Homeopathy Remedy Sepia

Clinical Sympathetic affections of the heart, palpitation and a tremulous feeling, with flushes, in women. Occasionally used for cardiac dropsy.


      Rapid; if he thinks of past troubles, with failure of breath; with rash. Slow. Irregular.


      Stretching out, with distortion of face. Jerking in nape, with shaking of head. Sticking in nape, with drawing, arresting breathing. Pain, then cramplike pain in lower jaw; P. in r. side in evening, (>) dinner; sore, in lower cervical vertebrae in evening when walking in open air; drawing and expanding in side; drawing, in r. side, (<) bending head to l.; contractive, in nape, (<) r. side. Tension; in one side as if swollen. Swollen sensation in nape. Stiffness of nape; from easy straining during work, with tense feeling.


      Tearing during menses, preventing, sleep, with chills, heat, thirst and contraction of chest. Aching; in afternoon; when sitting; when sitting bent over at writing; on walking, arresting breath; drugging, and in sacrum, (<) between lumbar region and crista ilii, more on r. side, at 6 P.M., with strained feeling when walking, afterwards the pain caused nausea and when standing faintness; burning, in spine; sudden hammering, (>) pressure against a hard substance, with sticking tearing, so that he felt as if he would sink together and lose his breath. Tired feeling, with pain in small of back, and on sitting down he had to sit very straight. Heaviness in morning on waking, almost as if asleep. Stiffness (>) walking; S. after a second stool, with hardness, and with tightness in pit of stomach and oppressed breathing.

Scapulae. Sticking; in l.; between S.; extending into side of chest when sitting and walking fast, (<) evening and afternoon; from r. through ribs during inspiration, (>) walking in open air. Tearing in l. after slight exposure; in l., as from a cold. Pain between S. and down back; under r, shoulder; in a spot between upper parts; between r. and vertebrae; in upper part of back in morning if she laces herself at all tightly; between S. and under l., extending into l. lung. (<) expiration. Sprained pain under l. shoulder-joint. Drawing pain above r.; near l. near spine, at times drawing to neck; under r., at one time more in back, then in side, (<) sitting with arm held out free from body. Drawing between S. and in upper chest; D. with jerks. Tension between S.; in l. towards evening; under r., (<) lying on l. side.

Lumbar Region. Gurgling in r. Sticking in kidneys and liver; across coccyx before stool;’ extending to l. lung posteriorly over r. hip, so that she could not lie on r. side, and on touch pain as from subcutaneous ulceration; sudden, when lifting, he had to walk bent forward and had stitches if his foot struck against anything. Sprained pain over hips in evening in bed and in afternoon. Rending over r. hip, extending backward. Sharp pressure on and below sacrum. Pain; in kidney region; in sacrum; in l. side; in afternoon when walking; in sacrum in evening, (>) pressure; on waking from a nap at 7.30. P.M., (<) l. side, pain in lumbar region all night; across loins, (<) moving; intermittent, over r. hip. Tired pain; in lower part of spine from walking, so that it feels broken; causing nausea, and a faint feeling when standing. Pressure on spine lumbar region, with rheumatic drawing in neck. Pressive drawing in l. Deep-seated tension. Heavy pulling in r. at 3 P.M. Heat in kidney region on taking a long breath. Stiffness of lower part of back.


      Swelling at wrist, bend of elbow and around malleoli in evening, (>) next morning, but parts were painful to touch. Jerking at night; J. on moving them; intermittent, of r. leg during the day, then trembling of r. hand. Tearing in elbows and knees; drawing, extending upward all day during rest, with weakness. Pain, (<) hips; of all kinds in long bones, (<) their ends, when walking in open air. Bruised pain in thighs and upper arms at night during sleep, with exhaustion of them. Sticking smarting in l. knee and on inside of thighs and arms; intermittent, along inside of l. arm and leg when sitting or at rest, (<) from 5 P.M. till late in evening. Drawing pains in r. forearm and thigh. Drawing; arthritic, in knee and finger-joints. Anxiety. Uneasiness; at night. Purring in arms, hands and lower limbs. Weakness in morning on waking; W. in joints, (<) knees; with chilliness. Heaviness. Go to sleep easily.

Upper Extremities

      Axillary glands. Swelling; of l., with suppuration. Soreness. Full sensation in l., then r.

Shoulder. Tearing in l. joint; in joint, as if it would tear off, (>) belching; drawing, in joint, as if sprained. Sprained pain in joint when resting arm while writing. Pain; in the one which was higher than the other from disease, also on touch; in joints on lifting the slightest weight or when resting elbow in an elevated position, with trembling of hands; as if excoriated; intermittent bruised, in sockets, extending to elbows, generally in only one arm at a time. Weary pain in l. joint; in r. and in muscles of nape. Drawing pain in joint in morning. Drawing at top during rest. Tension in l. joint, (>) moving it, with drawing. Pressure at night, with sprained feeling and sensation as if asleep. Stiffness of l.; of r., with lameness.

Arm. Jerking in l. biceps in evening; J. upward in r., then trembling of hands. Shooting along inside of r. Drawing extending to fingers. Weakness on waking; W., they go to sleep during rest. Stiffness, with internal coldness. Paralytic sensation in l.; P. sensation, then throbbing. Falling asleep when resting head on it; F. asleep of arms and hands, (<) when under covers, in which case there is painful stiffness in them.

Upper Arm. Jerking. Tearing in a spot above l. elbow. Bruised pain; in l.; during motion. Creeping tingling pain extending to shoulder-joint, and causing uneasiness in arm, (<) motion and stooping, (>) rest and lying in bed. Drawing pain in one, then other.

Elbow. Sticking, in tip at night during frequent waking. Tearing at bend of l. Bruised feeling in l., in region of ulnar nerve. Tension as if too short.

Forearm. Cramp when walking. Tearing near wrist, now r., now l.; drawing, in lower part. Pain in r. Tingling.

Wrist. Sticking tearing in l. Tearing extending to shoulder, so that he could scarcely mover arm, (>) during the day and when at rest, on letting arm hang down it was blue and rigid. Darting pain, and on dorsum of r. hand to between first and second fingers, then on corresponding part of palm. Drawing pain in r. Weakness of r.

Hand. Jerking in palm, with sticking. Tearing. Tearing drawing from outer side of l. to elbow. Smarting on outer side of r. Weakness. Numbness if he holds anything tightly or carries anything, with falling asleep of it. Falling asleep at night.

Fingers. Flexion of index, he could not straighten it. Thumb immovably bent towards little finger. Sticking in middle joints; in tip of little; in tip of l. thumb; in inner side of tips; in l., with drawing. Tearing in first phalanx of r. thumb; in first phalanx of r. index; under nail of r. index. Sharp tingling pains in tips. Sore feeling in last joints on clenching fist, if pressed they are painful. Tension in metacarpal joints, (<)during flexion. Arthritic drawing in joints. Painful tickling under nail of r. thumb; almost painful, under nail of l. index. Numbness of r. in evening.

Lower Extremities

      Jerking in l.; upward of l. in forenoon when sitting. Bruised feeling, she desires to sit down and when sitting feels as if she must stand up; B. feeling, (>) dancing, with pain in every nerve, pain on touch. Uneasiness in one in evening, as from internal imperfect itching. Sensation in l. as if a mouse were running up and down. Weakness. Stiffness extending up to hip-joints; S. after sitting a short time, with falling asleep and crawling. Numbness of one when standing, with sudden paralytic sensation. Falling asleep when sitting.

Thigh. Trembling, and of knee, with jerking in thigh. Jerking, and in buttock; J. when walking. Cramp when walking; in inner side when walking. Cramping pain in hip-joint, (>) walking; sudden tearing, in hips extending to feet, when walking. Sticking in l. when walking; tearing, in l. during rest, then ulcerative pain; tearing, when walking, almost paralyzing lower limbs, with chilliness. Tearing in r. on walking, with pain on touch; T. after dinner and supper, (<) knees; from hip-joint to foot at night, preventing sleep; burning at inner part of l. buttock. Pain in posterior muscles when sitting; in hip, (<) walking; in femora when sitting, she must change her seat often; in r. hip- joint, close to body, beginning and ending gradually; in r. every evening after lying down, so that she could not move; in nates, so that he could scarcely sit; undulating, in upper part of femur. Bruised pain on touch, with tension when walking; in r. hip-joint when lying on r. side; in hip-joint, (<) rising from a seat, (>) continued walking, with weakness. Pulling pain in hip after moving. Pain drawing upward in femora; intermittent D. pain over r. buttock. Drawing; from r. hip to sole all day. Soreness between T., with burning pain. Tension in l. as if asleep, extending to sole; paralytic, in r. when walking, and in hip- joint. Weight.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.