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Sepia – Homeopathy Remedy

Homeopathy medicine Sepia from Nash’s Testimony of the Clinic, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from his clinical experience, published in 1911….


CC Constipation. CC

(66) Case. – Mrs. A., of Delaware, called on me a few weeks since, complaining of what she termed dyspepsia. & Upon asking her to state her symptoms in the order of their severity as it seemed to her, she replied that a feeling of emptiness or goneness in the stomach discomforted her more than anything else, but she though it of no account, as she vomited all her food soon after taking it, and she would naturally feel emptiness and goneness from want of food. I desired her to state merely facts, and I would draw my own conclusions. She replied; “It is a fact that I vomit all my food; I have a painful sensation of emptiness in my stomach all the time; my sleep is broken and does not refresh me; my bowels are very costive, the stools being very knotty and very difficult, and they have scarcely been moved for two years without an injection, and I do not think they would be moved now at all without an injection. My urine is cloudy and offensive, and a hard crust settles that is difficult to scope from the vessel. I am very weak and miserable; have spent over two hundred dollars during the past two years for medicine, and despair of becoming any better; but I was compelled by my husband to consult you.

I always prescribe Sepia when a train of symptoms like the above in italics occur in a single case.

In this case I gave the patient a few pellets of Sepia 55m., dry, on her tongue, and three packages containing twelve powders each of Sac lac., one to be taken every night, and enjoined upon her that she should on no account resort to any more injections or other measures for the relief of her bowels or of other symptoms, and report to me in forty days. She thought she would not live to see me again if she were to leave off taking injections.

A few days ago she reported she had not vomited since seeing me, her bowels became regular very soon, and that she had no need of injections; indeed, she said she got well so fast her husband was frightened. He was coming to the city that day on business, and he wished her to come particularly and state what had been the matter, as she had been so sick so long, and had gotten so well so soon. He did not understand it. Sepia 55m., a single dose, always produces similar results in similar cases if plenty of time is allowed for the single dose to act. I do not give my experience hastily nor base it on a single case, I only delineate my path where it has been well trodden that others may follow it in safety. (H. N. Guernsey.)

CC Goitre. CC

(67) Case. – Charlotte S., 33, came to dispensary on June 10, 19909, complaining of enlargement of thyroid gland, only noticed since last November; for which she had been under an old school doctor without benefit.

Gets very hoarse; aching between and just below shoulder blades; leucorrhoea; pleurisy in November,; “not got over it,” Piles; depressing; she “worries.” Rheumatic family history.

Vaccinated once; took. Had very bad rheumatism at fourteen; anaemia.

Now thin; sepia face; anaemic; breath fetid. Heart nil. Chest nil.

The whole thyroid gland is enlarged, and there is a definite mass in the right lobe measuring about 2.1/2 centimeters across.

Sepia 200,, one dose only.

June 14. Rather better; constipation m. b.

August 5. Very much better. “Never noticed thyroid now.” Cyst is flatter. Placebo.

August 27. Dr. Weir (who saw patient last time also in August) writes: “Cyst much the same, hardly noticed. Rheumatism worse morning: rest; over – exertion; beginning to move; better constant motion; heat. Rhus 200, three doses.

November 4. Cannot find cyst; practically gone. Still piles when costive. Still some rheumatism. Appetite less good. Sepia 200 (only the second dose.)

December 14. Patient kindly showed herself to Dr. Searson’s post – graduate class at the hospital. The thyroid cyst.

This was a case of treating the patient instead of treating the outward manifestation of her malady, for Sepia does not appear in the list of drugs useful in thyroid complaints, but she was so typically Sepia that I was compelled at last to start with that medicine.

But Mr. Armbrecht tells me that “Sepia is a marvellous medicine for goitre,” as he has experienced with many Swiss girls with goitre that he has had in his employ; “but,” he adds,” they all had Sepia symptoms.” (Margaret A. Tyler.)

This case illustrate an important principle in homoeopathics, viz., that remedies have an affinity more or less strong for certain persons. This was recognized by Hahnemann, Hering and the masters along down to the present time. This was designated under the ‘rubric” “constitution or temperament.” Nor does this militate against Similia at all, as some have supposed. No remedy in proving could make a temperament. But a certain temperament may be more susceptible to one drug than another, and, that being true, symptoms and conditions will naturally arise in such a temperament as will call for that drug, and so Mr. Arm brecht observes, in corroboration of this case of Dr. Tyler’s, They all had Sepia symptoms.” No one would claim that Nux vomica symptoms might not appear in a Pulsatilla subject, for they might and Nux vomica be the similimum, but they would not be so apt to do so.

They would be an exception.

I remember a remarkable case under my own observation. A young lady had a very obstinate and very distressing itching eruption on the skin all over her body. I could not name it with certainty and cannot now.

She was sick in bed with it, and I could not give her relief for a long time. Baffled and chagrined I sat by the bedside looking at her, and all at once the thought came to me, this is a pure Lycopodium temperament. Brunette, dark eyes, complexion and hair; keen intellect but rather feeble muscular development. Upper part of body and face thin, lower limbs large; nervous, irritable, ungovernable etc.

Yes, but what about the skin symptoms? I knew it had marked skin symptoms, but was not so sure that they corresponded to this case. I was some distance from my office or I would have referred to the materia Medica then and there. I gave a dose of Lycopodium 200th. the next day I met the father on my way to see her. And he accosted me, Hellow! why did you not give Anna that medicine before? Why, said I. Why it has done her more good than all the rest you have done for her. She is a new person.

Without transcribing the symptoms here, when I came to look them up the skin symptoms were remarkably similar to those of my patient Lycopodium was the similimum temperament and all, but it was the recognition of the temperament that led me to it in this case. Now I admit that I ought to have known the symptoms or have studied until I did, but I was glad that I did know something about the importance of temperament in homoeopathic prescribing, and did into ignore it.

The Sepia, Calcarea carb., Nux vomica, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, etc., temperaments are familiar as household words, and we do well to recognize it. (N.) Treat the patient.

CC Procidentia. CC

(68) Case. – Mrs. Alice W., age 56, was admitted to the hospital with the following symptoms: Face pale, yellow spots on the face and saddle across the nose; throbbing headache every morning on waking and lasting all day; her abdomen naturally was very large, and she was greatly annoyed by rumbling in the abdomen. All kinds of food disagreed, causing bitter eructations; she also had a full feeling after eating. She had complete procidentia. With dreadful bearing down feeling, relieved by crossing the limbs.

Gave Sepia c. m., one dose. Next day she did not complain of the headache, but she suffered very much from colicky pains in the abdomen. I neglected to say that she also had desire to urinate very frequently; this symptom was also relieved. The condition of the stomach improved each day, until at the end of three weeks her appetite was quite good, and the uterus, though not in its normal position, had been drawn up into the vagina, and caused her little or no uneasiness. She returned to her home (from the hospital), did her own housework. I told her to come for medicine when she felt symptoms of her old trouble coming back; she comes back for medicine once a week ((placebo), as she wants to keep up the medicine that has done her so much good. The patient has had five does of medicine, repeated every five weeks, and is growing stronger and better in every respect each day. (Dr. Jennie Medley.)0

It would take many cases to show the wide range of action of this wonderful medicine known only to homoeopathy. We cannot use the space here, but will proceed to give our resume, around which the whole drug revolves.



1. Bearing down pains; must sit close and cross her legs to keep something from coming down out of the vagina.

2. Sense of fullness and weight in pelvis, pressing down into anus, as if a ball or weight; oozing of moisture.

3. Flushes of heat and perspiration, especially at climacteric.

4. Painful sense of emptiness or goneness at pit of stomach.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.