Homeopathy Remedy Plumbum

Mouth drawn aside. Bluish spots; blue blotches or lines; various shades of blue, Slate-coloured spots. Paleness. Redness of M. and fauces, with tenderness and soreness, all food except the mildest caused pain, heat and smarting. Froth. Mucus; tenacious, in morning on waking, Swelling of glands in M. and beneath chin. Aphthae, and in throat. Ulcers, with an offensive odor, (<) sides, later they are yellow; perforating U. on inside of cheeks and under side of tongue so that he cannot eat or drink. he swallows hot drinks best, healed by direct application of alum. Constriction, (<) lips, often prompted to extend lips. Burning pain, and in throat and stomach. Dryness; and in nostrils; and on lips; drier in morning than in evening, but thirst less. Sputa bloody; and lumpy. Salvia bluish, sweet; tenacious; alkaline. Salivation; dropping form mouth, (>) Mercurius sol.; sweetish, slimy- tasting in forepart of M., with dryness at root of palate posteriorly and in fauces, (>) swallowing saliva. Breath fetid; and metallic.

Taste. Sweetish; S. sour. Bitter; every morning; (<) night. Metallic. Coppery in morning on waking. Sulphurous and sour low down in throat. Styptic. Acrid. Nauseous. Clammy. Flat. Pasty. Diminished; (<) r. half of tongue. Perverted; so that he did not recognize ordinary food.

Clinical Paralysis of the tongue, with indistinct speech.


      Swelling of tonsils; of submaxillary glands, with pain; parotids, l. painful, red and hot. Inflammation of uvula; of tonsils, with induration. Hawking of sourish mucus; easy, of frothy, transparent, lumpy, yellowish-green, tenacious mucus. Choking on swallowing.

Pain. Constriction; in pharynx; in pharynx extending to stomach before and after eating, with cutting; spasmodic. Drawing in pharynx when eating, as if oesophagus would be torn open. Rawness. Roughness in morning, with hoarseness. Globus hystericus, Sensation of a foreign the sensation extended towards ear; sensation of foreign body all the forenoon, provoking sneezing, on swallowing it extended far down, but immediately returned; as if a foreign body slipped downward, then tearing in r. scapula; when smoking, as if something moved suddenly to base of skull and thence to l. orbital region, where it became a sticking. Swollen sensation of swallowing, with choking; S. sensation that obliges frequent swallowing and does not disappear. Dryness; in fauces; in morning. Heat; in fauces, with tickling. Paralysis of pharyngeal muscles.

Oesophagus. Crawling. Heat. Feels food descending and reaching stomach. Swallowing difficult.

Clinical Has occasionally been used for granular sore throat, especially with symptoms of paralysis of pharyngeal muscles, difficulty in swallowing liquids.


      Great hunger; in evening; in evening before sleep, with nausea; in throat extending to stomach, returning after eating; for bread and cake all the time. Great relish for tobacco. Appetite lost; diminished. Aversion to food. Thirst; in morning; after dinner; (<) evening; but liquid was returned with straining as soon as taken; for cold water; for cold drinks; unquenchable; absent. Dread of all drinks.

Eructations; worse at end of paroxysms of colic, with nausea and vomiting; with sensation in mouth as after sugar; sour; distressing; paroxysmal; nauseating; of strange taste; offensive; of offensive taste; tasting of the food; of tasteless water. Sweetish eructations; relieving temporarily; of water from an empty stomach; as if about to vomit, Empty eructation; after breakfast; in evening before sleep, with nausea; of bitter, fetid smell and taste. Ineffectual attempts to eructate, then yawning. Hiccough (Lycopodium). Nausea; after every meal, with uneasiness; before the colic; with uprising as far as chest; with load at pit of stomach; anxious; fatiguing. Retching; with eructations of thin white mucus or greenish bitter fluid; almost conclusive.

Vomiting; in morning; soon after eating during the colicky spasms; with colic; constant (Cuprum, Phosphorus); constant, with constipation; of food (Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Ferrum); of everything taken into stomach: faecal; faecal, with colic and constipation; of lead-colored faces; blackish; of a brownish liquid streaked with blood; bloody; violent; difficult, also with anxiety; difficult, of mucus and bile; causing hard lumps in region of stomach, which were (>) friction; of substance like corroded copper; like the white of egg; stringy; of clear, acid fluid or else bile; bilious; of matter tasting like liquorice; yellow mucus and bilious matter; yellowish, offensive, with colic; of bilious yellow substances like green vitriol; blackish-yellow. Greenish vomiting: (<) night and early morning, and watery; and watery, also with momentary relief; and bitter; and bitter, thick; and bitter, bilious; bitter, difficult (with the colic); of bilious fluid; and scanty, thick, dark, and difficult, bitter, depositing a copious, thick, slimy sediment; yellowish; grass; porraceous, aeruginous.

Epigastrium tense and hard. Epigastrium depressed. Stick; in pit extending to back; across S. and hypogastrium. Pricking in pit, gradually amounting to pain, worse at intervals, drawing him double. Tearing in Epigastrium and umbilicus, worse by paroxysms, during which he is restless, lies on his belly, complains and screams, abdomen contracted and hard; T. in epigastrium, less at umbilicus and hypogastrium, worse at times, when with a shrunken, wild-looking countenance she threw herself into strange attitudes, uttered sharp cries and begged those about her to press upon her abdomen. Cramp. Enteralgia, with exhausting fever. Cardialgia. Griping in pyloric region.

Sharp pain at epigastrium, worse at intervals, when there is laceration. Intermittent boring in pit extending into r. side; B. in epigastrium, worse by paroxysms, slight at hypogastrium, scarcely felt in umbilicus, acute in r. testicle, the pain (>) gradual pressure with the flat hand, (<) sudden and forcible bearing down on abdomen, pressure did no good unless limbs were previously flexed upon pelvis, pressure caused the pain to shift its place.

Pain; in pit; cardiac extremity; epigastrium; after eating; in epigastrium after eating, with fulness; at insertions of diaphragm during inspiration; (<) hot or cold drinks; in S., abdomen and loins, with internal heat; extending to loins and down limbs, (<) l.; extending over abdomen; in pit gradually extending over abdomen; in pit extending to umbilicus; in pit extending to middle of chest; changing to ileus; irregular, about epigastrium; in epigastrium, worse at intervals; as from fasting, in morning, (>) rising; as from much undigested food, after a moderate dinner till late in evening, with heaviness in occiput, (<) moving head; heavy, in epigastrium, causing sensation as if abdomen were drawn towards spine; anxious, in pit.

Paroxysmal pain in epigastrium extending to chest, thence along external surface of upper limbs, he sits up in bed, with uneasiness, anxiety, palpitation, suffocation almost amounting to syncope, respiration 35 to 40, then prostration; P. pain in epigastrium radiating to all parts of abdomen, (<) night and eating, (>) pressure, later increasing to griping and twisting, afterwards weight in abdomen, tenesmus and throbbing in epigastrium, sleeplessness, restlessness, though the pain prevented walking.

Twisting pain in epigastrium, worse at umbilicus, (<) pressure, (>) friction; paroxysmal, in epigastrium, (>) pressure, also at umbilicus, he lies on his belly, bends double, keeps changing position and face is pinched; paroxysmal, in epigastrium and umbilicus, with distortion of face, grievous cries, lies on belly, doubles herself up, ties handkerchiefs tightly around her, walks the room, etc., but no position relieves; worse by paroxysms, in epigastrium and umbilicus, with tearing in r,. hypochondrium.

Sensitiveness to pressure; in epigastric region Burning pain; at pit; in epigastric region; extending through abdomen, with cutting; worse at epigastrium than an umbilicus or hypogastrium, worse by paroxysms, (>) gradual pressure; constrictive, later in umbilical region at intervals. Heat; in epigastric region also with pain that extended to region of heart. Sensation as of boiling water when cold drink reaches it, then profuse vomiting of the color and consistence of coffee.

Constriction; in epigastric region; in epigastric region extending to pharynx when the colic is coming on, preventing drinking. Tightness; in epigastrium; in pit, Fulness; after eating. Feeling in epigastrium as if a ball ascended to throat, where it caused suffocation preventing speaking and swallowing, with anxiety. Weight; in epigastrium; in epigastrium, with smarting pain and pain on touch, Sensation as if S. and abdomen were drawn upward and backward. Sensation as if it turned after swallowing liquids, aggravating the abdominal pains. Discomfort. Uneasiness after eating, with weight, digestion slow. Depressed sensation in pit, with distress,. Emptiness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.