoon; when headache passed off; on occiput in evening; on vertex, with falling of hair.

Clinical The headache of Sepia is usually neuralgic, frequently extending from the occiput to the eye; or congestive, on the vertex, with great despondency, and desire to be alone; neuralgic, over one eye, pulsating or sticking, with great sensitiveness, especially associated with uterine complaints; occasionally used for chronic congestive headaches or for headaches associated with disordered liver and the peculiar yellow appearance around the mouth and across the nose. Eruptions on scalp and behind the ear, with soreness from scratching. Sensitiveness of the roots of the hair. Falling of the hair. Numerous pimples on the forehead near the hair. Sour perspiration on the head.


      Congestion and dryness. Redness in morning on waking, with smarting in canthi; R. of r., with sore feeling in it; of white; of white in morning in morning on waking, with burning, smarting and pressure. Inflammation, with redness of white and sticking and pressure; I. with a stye; with intolerance of cold water; on r. with burning of eyes and lachrymation. Swelling, with burning and lachrymation, which relieves; S., with headache on same side. Glassy. Surrounded by dark rings. Jerking under eyes.

Sticking in l. Darting in r. at 7 A.M. on waking, then in l. Pain in r. as from sand (Natrum mur., Zincum met.), (<) pressing lids together and by rubbing. Pain at night;, P. in l. in afternoon, then in evening feeling as if head were stuffed; P, on turning them to the right; with heat and glittering. Soreness in evening after a walk in cold wind, (<) gaslight and attempting to read, with roughness and burning (Sulphur). Bruised feeling. Smarting; in r. in evening, with inclination of lids to close against one’s wish. Fatigued by reading and writing, with sore pain in inner canthus. Constrictive sensation when reading or writing by candle-light. Heaviness, with tendency to keep them closed. Dragging. Feel pulled downward. Feeling as if they would draw within themselves during a lecture, the lecturer seemed to recede slowly from my vision, ending in nausea. Burning; in morning, with weakness of them; with dryness; with soreness to touch and desire to close them; in l. in morning, with swelling of inner canthus; like balls of fire, (<) l., which is injected. Itching.

Lachrymation; morning and evening (Pulsatilla); of r. in morning on going into cold, open air; in open air. Ball, occasionally shooting during the day; digging; aching in l.; pressure on upper part, (<) r.; pressure on lower part of r.; sensation as if weights were attached to posterior parts; itching.

Lids. Swelling beneath eyes; beneath eyes in morning after waking; of r, upper in morning, with redness; red, of lower, with pressing and burning pain. Red herpetic spot on upper, scaly and peeling off. Agglutination in evening; in morning, with ulceration. Drawn together in morning on waking. Jerking; (>) open air; in l. lower, with sensation as if tears would flow. Heavy pain on waking. Heat of margins, with dryness (Sulphur); H. of margins of l. lower, towards outer canthus. Itching; of margins; inside l. upper, with soreness of outer corner, next day lids swollen and sore to touch and on closing eyes, later the I. caused lachrymation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.