Homeopathy Remedy Plumbum

Wandering pains. Pain rapidly changing in character. Neuralgic pains in all parts; (<) loins. Pain in paralyzed parts, sometimes lancinating, sometimes contusive, (<) motion and pressure; crawling paroxysmal P. in bones, (<) above l. knee and in l. forearm; paroxysmal; benumbing; bruised, in affected parts, and sometimes gnawing; bruised; in paralyzed parts, or at times pricking and formication, then numbness, with sensitiveness to cold, which increases the pain.


      rheumatic pain (muscular); arthralgic and neuralgic pains about trunk and limbs; deep arthralgic pains, as if in bones, (<) flexors, then trembling of fingers passing into paralysis, paralysis of extensors of upper limbs, slightly of lower, arms when left to themselves hung dangling as if turning on a pivot, inability to raise hands or fingers, back of hands arched, fingers bent rotatory motion of arms lost, all use of muscles attended with injury, they had lost their contractile power, abdominal muscles less affected, the A. pain greatest in parts not paralyzed, pain worse in inside of knees, l. intercostal muscles affected, preventing sneezing, thirst (<) afternoon and when fatigued, at one time highly nervous pulse, soreness in all the flesh except a spot in inner part of l. thigh, which was insensible, at times burning in soles,(>) pressing them against the bare footboard, at times pain between scapulae, nearer r. than l. shoulder,(>) lying on back and pressing on the part.


      of cutaneous nerves; intermittent, sometimes of the part, sometimes of another, (<) over bony processes, for example, spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae, but deep pressure relieved the pain; H. of muscles. Soreness of muscles. compression between the paroxysms, with burning. Tingling. Restlessness (Arsenicum); between the paroxysms. Pulsation in hands and feet dinner, (<) head.


      in morning on rising with lack of courage; at twilight, he lay down, felt the beating of pulse, burning spots in face, trembling of head and vertigo as if the couch moved, renewed by thinking of it, sensitiveness to noise, at last sleep for three hours, on waking prostration, (>) moving about, but there remained Dullness in head and bruised feeling in small of back; on walking; after motion; (<) r. side; he lies down, feels beating in neck and abdomen and can sleep but little; r. side becomes weaker and weaker, mobility diminished, atrophy of posterior part of upper arm, limited extension of hand, anaesthesia of r. limbs, r. side of face and trunk, diminished sensibility of r. side of tongue, reflex movement in throat almost abolished, voice nasal and speech indistinct.

Nervous prostration. Faintness; in morning; on ascending stairs or on any undue exertion; always on rising from a seat; in a room full of people, with frequent dimness of vision; (>) food; with praecordial uneasiness. Malaise. Collapse.

Immobility; of large dorsal and pectoral muscles, of shoulders, arms and hands, only difficult raising of shoulders by action of trapezius. Rigidity of limbs, spasmodic closure of jaws, inability to stand, afterwards chilliness; painful R. on movement. Movements difficult; in bed, so that he lies on back; and slow, painful Movements slow and feeble. Want of Coordination, so that she fell from her chair.

Anaesthesia of affected parts; of scattered parts; of r.

     side of body; r. limbs, r. side of chest, abdomen and back, bounded exactly by median line; r. arm, extending over r. side of face and r. lower limb; of skin; of skin, with pain deep in limbs, thus paralysis may be accompanied by both anaesthesia and hyperaesthesia; of skin in hypogastric and iliac regions, penis, scrotum and upper two-thirds of things, pressure on hypogastrium causes pain, but not on other parts, pain is felt when a pin is thrust in deeply or muscles are pinched; to burning of whole r. side, but a blister in the middle of forepart of the insensible r. thigh caused pain; to pricking in r. upper limb (except shoulder), of r. foot, r. leg and lower third of r. thigh, diminished sensibility of r. side of face, r. shoulder and upper two-thirds of r. thigh, the line between partial and entire sensibility on thigh corresponding with the border of the shirt.

Diminished sensibility of r. side of body; r. side of trunk and on front of chest, corresponding to the part of the shirt worn during the work; to pricking; tactile in upper limbs, (<) r., of r. side of face and of r. lower limb, more on dorsal than palmar surface of forearms; electrical, on r. side; under electricity, difficult contraction of deltoid, pectoralis major, flexors and outer layer of muscles of forearm and posterior rhomboid, trapezius and longissimus dorsi. Analgesia of whole surface, sensitiveness to tickling diminished in palms, (<) l.; A. of r. half of body, (<) forearm and hand, l. cornea has little sensibility. Sensibility to temperature diminished; in r. side; in r. side, (<) upper limb; on r. forearm and l. side of face, which is the one most affected with anaesthesia. Sensibility perverted, pricking caused a sensation as if rubbed, and pinching a sensation as if touched.

Paralytic sensation extending from back towards hands and feet, (<) l. side of body, which felt asleep, inability to move, this paralytic condition disappeared with a shock, then spasmodic stretching of l. limbs, which seemed dead, l. fingers spasmodically closed, pronation of wrist and gradual extension of arm at elbow, extension of l. leg, this cramp returned at intervals, loud cries from pain, partial consciousness. short, indistinct answers later these spasms in other muscles, head jerked to l. side, so that the chin rested on l. clavicle, next day frequent spasms and the pallor of the face of the first day changed to redness, on third day similar spasms in r. side with opisthotonos, then rattling in trachea and oozing of tenacious, frothy mucus from mouth, between the spasms jerking of facial muscles.


      One-sided; l. sided hemiplegia, with contractions of l. hand and distortion of face towards the right; dextral hemiplegia, (<) upper part of body; of r. side, with curvature of spine; (of r. upper limb and r. half of face including tongue); of extensors of forearms and on lower limbs, and symptoms of general P. of the insane, he could not lift the feet from the ground, then bilateral facial spasms, trismus, jerkings of upper limbs, the flexors of which were rigid, while lower limbs were rigidly extended; of all parts, with insensibility; in parts, with sensitiveness to cold; incomplete, (<) upper limbs, external muscles wasted and soft; motor and sensory, (<) r. side of body; beginning with numbness of the parts and trembling, ending in loss of motion and atrophy, also ending with loss of motion, and when the trembling parts are moved their muscles oscillate in their contractions, and the trembling parts are weak.

Two or three crises during the day, with prickings in skin, contractions of jaws and limbs, supraorbital pain, twitching and constriction in temples, that night spasmodic cries more frequent but less violent, tingling in limbs. Aggravation at night; and lying in bed, they caused such agitation and anxiety that he was often obliged to rise and walk about the house all night aided by some one, bent position when walking as well as when in repose, in the morning he was worn out by fatigue and suffering; A. from drinking; paroxysms renewed by drinking, thence though thirsty he dared not drink often.

Amelioration at night; A. from drinking; from friction and strong pressure; from pressure during the paroxysms, but between them aggravation.

Clinical General anaemia, mucous membranes very pale persistent vomiting of food. Chlorosis, with palpitation and oedema of the feet. Inveterate chlorosis, with extreme constipation. (It is said to follow iron well.) Epilepsy; one case always appearing with menstruation, associated with colic, obstinate constipation and sallow complexion.


      Delirium; with violent convulsions; with trembling of tongue and hands; when his attention was strongly attracted to anything what he said at first was rational; has facial expression does not correspond with the conversation he is engaged in or other external influences; nightly, alternating with sopor; tranquil during the day, furious at night; restless; violent, at night; violent; violent, followed by morbid ideas; violent, with screaming and running about, after the epileptiform spasm; resembling delirium tremens; raging, with hallucinations of vision; raging, in paroxysms alternating with quiet; difficulty in putting him to bed, he tore the cloths and spoke incoherently; bites his garments and bed-clothes; impelling them to tear themselves and bite their own fingers; often getting out of bed and desiring to go home, sometimes not recognizing his family, thought they were conspiring to kill him; imagined that he was constantly followed, that he heard voices from the chimney, later was convinced that friends in the building pursued him and sought his life; did not close his eyes all night, sometimes was silent and quiet, sometimes hurried out of bed, wanted to dress himself, talked incoherently, was abusive, when put into a strait-jacket he resisted, screamed and bit an assistant, later he was quiet and had an astonished look; sudden furious, with shouts and abuse against all who approached him, thought that he was in danger of assassination or poisoning and that every one about him was a murderer, he walked about briskly, knocking against every obstacle, face flushed, eyes sparkling and fierce, heat and strength increased, then coma, during which he lay stretched out, motionless, with closed eyes and pale face, then sudden return of delirium, thus alternations of? D. and coma; sudden restless, in evening hears every where threatening voices, officers come to arrest him, to seize the furniture and to expel him from his lodgings, voices come from the pillow, the mattress, they enter by the window, where he sees people, and they consult about him with closed doors, he gets up, looks for his clothing, wants to run away, next morning he sits at the edge of the bed, with eyes fixed on the window or looking about restlessly, recognizes every one, replies correctly, but cannot remember what he ate yesterday, etc., insists, but as if afraid to acknowledge it, on the reality of his hallucinations; talked incoherently at night, left his bed and wanted to lie in another bed, eyes projecting and fixed, face expressed astonishment, next day he was listless, at 5 P.M. he began to rave, chattering alternating with silence, face had a wild expression, worse at night, took part in all conversation he heard or fancied he heard; in sudden attacks in evening and night alternating with deep sleep, with the D restlessness, railing and threats, next day face flushed and covered with sweat, eyes fixed and expressionless, bloodshot, lids swollen, pupils, (<) r., dilated, expression of face dull, frequent movement so that he had to be put into. a strait- waistcoat; with sudden epilepsy, then slight coma, then, return of D., eyes sometimes fixed, sometimes rolling, with unnatural expression of face, sometimes unexpected bursts of laughter, slight spasms of limbs and face, sometimes said that he was insane, at night incongruous disconnected talking, tried to get into the neighboring bed, wanted to strike the nurse, urinated in the middle of the floor, pronunciation rapid and incomplete; walked like one groping in the dark, sometimes incoherent, hurried talking in a trembling voice, more often was silent, got into bed and fell into a deep sleep, then began to behave in the same way again, made incongruous demands upon those about him, sometimes cried like a child, sleepless, the D. and restlessness (<) night; sometimes talks unintelligibly to himself, more frequently is silent, when his attention is strongly attracted he answers rationally at first, then utters some word without meaning or connection, then takes up again the thread of logical thought, he generally waits some time before answering, as if it required great mental exertion to understand what is said; talk like a child who has not learned to speak plainly, sometimes cannot get hold of the right words, especially substantives, then frets and sometimes becomes desperate, less trouble with adjective; saw palaces and castles; fancied at times that he heard delightful music, which soothed his sorrows, he was never sleepy.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.