Homeopathy Remedy Plumbum

Clinical Chronic interstitial nephritis. Chronic Bright’s disease, with dropsy of the lower extremities, sensation of numbness, paralysis, etc. Haemorrhage of kidneys, with agonizing pain in the ureters. Acute nephritis, with bloody urine, mental depression, etc. Paralysis of the bladder, with difficult micturition, or even with retention of urine.

Sexual Organs

      Weakness. Impotency. Penis flaccid; P. painful; sensation as if tied at its root or along its course. Erection in morning; frequent E., with spasmodic retraction of testicles and even with emissions during colic. Inflammatory dysuria, constipation, delirium, gangrene of all these parts. Constriction of scrotum; so that at times testicles were drawn up into inguinal canal, with pain in small of back, scrotum and intestines. Skin of scrotum and thigh sore to touch after the sweat.

Testicles. Swelling; retraction at times. R. rose towards inguinal canal during the paroxysms. Shooting through them, almost causing faintness. Pain in l.; P. (>) suspending them with the hands; (>) compression; in T. and spermatic cord, with painful drawing in them and with contraction of scrotum; choking, in l.; at times extending into spermatic cord. Constriction. Tension.

Jerking in spermatic cord in morning, in afternoon stitches where it leaves abdomen. Paroxysmal pain along spermatic cord into l. testicle, which is then retracted. Desire increased; diminished; lost; seminal weakness. Emissions; in morning sleep, with voluptuous dreams; with biting on fraenum preputii; involuntary, causing, debility; unconscious, in sleep after wine, with relaxed penis, next morning violent E. on slight provocation; scanty, during coition.

Female. Vaginismus. Leucorrhoea. Inertia of uterus at delivery and post-partum haemorrhage, the child was very slight. Stillborn infants. PRemature births. Abortion; with abundant menorrhagia and colicky pains; then peritonitis; tired, heavy pain in lower limbs, (<) knees and about umbilicus and in groins, as if a cord were pulling down and extending to the very lower part of abdomen, same pain in upper limbs, feet, toes and back, (<) over tops of feet and hands, with the nausea of pregnancy, afterwards vomiting, with increased of these symptoms, ending in A. Menorrhagia Menses absent; for fourteen months, then returned scantily; M. that had ceased for two days returned; disturbed.

Clinical Dysmenorrhoea, with the characteristic sensation of a string pulling the abdominal walls towards the spine. Vaginismus, associated with excruciating colic, etc. Threatening abortion (from lack of development of the uterus).

Respiratory Organs

      Spasms. Constriction of larynx. Voice loud; V. nasal; hoarse; hoarse, rough; hoarse, almost toneless; tone impaired hollow; weak; lost its resonance, weak, like a woman’s articulation impeded, sometimes incomplete, weaker with each return of menses till it was faint whisper, no approximation of vocal cords on attempting to speak and glottis was wide open, hence fatigue of muscles of chest; panting, stifled; lost. Dry mucus in upper part of trachea, with pain, in chest on loosening it, with whistling in upper of chest on inspiration. Bronchitis.

Cough; in morning from dry mucus in upper part of chest; conclusive; hacking. Dry cough; on deep inspiration; with vomiting; and short, nervous, fatiguing; later with expectoration of mucus, finally with fever. Cough, with purulent expectoration; C., with bloody expectoration; coughing up blood, later spitting of blood, without cough. Haemoptysis; changing to suppuration of lungs (in a young man who had suppressed erysipelas with white lead).

Respiration. Asthma. Suffocation; on drinking Suffocative oppression during the colicky paroxysms. Asphyxia. Dyspnoea. Craving for air, (<) night, Anxious. Impeded. Difficult; compelling him to jump out of bed at night and open the window. Short; on walking, (<) ascending a height, with hoarseness and oppression in region of heart, (<) pressure. Wheezing. Heavy. Sighing; and slow. Intermittent. Slow, expiration stertorous on account of weakness of buccinators. Rapid; during the paroxysms, and short, during the paroxysms, sometimes interrupted and choking during attack of colic; inspiration R., incomplete and noisy during the paroxysms, as if checked by the pain; (<) during paroxysms of colic and arthralgia, with noise at entrance of nose and mouth; (<) during colicky paroxysms and anxious, difficult, irregular; and embarrassed; and painful; and anxious; and irregular; and interrupted, panting; in short jerks; and incomplete, short, suffocating and a king of jactitation; and feeble. Painful. Suddenly cut short. Arrested in afternoon when standing, sitting or moving r. arm towards the left, with sticking in sternum.


      Milk scanty. Suppuration of lungs. Gangrene of lungs. Tubercles in lungs. Consolidation in apices of lungs, with little cough, scarcely any rising of l. upper chest on inspiration, respiration harsh, almost bronchial. Mucus. Applied perpendicularly over sternum the instrument showed. 75 mm. Labored movement of C. and diaphragm. Weak action, (<) l., Dullness in l. apex, then in r. Rales at apices of lungs on auscultation. Vesicular murmur loud, with mucous rales, lungs congested. Friction of muscles, with other symptoms, so that it was difficult to satisfy myself that she had not pleurisy. Bronchial respiration was heard at apex of lungs.

Stitches in l.; in middle of sternum; in pectoralis major; in female breast; beneath mammae; below r. breast; deep in r. mamma; in l. mamma; in l. mamma, then in r.; in various parts of C. and shoulders; in and beneath mammae in morning, (>) rising; in l. in afternoon; beneath l. mamma near sternum in afternoon; now r., now l. side in afternoon and evening; in l. mamma in afternoon on inspiration; in upper part of sternum in afternoon during inspiration; in region of r. lower ribs in afternoon on turning body to right, (<) turning it backward, (>) rubbing; in l. upper part in afternoon, on rubbing it extended into mamma and then backward and upward under shoulder; in r. costal region after sitting down, (>) walking; beneath r. arm when standing, taking away her breath; in l. (<) inspiration, then tearing; in l. side near sternum, (>) rubbing; in breasts, with itching, and with suppuration about l. nipple and discharge of serous water, induration of r. breast, adherent towards outer apart, livid, with red streaks, pain extending into arm and affecting its use, thin corrosive discharge (after lead ointment on use, of hands); in l. side in afternoon, extending through scapula; below r. breast, extending into r. scapula; in front and sides, worse at interval; intermittent, in l.; not affected by respiration; paroxysmal, in external subclavicular region, near brachial plexus, (>) pressure; in r. side, becoming twinging.

Pleurisy. Tearing beneath r. arm. Cutting in C. and throat as if scraped by a shell, later the sensation was felt in throat only at times and exhausted him. Sudden boring in l. mammary region extending into back, (<) pressure, with fever and dyspnoea obliging her to sit up in bed, beats of heart tumultuous, rapid and resonant. Oppressive cramp in lower part after physical exertion, with fatigue. Pain; behind sternum; in l. lower intercostal muscles; in anterior parietes, (<) above costal cartilages, (<) tough and respiration; dared not dilate C. lest he should increase the pains; intermittent, in r. pectoralis; intermittent, in l. side anteriorly and posteriorly; dragging, as if a string were stretched from it to groin. Sensitiveness of anterior walls and of costal cartilages.

Pressure; upon lower part of sternum; (<) behind sternum, causing anxiety and making respiration difficult, the anxiety (<) movement or pressure of hand upon l. chest; upon l. independent of respiration; as from a block of wood against l. anterior lower part, as if on surface of lung, from morning after rising till after dinner, (<) inspiration, laughing and after dinner when lying on the sofa, with drawing sticking in l. upper arm and at times sticking between scapulae, with pain in chest. Constriction; at base and all around. Oppression; in morning; intermittent. Tightness. Anxiety. Rush of blood when walking rapidly. Sensibility to temperature diminished in sternal region.

Clinical It has prescribed in tuberculosis, haemorrhage from the lungs, cough, purulent expectoration, etc.


      Change in muscular structure, without coincident disease of values, with or without atheromatous degeneration of vessels, usually hypertrophy and dilatation of l. ventricle, sometimes with parenchymatous nephritis. Dilated, four beats heard instead of two, pulse vibrating as in insufficiency of aorta. Enlargement; and beats noticed over whole surface and in epigastric region, violent pulsation in the distend jugular veins, pulse small, rapid, with oppression and oedema of limbs, heart’s sounds of indefinite double friction murmurs; so that it was impossible to lie on l. side, with pressure upon H., but it maintained its rhythm through the respiratory intermission, slower at the beginning of the period and falling to 100 or 105 per minute, holding that for a time, then increasing rapidly till he breathed, when every available, muscle was exercised to give him air.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.