Homeopathy Remedy Plumbum

Lower Extremities

      Oedema. Redness. Gait unsteady; and knees converged, and walking painful, long standing impossible, he drags his feet and can hardly go up and down stairs; G. awkward, he often fell in crossing the floor, it hurt him to walk, pain in feet, (<) soles. Trembling; when sitting, lying or lifting legs, (<) r. Cramp; with acute and paroxysmal pins. Neuralgic pains. Lightning-like pain (Thall.). Tearing; (<) popliteal spaces, calves and soles. Pain; (<) movement and pressure, with redness and inflammation; (<) anterior part of thighs and calves, so that it was difficult to rise in bed; encircling them; paroxysmal, also (<) movement, (>) gentle pressure. Bruised pain, (<) soles and knees, worse by paroxysms, with at times cramp. Rheumatic pain on pressure; R. pain in knees and feet and in muscular part of thighs and calves, the muscular pains excited by movement and accompanied by cramps. Intense reflex excitability from pressure on the painful parts, (<) l. Weakness; in afternoon; when walking; with stiffness; (walking difficult, (<) in the dark, at times with Lancinations.) Paralytic sensation. Insensibility; and stiffness. Difficulty in walking; r. leg dragged; D. in moving r.; sudden D. in ascending stairs. 1:48 Am. Standing and walking impossible, when he tries; to stand the thigh is flexed upon leg and upon foot, so that the balls and sole form hollow. Paralysis; of r.; of peroneal muscles and extensors of toes.

Thigh. Flexed upon pelvis from semi-flexion of leg upon thigh, caused by paralysis of triceps and anterior crural nd contraction of their antagonizing muscles. Wasted in anterior part; gluteals and large extensor in front while biceps and flexors from trochanter to. tibia were very strong and contracted; W., with inability to stand upon leg, extend it or flex thigh upon abdomen, less of motion in all muscles supplied by anterior crural nerve, on trying to raise leg it turned outward by action of biceps and in crossing leg over other it must be lifted with the hands. Jerking in l. Spasmodic shaking above r. knee. Cramp. Crampy feeling after an hour’s drive. Sticking; in anterior part; in posterior and inner parts; in region of r. hip afternoon, then in r. hypochondrium, (>) walking; in r. hip in afternoon on moving r. arm towards l.; in r. when walking, then also in l.; from hips extending to knees; in forepart and in popliteal spaces and in tibial and peroneal surface of legs, (<) movement,(>) pressure, althernation with cramps in thighs; jerking in inner in upper part of l. in afternoon. Tearing in middle of inner surface of l.; in forepart and in popliteal spaces; in forepart of T. and knees, worse intervals, (<) movement; above l. knee in afternoon when standing, (>) rubbing, then sticking in r. hypochondrium after sitting. Pain; along r. sciatic nerve; in l. hip and r. knee; adductors of both and extensors of l. with pain on pressure; paroxysmal; (in hip-joints, (<) walking, it extended to malleoli, finally oedema, with pain on pressure and movement, afterwards mostly transferred to knees); paralytic, on ascending steps, and in knee and ankle; burning, in spots steps, bruised; in a spot in middle of l., a hand’s breadth blow groin, as if a tendon would snap, always at the beginning of a step. Drawing in r. hip joint when lying. Weakness of r. T. and leg; W. in extensor and adductor muscles. Numbness over l. T. and buttock.

Knee. Laxity of K. and ankle, so that gait was tottering. Jerking. Cramps; in popliteal spaces, calves, backs and soles of feet, temporarily (>) pressure and walking, leg and feet flexed, afterward tearing. Lancinations; in r. in evening when standing, (>) moving it back and forth; through and through r.; extending to soles and intermittent heat in soles; intermittent, in K., calves and soles, (>) warmth of bed and pressure, between the paroxysms constriction; burning, in inner side of l. when sitting. Tearing in K. and soles, (<) movement, warmth of bed and firm pressure, (>) light friction, worse by paroxysms, during which there are cramps in feet; T. in popliteal space, calf and soles, (<) motion, (>) pressure, worse by paroxysms, during which there are cramps in feet; passing to soles, where they are the worst also in backs of feet, toes and calves and popliteal spaces, varying in degree according to the order in which they are named, worse by paroxysms, (<) night and by walking, movement and heat, (>) rest, with burning sometimes the cramps are felt in calves and soles, where there are pricking and formication, sometimes jerks through the whole body, (<) lower limbs. Pain; in bone in bend; popliteal spaces; deep in r. in morning on ascending steps; (<) inner part; in l., with effusion; paroxysmal; and under soles and between lower limbs, even in feet, making walking difficult; in zones in l. K. and ankle, with anaesthesia legs, (<) l.; tearing jerking, preventing walking. Bruised pain; in popliteal spaces. Weight; when walking. Weakness; when he is fatigued; on ascending steps. Sudden bending when standing and walking, so that I fell. Stiffness. Inability to extend it.

Leg. Enlarged veins on calves, with varicose dilatations; many reddish and bluish veins on calves. Swollen. R. flexed upon abdomen. Semi-flexed upon thigh, difficult to extend; r. S. upon thigh, extension impossible, thigh flexed upon abdomen, inability to stand upon r. limb alone; r. S. when left to itself while sitting or standing when lying it is extended by mere mechanical movement; l. almost S., flexion and extension difficult. Trembling. Spasmodic contraction. Jerking in r. tibia. Cramp; in calves; r. calf; calves, (<) night; l. at night,. ascending the whole body and affection throat so that he could not speak. Sticking in calves. Tearing in l. towards instep in afternoon, on rubbing it extends into hollow of knee, then sticking in former place, (>) rubbing. Sharp pain in calves before the colic. Pain in l. in lower part; calves; r. calf; muscles of calves; at night, waking him often, (>) sudden jumping and hard rubbing; in tibia when walking; (<) night; in upper part of one, with swelling of principal cutaneous vein at back of r.; bruised, in morning after rising, (>) walking. Hyperaesthesia in muscles of calf. Throbbing in a spot on outside of r. calf when lying. Weakness; of r.; with flabbiness of muscles. Insensibility of posterior part of r. from two inches below knee to ankle, with a numb sensation. Falling asleep of l. Want of motor coordination, he strikes the ground with his heel when he puts his leg out, staggering if he walking with his yes shut. Paralysis of r., with atrophy of r. thigh; P. of tibialis anticus and peroneus tertius.

Ankle. Bony projection. Swelling of l., with pain in it; extending half way up legs. OEdema; and legs covered posteriorly with livid spots and superficial ulcerations. Pain; in malleoli; l. extending to knee. Sprained sensation on outer side of r. in morning.

Foot-Swollen. OEdema. Shortening, with paralysis and atrophy. Dorsum arched and sole hollowed. Twisted inward abduction paralyzed, tibial region atrophied. Pointed downward, plantar surface hollowed, so that he can hardly stand, much less walk; l. pointed downward, toes firmly flexed, instep on the stretch, so that the heel is lifted high. Extended, it cannot be flexed, abducted or adducted; r., and it points downward, which the heel is drawn high up. When walking they are lifted like dead weight and when extended they strike hard upon the ground, by pressure against which they are flexed, he seems to move by skips and jumps; dragged along along stiff when walking, inability to plant entire sole upon ground. One began to drag, and soon he could only creep, hands of that side soon affected. Cramplike contraction of muscles of l. sole during rest. Spasmodic working from side, and they often drew back out of. the shoes, inability to draw on a book, when sitting still the legs insensibly drew back till the feet got entangled under the chair, this drawing back of the leg made if difficult to ascend stairs, a man held the food on the first step while a person behind assisted me to rise so as to place the other foot on the next stair, and the man held that foot in place, when descending stairs I straightened the whole limbs before planting the foot upon the next stair. Cramp; in soles before the colic, with lancinations. Gout of l. Shooting from soles to hips when walking and standing. Pricking in soles; with formication. Tearing in soles; extending upward in r. heel. Pain; in soles; after a mustard foot bath, which removed the headache; remittent; heavy, gradually extending to legs and bowels; bruised, in soles. Soreness in soles in morning. (>) exercise and warmth; S. of soles so that he dreaded to touch the floor, with shooting extending to loins. Soft sensation in sole on touching ground. Heaviness. Weariness; in soles, (<) sitting, with heaviness. Diminished sensibility of back of r. Numbness. Falling asleep. Difficulty in putting it to the ground, also seemed dead, and when stepping felt as if round sausages were under them. Lateral movement impossible. Paralysis of F. and toes, with tenderness of F.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.