Homeopathy Remedy Plumbum

Hypogastrium. Congestion of inguinal glands. Rumbling in r. iliac fossa. Movements in forenoon, with cutting. Sticking in transverse colon; in small intestines; in r. side in afternoon; in l. groin on stooping after dinner, and on rising S. in umbilical region, (>) stooping. Griping; in transverse colon; (>) pressure. Crampy paroxysms every quarter of an hour, with pain and coldness, passing like lightning from groin to leg, without involving posterior part of thigh, if when the attacks come on he is leaning on a cane he falls to the ground, the pain feels as if in the bones, but is (>) strong pressure, between the paroxysms constriction in limb. Pain; in iliac region; and in renal region; along colon; in region of transverse colon, (<) pressure; (>) pressure; in a spot between tip of ilium and symphysis, with distention; myalgic, from testicles, at times excruciating; drawing, from pubic region to middle of spine. Sensitiveness to pressure in r. iliac region; to hard pressure in r. iliac fossa. Sounded well on percussion, but attempting to introduce the catheter aggravated the pains, entrance only affected during the remission and few drops of red urine were drawn off. Paroxysmal constriction, with anxiety, nausea, eructations, small, rapid pulse, cold skin, later sensation as if two arrows were drawn through abdomen in opposite directions. Compression, (<) pressure, worse at intervals, with coolness there. Oppression. Sensation of incarcerated flatus. Dragging in colon, with ineffectual efforts to pass stool and flatus. In H. and low in rectum, painful, ineffectual desire to pass flatus.

Clinical Colic, walls of the abdomen tense and hard; about the navel, with terrible tearing pain; with extreme distention of the transverse colon; with tympanitic distention of the abdomen in circumscribed swelling as large as the first; with complete obstruction of the bowels and frequent vomiting. Jaundice, with nausea and vomiting. Many cases of incarcerated hernia. Chronic inflammation of the liver, with constipation, vomiting of green mucus, pain from the liver to left side and to the back, or a feeling of string pulling the liver backward.


      Closed forcibly upon finger introduced into it during paroxysms. Injections cannot be retained more than five minutes, they are rejected hurriedly, Crawling and sticking. Weight. Tenesmus; and of bladder. Feeling as if he would pass a thin stool, but he does not. Urging to a stool that was scanty and consistent, with pressure. Sluggish desire at times, stool sluggish and tenacious; ineffectual D.

Clinical Neuralgia of the rectum.


      Haemorrhoids caused by violent efforts. to evacuate. Drawn up; with constriction; with itching haemorrhoids. Prolapsus. Formication., Burning during stool. Tenesmus; with pressing boring.


      Watery; and frequent; at first, afterwards in small pieces, of penetrating odor. Diarrhoea; before colic; only during lead colic; with burning in rectum, preceded by tenesmus; with tenesmus; then constipation; alternating with constipation during pregnancy, black, small; yellow; yellow and copious; yellow, with pain; frequent, offensive; painless, with rumbling in abdomen. Sometimes thin, sometimes globular, sometimes triangular, nearly always dark, afterwards constipation. Dysentery; bloody, with fever, cutting in stomach and abdomen and eructations so that everything seemed turned to gas.

Constipation; with nausea and vomiting; with heat in abdomen; with pain in epigastric region and back; then diarrhoea, often involuntary; causing fissure of anus, although there was a stool nearly every day. Like sheep-dung, scanty; and only two in three days; like S., ashy gray; like S., white, with effort; yellowish, rounded, as the disease progresses they become softer, at last often watery. Hard in morning, with pressure and sticking, three soft ones in afternoon; H. and scratching; and difficult; and light gray, tenacious, difficult.

Blackish Scanty (Opium), painful, only once in eight or ten days; B., fetid; every other day, thick; or green in balls, often hard. Dark; and smooth. Lead colored. Fawn-colored. Yellow, consistent, passed unconsciously. PAle. Indolent;a nd tough, at last streaked with blood, Bloody; and small; with tenesmus. Scybalous. Copious. Involuntary. Painful. Difficult; before colic; and indolent. Irregular. Twice since 5 A.M. Every other day. Once in two or three days.

Clinical Diarrhoea, particularly with a sensation of something pulling the navel backward, with actual retraction; one case of diarrhoea, following typhoid fever; colic, alternating with delirium. Constipation, with spasm of the sphincter any, especially with the sensation of a string pulling the anus into the rectum; with terrible spasms of the anus, pains in the muscles of the tights, etc.; with violent pain in the caecal region, where there is a hard, sore swelling, with retraction of the navel; with most violent colic and retraction of the navel.

Urinary Organs

      Prostate indurated. Nephritis; with fever; parenchymatous. Bladder distended, pain in region; itching and burning pain in neck and in perineum; constriction towards neck, difficulty in introducing sound; sphincter did not permit urine to pass. for more than thirty-six hours, so that bladder extended up to umbilicus, at times testes retracted into inguinal canal causing pain in back, loins, scrotum and perineum; inactivity, micturition difficult; paralysis of sphincter, which allowed urine to pass guttatim. Tenesmus; ineffectual, sometimes after on effort, which increases the pains, urine passes guttatim; frequent ineffectual. Desire in forenoon, with inability to urinate immediately; frequent D., urine always scanty; frequent D., micturition painful, urine often high-colored, depositing a lateritious sediment.

Strangury. Dysuria. Micturition difficult; and by drops; and a little at a time; and frequent, scanty; and painful; only affected by forcible contraction of abdominal muscles, which increases the pains; possible only during remission of abdominal pains. Micturition painful. M. rare; and scanty. Frequent M. of usual amount in afternoon. M. impossible at times. Involuntary M.; during epileptic spasms; between epileptic seizures. Ischuria; with inflammatory fever. Urine retained; suppressed; suppressed, only a few drops of body mucus in bladder; Urethra retracted; painful where it leaves bladder; smarting along U. at beginning of micturition; scalding on micturition, also still more so afterwards.

Urine. Copious; at 4 A.M., then pain in abdomen as after taking cold, (>) emission of flatus, then sticking in abdomen; and pale; and watery, with a pellicle looking like spermaceti and leaving a greasy mark, reaction acid, depositing a flaky sediment, which showed a few mucous granules and one cell of renal epithelium, containing several fatty globules. Scanty and dark, evacuated by drops; S. and deep red; and red, easily discharged; and lipid; passed only once in twenty-four hours; and high-coloured, with decrease of extractive matters, urea, phosphoric acid, uric acid and chlorides, later with anemia and double the quantity of normal excrementitious matter in the blood, lastly albuminuria, the amount of urine variable, sometimes almost normal but the density low, extractives diminished, and whether there is albuminuria or not there is not increase of uric in blood and no uric acid in serum of a blister. Dark; and turbid; and depositing many lithates on cooling. Red; brownish; and acid; soon decomposing and becoming thick with flaky clouds. Brown-yellow. Orange-coloured. Dull yellow. Pale; pale lemon-coloured, clear, alkaline, without sediment. Haematuria. Contained a little sugar and mucus. Alkaline, but not limpid. Acid. Dark brown sediment.

Aluminous urine; without oedema; without urea, sp. gr. 1002; urine scanty; brownish-red, turbid, acid, sediment flocculent, consisting of red blood-corpuscles and many short, thick, turbid cylinders best with red blood-corpuscles, all the symptoms of acute, diffuse nephritis; sp. gr. 1030, yellowish-brown, acid, clear, with many granular cylinders; containing cells from kidneys; containing epithelial casts traces of lead; color reddish amber, with much uric acid; alkaline, with traces of lead; with amaurosis and cerebral of face and limbs, unconsciousness, frothing from mouth and puffiness of face; with many casts, it had to be drawn with a catheter, two days afterwards anuria, trismus, opisthotonos, convulsions, during which the tongue was bitten, pupils contracted and indolent, then loss of mind, on following days the amount of urine (in spite of infusion of squills) was 600 and 700 c. cm., seventeen grammes of urea in twenty-four hours, pains in limbs, later urine and urea increased, albumen diminished, pus disappeared, mind became free, but death from erysipelas; yellowish-brown, scanty, turbid, sediment of many tubular crystals of uric acid, hyaline cylinders, to some of which adhered cells similar to white blood- corpuscles, to others fat drops.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.